A gun is a weapon made with the intent to harm. So how is controlling that 'intent' a bad thing?

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If all we had were poison darts fired through a hollow stick and using nothing but lung pressure, the words “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” would still apply.

Thanks for reminding me I need to buy more poison darts before you fucking kikes try to make them illegal too.

Imagine if every day dozens of children were killed by Muslims and the Democratic Party said, "Actually, what we need is MORE Muslims" and half the country was like, "That seems right."

Really grills the ol kebabs, dont it?

kill yourself shill rat

Imagine a world without kikes

Sometimes people and things need killing so you and yours aren't the ones being killed.

>Just savaged with poison darts for no raisins while they are petting their little wabbits and saying pwers.
That's exactly what will be happening if ban guns, it'll be the only way to defend yourself against the the marauding African American gangs that have lots of guns.
Secondly it's like what it is, not more like something else. Don't be silly.

>gives a shit about children's lives
>pro choice on abortion

Twitter is a weapon made with the intent to harm.

If poison darts were the only way to defend against criminals then yes, everyone should have a poison dart.

It's beautiful. But how do we go about getting rid of them?

Let palestinians into Israel, let blacks loot NYC and Hollywood

The end

>poison is illegal

Ban Jews

You forgot Florida. But, that can be rectified by releasing Nick Cruz and arming him.

How do we contain the blacks in NYC and Hollywood once the deed is done? Once those cities are ruined, they will look for gibs elsewhere.

wtf i love the npda now

Poison darts are an even worse example since creating them is much easier than guns and bullets. You only need a few apple cores to get cyanide.

Tell them they will receiving a check in t he mail in 3 days, drop payload right after that so you know they're at home waiting

Posts like this make me realize that leftists are actually retarded.

For clarification: Yes, the guns are for killing, killing human beings efficiently, they are for defense of the country from enemies foreign and domestic. Rescind the second amendment if you don't like it, but this is how reality is.

Bonus: Armed occupants are an excellent deterrent for would-be assailants. This is why schools should not be gun-free zones, because an assailant otherwise will know they have until the police arrive where they can do whatever they want.

>let's ignore context
>someone thinks this is a good argument

Isn't that exactly what left does?
I mean, just replace "poison darts" with "niggers".

government was made with what?
guns are made to DEFEND us

The only solution to murrican gun crisis is killing all americans.

Aussie Aussie Aussie

The point of guns is to shoot people like you who would infringe on my right to own them.

>mfw this logic applies to nogs

And the joke is that it's black and hispanic kids shooting each other.

looks comfy

no its people, a tool is a tool is a tool it has no intent, it doesn't discriminate, it cannot contemplate its actions.
Imagine being so subverted you think a gun itself is more dangerous than the person firing it.
Meanwhile parents will just throw their teens lives away with a car they are too inexperienced to be driving - no news story - no candle light vigil and regards - no bullshit scripted questions on CNN about what can we do to prevent teen car crashes. Nope just some dumb ad campaign that has no effect on teen drivers.

>So how is controlling that 'intent' a bad thing?

Because it has been proven to end in complete failure

Can someone please come to Canada, buy some kinder surprises, smuggle them into US, have some kids choke on it, so that US will finally legalize it and demand more of it??

death penalties for anti-Semites and holocaust deniers will be better

Don't let them tell you it wouldn't happen here too. 70 years, 1 generation later, the Communist Party of China is doing whatever the hell it wants, because they took all the guns from the get-go.

>The Chinese Communist Party's leadership has called for the removal of presidential term limits, opening the door for China's most powerful leader in decades, Xi Jinping, to remain in office beyond 2023.

>The party's Central Committee has proposed deleting from the constitution the stipulation that a president "shall serve no more than two consecutive terms" of five years, the official Xinhua news agency said Sunday.

Who can protest it? not one little chink in the armour of the communist regime. Why? No gunz. Even Mao is famously quoted as saying "power comes from the end of a loaded gun". He understood that it's throws a monkey wrench into their plans of waltzing in and doing whatever the hell they want to if the people are able to defend themselves.

Doesn't China still have conscription based army?

Is this in Israel?


