International Laugh at Canada Thread

>Lose Hockey to US
>Lose Curling to US
>PM is out in India dancing like a cuck trying to virtue signal to piss poor pajeets

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so sad

Second pic irritated me the most

Yes, that's some next level faggotry.

How will leafniggers ever recover.

check your jewish population compared to israel


Leafnigger conformed. Off the charts faggotry.



This video was taken downtown toronto.

Classic Trudeau.

Time to kill myself

Jk im numb to it by now

>Lose Hockey to US

Didn't they lose Hockey to Germany this time? A team which wasn't able to qualify last time? Looks like our Arab immigrants are better than Canada's.

Please just nuke everything already. We peaked decades ago.

...isn't that the same "traditional" """"dance"""" he did with the african people in that old video?

>it keeps happening

nvm it was indians last time too... i must be getting his faggot dances mixed up

Filmed in Montreal


and then they all got aids

He reminds me of a gay San Franciscan that dresses like a Russian Wigger. Justin please just stop

These are faggot levels never witnessed by mankind.

that's not like any game of rock paper siccors I've ever played

Isn't this an equivalent of black face? Cultural appropriation?



>tfw right wing Canadian

Someone pull up the video of Bill Shorten dancing with the coconuts over in the pacific


This is amazing

i was excited until i realized it was womens hockey. who honestly cares about womens sports. being completely serious here.

Women's tennis is objectively better to watch because the men serve it so fucking fast that it doesn't have the rallys and athleticism. It is just the strongest server wins unless his baseline game is total horseshit.

Also Canuck Genie Bouchard ...

show bob and vagene


Yeah, people really give a shit about her because she's a mediocre tennis player.

Even as a Swede if I was taking African BBC i would never be as much as a faggot at this guy.

Just imagine some leader of a country goes to France and he dresses up in a stripey top, puts a beret on and walks around with a baguette.

That's how idiotic this moron is, thinks he's a Bollywood movie star.

Hey PEOPLEKIND let's not be racist.. look at me playing dress up and mocking Indians

Please stick to niggerball sports since you clearly are too dumb to understand anything else.


yeah but its WOMENS TENNIS

please stick to kicking a ball around and trying to hit it in a box while faking injuries to win because you are too stupid to understand something other than shit made from brits

You fucked that one up, huh... sausage fingers.

please kill us.

>play rock paper scissors
>get anally raped
>no homo
>die of AIDS
Well that escalated pretty quick

Q predicted this
