Why did Hitler bother making an alliance with the Japanese...

Why did Hitler bother making an alliance with the Japanese? They just made the war harder for him by dragging in the USA.

Could it be that he legitimately thought they were a superior race?

>inb4 he thought they would attack Russia
He would've fucking asked them, he wasn't autistic.

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When the Jew calls in all their debt favors at once, and you're faced with 60% of the planet declaring war on you.... you look for allies.

imblying imblications

>Could it be that he legitimately thought they were a superior race?
when Japan beat Russia in 1905 the whole west considered them a force to be reckoned with and rightly so. They would have dominated Asia for aeons if it weren't for that (((Totalen Krieg)))

The English teacher gets it.

He could've just as easily allied with China and pretty much every other asian country that was being attacked by Japan.

>They would have dominated Asia for aeons if it weren't for that (((Totalen Krieg)))

The USA was supplying arms to all of Germany's enemies. We were basically already in the war, and would have found another way to declare our way in if necessary.

I think Pearl Harbor was faked to make a war with the United States. This forced Hitler to make keep promises on his pact with the Japanese.

It's not the Japanese's fault. It's just how far your (((leaders))) are willing to go in order to fake reality.

I'm proud Germany was allied with Japan. Japan is the most amazing country in the world, with the greatest culture, motorcycles, and so on.

>We were basically already in the war, and would have found another way to declare our way in if necessary.
Careful, your fellow anglos don't like snitches.

Japan was amazing during the Meiji era, but now it's a pretty cucked and depressing place. I guess it has cool public transportation.

Uhhh what is Anime?

>The USA was supplying arms to all of Germany's enemies
And because of this, Nazi subs was already chasing the US merchant navy. An activity that would have dragged the USA fully into war anyway.

A sign of a dying society.
>Mecha was cool though

Yeah America totally isn’t cucked, that’s why it has 100 million niggers and spics not to mention white babies are now a minority. But no it’s Japan that’s cucked totally not America. They’re the ones who are promoting race-mixing, nigger culture, gang violence, anti-European propaganda, oh wait that’s America who’s doing that!

There is a lesson here.


In theory it's not a bad idea because they could double team Russia and if the USA were to enter the war the Japs could occupy them with a costly overseas war that would be a logistics nightmare, surely!

But then the US went nuclear, literally and figuratively, by not only fighting two wars at once, but it being a two front war on opposite sides, and both wars being overseas across the two largest oceans on the other side of the world. I'm sure they didn't see that coming, who the fuck would have? The US really fucking pulled their thumb out for that.

Yeah just wait till Japan's floodgates open. It will be Sweden on steroids. It's only a matter of time until the old nationalists in office all die.

Don’t try to reason with Americans, they’re circumcised mixed abominations of Satan. Even GenZ is starting to realize how disgusting and vile this country is. Pro-American boomers will be dropping dead soon and that’s a good thing indeed.

Death to America

Yeah I’m totally sure one of the most nationalistic countries on the fucking planet will open their borders. Japan is one of the only countries where their younger generations are becoming even more Anti-Shitskin. Meanwhile in America we are idolizing mixed mongrels who survived a shooting. America is the most cucked nation on the planet, even fucking Brazil has more nationalists then this fucking country.


Why would they fight for a Pro-Amerimutt government? To die for Israel? The younger generation hate the Japanese government because they aren’t anti-shitskin and anti-American enough. There are literal neo-nazi rallies in Japan without any riots happening. Meanwhile in Amerihell, you’re censored for having any form of a nationalist opinion. Stalin was right, no wonder he regretted fighting Hitler.

Because Japan had the largest navy on the planet.
Japan were also about to open up another front against the Russians.
The US were probably going to enter the ear soon anyway, Germany needed all the help they could get.
There's bound to be a shit ton more reasons, I can't be fucked explaining shit to autists anymore though.

*War not ear



Japan, China and Russia should resolve their differences and finally put the Great Satan out of its misery. We are the reason Europe is what is currently. We literally control their education systems and have been since the end of WWII. The reason that Europeans are leftist is because we literally brainwashed generations worth of them to think like this. If Stalin and Hitler united and destroyed the Great Satan. Europe would be in peace.

Do you even notice how small that crowd is? Americans can’t even double check the shit they post. Leftists are a small minority in Japan. Even then they still hate mud bloods with a passion. There are more American leftists then any other nation in the planet. Why do you think 50,000 of them went against a pro-Conservative march with less then 200 people? We are cucked

that's chinese not japanese baka

Nationalist China was already allied with the US and the British.

Do you realize the people in the photo re mostly old right? You’re being a complete hypocrite but that’s to be expected from disgusting mutts.

Japan will go the way of every other first-world country user. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

The nips had firepower.


>Coming from the nation with the most leftists out of any country and the most nonwhites

Americans are filthy hypocrites and don’t deserve to be trusted

We're all fucked.

>Look at my cherrypicked photos of a small minority of Japanese leftists
>Meanwhile in America


>american education



It's simple, the ching chong changs would suicide themselves for the whites. Kill two birds with one stone.