So they are saying there's ways to kill people without firearms

Poison darts are in fact covered under the second amendment.

whats with all these faggot posts with a bunch of hypothetical situations?

Aussies once again prove their status as master shitposters beyond compare.

Like people would protest even if they had guns.

Like Americans, they would simply assume (wrongly) that the government won't do whatever they want because they are scared of causing an uprising. Meanwhile the government can do as it pleases and just control the media to keep the populace thinking they have any practical say.

I know you're just trolling, but someone else might not realize that. Do poison darts qualify under the legal definition of "Arms"? I don't think so.



Post wins vegemite sandwich


>gun is a weapon made with the intent to harm
No. It's designed with the intent of propelling small pieces of metal to high speed and made with the intent to sell them to people who want such a device. Stop making assumption, ignorant gunphob.


>You only need a few apple cores to get cyanide.

Guns are a tool of Peace

>imagine if grayons were killing kids and we was like we need more grayons and everyone was like yup

Forget about the apple seeds, they contain about 1 to 4 mg amygdalin per gramm seeds (DOI).
Instead, collect apricot seeds during the right season, the amygdalin content varies though the year and can be as high as 5% of the dry weight of the seed (DOI).
It is probably advantagenous to break the husk with a nut cracker, a plier, etc. and cut the softer inner material to smaller pieces.
Extraction of amygdalin can be performed by

immersing the material in methanol and subsequent ultrasonification
Soxhlet extraction with methanol
reflux extraction in water in the presence of citric acid
A comparison of the extraction methods is given here.

Removal of the solvent in vacuum will yield a crude material with significant amounts of amygdalin. You might want to have a look at this article from the Western Journal of Medicine on the toxicity. Here, an LD50LD50 of 522 mg amygdalin per kg body weight was estimated for the oral application to rats. The online resource of the U.S. National Library of Medicine gives a value of 405 mg/kg.


If you want poison. Use Yew poison.

Nice. I have a lot of wild apricots nearby and they contain more of hydrogen cyanide.

Never seen one.

Ya know what, Australia? Sometimes you're alright.

Not found in Russia except Caucasus and Crimea.

>A gun is a weapon made with the intent to harm.
This. Only shitholes like America have meme gun laws that allow every retard and psycho the right to get a gun.


Tell him it's like detergent. Some people are puting detergent in someone's drink and force them to drink. Should we ban detergent now?

I wish we had a poison dart amendment. Congress please make this a thing.

Guys, I want Europastan to make guns and defending yourself legal. How do I do it? Why don't jew gun manufacturers shill and lobby for them in Euraep?


Shall not be infringed
Stay mad

We already have hundreds of children killed by a poison called alcohol every day. These same children wants to lower the minimum age for purchasing said poison.

>I totally believe in your right to self defense
>No one needs an AR15 that can fire up to 30 rounds

Pick one

180k abortions this year so far. People claiming to be concerned about children are silent.

>Poison Dart

>How do we contain the blacks in NYC
take out the bridges. niggers can't swim


Probably more a drug than a weapon. Likely FDA controlled. Call FDA and ask.

The people that want to abolish the second amendment are the same people that claim 'hate speech is not free speech'.

If they get rid of the Second and First amendments, and Trump is 'literally hitler', then what's to stop him from also abolishing the 13th, 14th and 19th amendments?

How are they going to protest without the first amendment? How will they use CNN to spread their propaganda? How will they stop the government from rounding up all the black people to put them back into slavery?

Maybe someone should remind them that this is a real possibility in the world they are demanding.

>Every day.
Guns are as much of a problem in America as hatred toward trans people.
Why does the left manufacture imagined problems?


I dunno, kinda like having clean clothes.

Remove niggers and that bar shrinks to half.
Remove spics and it shrinks even more.
Remove jews and no more fake school shootings.

Daily reminder of who the psychopaths are.

This thread was nuked three posts in

POL needs to get on this
David Hogg. Born 2000?
Mother Rebecca Boldrik
Father Kevin Hogg


Ah but that's not REAL murder

This is why all commies need to be executed with their kike fucking masters!

Why are these people so retarded?

show us the graph of the US Homocide rates for white males