How did it come to this, and how do we fix it?
American ''Justice''
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kill yourself shill rat
>Guns have more rights than women and dreamers.
What rights do guns have? To be owned?
What civil rights do assault guns have? Can women and dreamers identify as assault rifles amd use assault rifle bathrooms? And why do illegal aliens have any civil rights?
>thinking that guns are the ones gettig the rights
>anthropomorphizeing guns
I absolutely despise shitskin "American" celebrities who are all over social media getting in the middle of political discourse. Isn't this the tiny little bitch that sings about giving handjobs and getting fucked so hard you can barely walk to 12 year old girls? Ariana Grande has ZERO moral high ground from which to condescend to ANYONE.
>civil rights
What rights do women not have again
What even is a "DREAMER"?
>Guns have more rights then women
okay so women have to be concealed in some states, some women are banned in others, women are illegal to enter some schools... The list goes on
>assault guns
Beat Ariana until she shits herself?
Manchester you stupid cunt.
>What even is a "DREAMER"?
A pretty word meant to remove the negative connotation behind "illegal immigrant".
"Dreamers" aren't American citizens so of course they don't have rights in America. If they want rights they can go back to their own fucking countries.
More rights than women? Pic related.
>Where assault guns have more civil rights than women and dreamers
And don't you forget it!
Anybody gonna mention the fact the OPs pic is bullshit and she didn't actually tweet this?
Source: Twitter
This has become the new norm. People want to abdicate personal responsibility and wash culpability away from people. Maybe with the exception of muh cis white men.
How is it Trump's fault again ? Was this not a problem in Obama's America ?
lol are you kidding me? America is under Republican rule. Go and tell the Republicans that you want to chisel away women's rights and they wont bat an eyelid. Tell the republicans that you want to ban weapon accessories and they'll go mad and probably get violent towards you.
How many times per day do I have to see this same stupid thread. Sage
says the cunt that got a load of kids blown to pieces
This bitch doesn't even know what a civil right is, god damn
She's the one whos concert was blown blown up in your part of the woods.
>this hasn't been posted yet
There is no constitutional right to abortion you fucking idiot, there is one for guns though.
I'll tell you how, you get the guns and.. kill whoever wrote shit like this. And women and "dreamers" shouldn't have any rights to begin with, so its time to fix this.
and why is that? you should ask yourself. otherwise I'm seeing DC effect
>She STILL shills this goddamn hard after nearly getting blown up
People really will never wake up huh?
Its called the american caliphate
uh because ownership of a firearm as a constitutional right means that the government can't seize your guns and then enslave you, that's the point. If the government ever did want to tyrannically subjugate its citizens the first thing they would do is seize all firearms under some political guise claiming it was for "safety reasons" or some such, and after they did that they'd either put you in chains or strip away more of your rights.
Abortion on the other hand is debatable, libshits think they have the right because its their body, whereas conservatives see unborn babies as humans with rights which means abortion is murder in that case. Why would something that's arguably equivalent to murder be a constitutional right?
imagine how bad that concert would have been if there were guns involved too
>and why is that?
Because their constitution was written in the XVIII century? And because privately owned weapons were used in the war against the British?
That's one of the most retarded things I have ever read.
Women committ murder with impunity (abortion) and illegal aliens can get the fuck out because they have no rights.
>Ariana Garande
Well, now at least we know EXACTLY why they made her famous, huh?
>assault guns
What a cunt.
>millionaire super star mutt whore complaining about not having rights
>weekly bombings, mass knife killings, and trucks of peace
"imagine how bad"
What rights don't women have that men have?
The right to not bleed every month.
Assault weapons ARE civil rights.
maybe if women owned guns they would have more rights
Honestly a purge needs to happen so these leftist commie cunts can get gassed
Don't let her tell you it wouldn't happen here too. 70 years, 1 generation later, the Communist Party of China is doing whatever the hell it wants, because they took all the guns from the get-go.
>The Chinese Communist Party's leadership has called for the removal of presidential term limits, opening the door for China's most powerful leader in decades, Xi Jinping, to remain in office beyond 2023.
>The party's Central Committee has proposed deleting from the constitution the stipulation that a president "shall serve no more than two consecutive terms" of five years, the official Xinhua news agency said Sunday.
Who can protest it? not one little chink in the armour of the communist regime. Why? No gunz. Even Mao is famously quoted as saying "power comes from the end of a loaded gun". He understood that it's throws a monkey wrench into their plans of waltzing in and doing whatever the hell they want to if the people are able to defend themselves.
Isn't this the bitch whose concert was blown up with a nail bomb?
someone should remind her about that
Why? Because they knew scum like you would appear.
at what point do you recognize they don't give a shit about your safety and only power?
>What rights do guns have? To be owned?
Sounds like we need a Gun Emancipation Proclamation.
>I dont understand basic history, but let me tell you how to run your own country
McFucking kill yourself.
>assault guns
What does that even mean?
Youre tripping out eurofag. Nobody can buy a StuG at Walmart.
>American-made guns have more rights than property and Mexicans