>Trump literally declares that he wants gun regulations

he thought they would halp against the soviets, when japan and the soviets formed a non agression pact hitler was mortified



Most young people are against Abe.

Wasn't the idea that after Japan took China they would open a new front on Russia.

Hitler underestimated how incompetent Japanese were.

>Older people are leftist while younger people aren’t

America Is more cucked then even Sweden, Trump won’t save you from demographic decline. We have more Spanish speakers then even Spain does and have the most nigger diaspora.

>Says the country where a democrat won the popular vote

Trump will be the last republican president


>Japanese Antifa: It is growing and here is why.


>Japan: 'No one is illegal' - Protesters welcome refugees in Tokyo


>Posts videos to prove a point
>Rallies still smaller then most ANTIFA protests in Burgerland

Admit it, this country is fucked

Anyone know the name of the beautiful Nip girl in the picture that brought me here? She’s fucking hot!


Stalin regretted allying with America after WWII and wished he would’ve made a pact with Hitler

America is fucked, Japan is prepping to get fucked.

>prepare to see more and more of pic related as time goes on

The tiny anti-fascist rallies in Japan look like a joke compared to the ones in Amerimuttistan

You have no argument other then pictures of tiny rallies. American ones have ten times more people. Keep living in your pro-American bubble all you want. It’s not going to stop reality

Kanna Hashimoto


Japan Nationalist Rallies
>Little to no riots, attendes applauded

American Nationalist Rallies
>25,000+ Protesters and the lives of people involved ruined

Which one is more fucked?

>hurr durrr America has more leftists than Japan
>therefore Japan's younger generation is right-wing

>In Japan, Tens of Thousands Anti-War Protesters Reject Return to Militarism
>Tens of Thousands
All leftists

Germany needed to start raiding US ships to cut off their supply to the UK and the Soviet union. Pearl Habour was just a valid casus belli, Nazis didn't liked the nips. They belived them to be subhumans and supported the chinese until 41

forgot to link source

>Less than 300,000 leftists mostly containing people who are 45 years and older is comparable to over 170 Million and growing leftists in America

Muttistan education

>El Goblino supports the occupation of other countries

Even Stalin and Hitler wanted peace, the ones against it are Americans.


>Lower voting age leaves many wondering 'Where's Japan's Bernie?'

You forgot to hide your own flag, fucktard.

I don’t care, I hate this country and I’m willing to keep the flag on because I’m not a Pussy. Except the fact that we are more doomed then Japan. We have the most leftists out of any country in the whole planet. Even Germany has more conservatives then we do. There are less then 300,000 leftists in Japan and a lot of them are boomers. Meanwhile in America, Millennials and GenZ are extremely leftist. But no it’s Europe and Japan that are cucked according to your brain dead logic

Also those people are protesting the idea that Japan should have its own military. Toppest cuckery.

False dilemma, Japan can be cucked without America being uncucked. For fucks sake the comparison between Imperial Japan and modern Japan is night and day. They are a defeated people. No national vigor whatsoever.

>Protesting a pro-American military is bad

Rly makes me fucking think also even the Far Right in Japan doesn’t like Abe. It’s not just the leftists who do.

Pic related is from a Pro-Japanese nationalist rally

The fact you think America is uncucked despite Hillary winning the popular vote is fucking laughable.

Those are fucking Koreans you retard. They are anti-Japanese, why do you think the signs say to boycott Japanese goods?

Where did I say America is uncucked? Are you a nigger? No way a white man could have this low IQ.

>J-Japan is C-Cucked
>60 Million
>45 Million

Tell me how we aren’t cucked, dipshit?

America and Japan are BOTH cucked, America just has an immigration policy created by Jews. Japan's constitution was written by Americans, which is cuckolded as fuck, but at least they weren't Jews actively trying to wipe out their race.

Do you think wearing those surgical masks would be a way of getting more people to right wing rallies? The aftermath of Charlottesville and other events with violent leftists doxxing and attacking conservatives and nationalists keep a lot of sympathizers from participating, both in Europe and the US. Could this help against doxxing? Most leftists dont have the unified autism to identify even guys like bikelock professor.

Pic is of a anti japanese rally asking for the boycott of japanese goods, the signs are in Korean and Chinese


The pics of Japanese flags on their signs have fucking X's over them. The guy you're replying to is either drunk or

This sums it up pretty much. America was NEVER neutral. They were supporting Britain at every turn and trying to goad BOTH Germany and Japan into attacking first so they would have an excuse to enter the war "officially"


It would be comical if they weren't doing the EXACT same thing right now with Russia, and North Korea. Remember this post when Russia kills a bunch of American (or Israeli) soldiers INSIDE of Syria, and then Trump calls this "Russian Aggression", for killing FOREIGN, UNWANTED, HOSTILE, INVADING, TROOPS.



Germany always chooses the worst allies. In WW1 Italy switched sides and Austria-Hungary did jack shit. In WW2 Nazi Germany would have been better off not allying with either Italy or Japan.

China was undergoing a civil war wasnt it?

"Forge the united front!"
So... Yes and no.

That's Berlin.

dragging in the USA? your government picked a side long before pear harbor.