Some currynigger dies and it makes the CNN front page...i thought jewnn only shilled for israel..
>Some currynigger
She's one of the legendary Bollywood female lead. But obviously you burgers are so full of yourselves, wouldn't expect anything better than you cunts.
stfu poo
Atleast I'm not as petty as you.
and why should we care about a poo in the loo that's famous in india?
Damn she's white
Must be one of those Brahmin class I keep hearing about
Because she's a great personality from the biggest democracy in the world.
Just like Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee.
or 10lbs of white foundation
Yet still a sub human curry nigger.
Still a filthy abo
No, she's 54 in the pic you posted.
She was a naturally beautiful actress and fair at the same time.
>legendary currypoo
Why do they try so hard to look white? Are they nostalgic for the times they were ruled by Aryans?
Does it get your feels that Gandhi was a paedo?
CIDF ladies and gentlemen.
Ghandi sure hated niggers at least.
Gib milk
>be richest most popular currywood actress
>still can afford a toilet
Get back to the call centre Pajeet. I’ve got a query on my nbn.
you can tell she's not fair skinned her outlines are dark. somebody use makeapp on this currypoo
>Gandhi was a paedo
Never heard that before.
Gandhi was a pedo but so is your Bill Clinton.
i dont like currymilk
That guy's australian dumbass
I don’t get your meme. Abos are niggers just like Indians and you are both subhumans.
Who cares if she was fair as per you. A very beautiful and talented women nonetheless and it's sad we lost her.
I own two cars AND two toilets
if you had been paying attention you would have noticed the jews shill for indians so they can try to lure more over to america and europe so india is less capable of defending against the muslim invasion on their western front
fucking jews led a expansion into india by the hands of the muslims. using a chemical weapon they claimed was just a souped up stink bomb
well you all are abos just like we all are pajeets mate
Sure Mr Abbo, sure. I believe you.
pick one
I hope she’s rotting in whatever hell you backward religions end up in.
Big deal.
My father owns two cars, four toilets and has a chauffeur and a servant
It's not only burgers.
I've never seen a bollywood movie and I've never heard anyone talk about them. I don't think anyone outside India would watch Poowood movies. Why would I want to watch a movie full of brown people? I kind of understand why negroes hate looking at white and (((white))) people in Hollywood.
>four toilets
Overcompensating there, Pajeet.
whats the deal with that, can he use two phones at once in the call centre?
Pick one.
She's already dead, and I hope you live long enough to see your miserable life getting destroyed into bits and pieces because you're an absolute and pathetic cunt.
>four toilets
richest man in india
>My father
lmao pajeet the neet
>own four toilets
That’s awesome Pajeet, now you just need to learn how to use them.
Durkha durkha
>Why would I want to watch a movie full of brown people?
Your wish, some do, many love so GTFO.
Rashed show us your paki flag, your mom is probably crying cause her favorite actress died
not a memeflag but a political party in sweden apu
You’re not going to ruse high in the call centre with English that shit
They love anything shit-skinned.
Literally who
Super pooper by 2020.
I hope you get good with immigrants tho, still memeflags need to be purged.
Literally poo
Oh God all those headlines. Gas the liberals when.
wel we are trying to keep shitskinned poo in the loo like you away, but unfortunately you wont fuck off.
Show us your flag rasheed
this one apu?
KEK, how did you get in, are you from Bangladesh or Pakistan?
Poos are our friends against the paki and chink menace.
Just stay in India thanks lads.
I'm so sorry your government is so cuked, they dindu nuffin. It's hysterical that if you say anything like that IRL and you'll be shunned upon. What a miserable poor imprisoned life.
you mean Press P
Yeah right. It's a shithole.
Cant marry out of your caste.
Does she have a poo on Bollywood Poo Blvd?
Better than your so called ((Democracy)). Germanistan can't come soon enough.
How's the women liberation working our for you hans?
Democracy, in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.
Dunno what you're blabbering about here.
Do you still jerk off to jihadis raping german women?
Memeflag jihadi, go worship your pedo it's time
yes they made a mold of her poo and now its there forever
Sorry Pajeet, how many Muslims are there in India?
there are more muslims in india than in all of europe australia usa canada combined
(and no one shits in them)
Wtf where do all these hindu dindus come from?
You all must be the children of Indian elites in the ivory castles, while some lower caste children beg for food and water outside of your gates and some poos shit in the street right under your super tall apartment complex flat, which is nicely situated right under a huge slum
Enough to be in line and don't chimp out or ask for Sharia law from our government, now fuck off.
>legendary Hollywood lead
Literally who ? Stop fucking lying man, she will be remembered as a one hit wonder bollywood jew whore who married a betabux ,sucked him dry of all his money and died of botox overdose. This hag hasn't been relevant since the 90s
It’s also a higher percentage than Nogs in the US. Truley a lol country.
That's Slumdog millionaire.
And I'm a backwards caste Hindu at University. You do resonate most of the inconsiderate Burgers here.
If you want to go that way, 1 billion Hindus vs 200 million Muslims. But Europe can't handle them. They breed like pigs and with declining birth rates and liberal control in Europe they will take over sooner than you think.
we should petition for an Indian IP ban.
Learn something before Posting here underage cunt.
>1.5 billion indians
>claims muslims breed like pigs
>while everyone in America is warren buffet
Muslims are 18 percent of the population after 1400 years of Islamic invasion
once again u stupid curry brain has not realized that we dont care..nobody outside of india cares about your shitty bollywood.
user I want some dosa and madu vada and a bowl of sambar. I miss this little stall in Bombay I'd go to, this nigga would make the best masala dosa but i'm a paper dosa guy.
user, I...
Another dumb burger.
Do i need to post the swedish navy report that proved that 40 percent of swedes below 30 have ED?
>One of the first "female superstars".
>She's one of the legendary Bollywood female lead.
a polished turd
You obviously didn't get the point
jews enable asians, isn't that very clear at this point?
They are the worst posters on the board by a mile. I honestly don’t understand why they come here.
Sorry I didn't notice your post where you mentioned tha you're a low caste "person" .
Major Indian isp is country wide range banned because I shitposted too hard back in '09. Good times. Now every pajeet and his cow has free Internet so they've been shitting up the net. They usually are contained in a cancerous chan copy called indiachan but it seems they're in full force here today
Whiter than you Mohammed, pedo worshipper
I too love paper dosa more.
Masala Dosa is only when I'm in North or I'm very hungry.
lol the poos are really defensive and feisty today
>Doesn't care.
But arguing about her for more than an hour.