Dragon Ball Super

>Leave that fatal finisher aimed at Gohan to me guys


>Trunks ended up dooming his entire timeline, thinking he was saving the world
>All the humans rooting for Trunks ended up deleted

I still think that was a weird ending to that arc.

Really makes me think Toriyama is the one who convinced Kato to go full grimdumbshit with Chrono Cross. It's evident that he does not seem to like happy ends for time travel stories.

So is Goku literally gay for Jiren?

s-sankyou, piccoro-san.

humanity was already doomed by the time trunks got in the time machine. that was a battle of vengeance.
also of making sure zamasu didn't move on to other timelines

why does Gohan look so culturally enriched

Then they should have brought the alternate world humans back.

It's called shadows, Sup Forumsboi.


Vegeta you're next

Is Vegeta about to get btfo by Frost?

Dosage delivered.

Thanks doc

>Back to spamming Gohan wojaks
That's quite pathetic, waifufag, not that I expected anything else from you.

Why is cuckgeta so pathetic?

What's grimdumbshit about chrono cross? It was a pretty colorful and happy setting with little in the way of grimderpness besides the potential fairy genocide scenario.

Unless you mean randomly killing the former heroes, because that's just some small time shit for the sake of not having time travelers trivializing everything with key time changes

Thread literally opens with a Piccolo wojak and you only take issue with it when it's Gohan?

Take it easy mate, we're all friends here.

>CHADHAN haters still mad

If these threads exploded when Tenshinhan got eliminated (about Vegeta), how unlivable will they be if he actually gets taken out by a weakling like Frost?

Don't even need a wojak for this one

>Caulifags unironically think she's going SSB

Jealousy is a bitch.

Case in point

You only visit some shit anime board?


Keep your diseases out of Sup Forums. Sup Forums is for Sup Forums, Sup Forums is is for Sup Forums etc.

You don't?

Her getting blueballed over Blue was a really satisfying moment, really.

No i visit other shit boards too
Stfu faggot and quit being a bitch like gohan

The whole dwarf retardation substory about the hydra
Everything Lynx pulled
The corrupted Masamune

>killing the former heroes
In fact,Chrono Cross did more than just killing the former heroes. It got some of its civilian-types caught up in its slaughter spree too.

Stay out.

delet this

>Caulishitters admitting again they are Sup Forums shitters in less than 12 hours
That is almost too easy.

So, next up Vegeta is up against:
He can't possibly win, even with Goku and Roshi's help.

>the absolute state of this tournament

>literally ends in one of the most positive ways possible

Being a Triggernigger should be classified as a mental illness.

Reminder, gohanfag is a Sup Forumsfag

pol did nothing wrong

In this week's episode of speculation, Frost uses the mafuba to corner and attempt to if not actually eliminate Vegeta.

>Frost and Magetta working together
>Vegeta fighting Magetta
>Roshi tries using the mafuba (possibly fails)
>Frost shown using the mafuba

Vegeta is going to get FROSTed.

Fuck off.

>look mom! I posted it again!

You mean

Can't believe this motherfucker is gonna pull a Piccolo Jr.

Leaks from next episode

Yes, the survivors and the resistance were just an anime addition

Another point of detail, the feet next to this bottle doesn't belong to Roshi.

I fail to see how is that any more grimdark than shit like that chrono trigger pulled like murdering the main character on his own game or just plain looking at the future era, where there was shit like a assembly line taking humans to be proccesed or the simple stuff like mankind dying and barely surviving in a hopeless world.

To be considered grimdark means to be darker than your predeccesor by a great margin, but chrono cross stuff is rather standard rpg bad things and those that go beyond being merely bad are no different from the low blows trigger delivers.


what? Are you implying Roshi didnt bring extra mafuba bottles?

>Vegeta gets stuck in a bottle by Frost and tossed off the stage
>Beerus suddenly regrets saying the bottle was fair game
Genuinely what would be Sup Forums's reaction?

>All the humans rooting for Trunks ended up deleted
Good, they were the ones that began feeding Trunks' BS genki dama, meaning they got what they deserved.

I'm implying Frost takes one for himself and catches himself a Vegeta.

Trunks looked so cool in dbz

In dbs he looks like a pathetic cuck

Next week is going to be fun I reckon.

Toriyama wasn't involved with Cross at all. And Cross had a happy ending, it just fucked the Chrono cast, but the actual Cross cast basically cruise through the game with no consequences aside from the body switching incident.

This episode was horrible, from all u7 characters we saw Gohan was by far the most useless during the whole time.

If you want to shitpost, why not do it about the latest episode? Or at least talk about it. Instead of Cuckhan this, Cucklifla this. Nobody cares. Stop shitting up the threads over characters who don't even know each other. You should all
be grateful for Kalefags.

I would just start clapping and never stop

That's because of the bad art in the anime

> Jobgeta
> win
All he can do is bitching about MUH BLUE BLOOD and losing in the next 10 minutes.

Yeah, there's a jap holiday next week and their kids will be watching glorious nippon history instead of shitty DBS. Everyone wins.

even in the anime, humanity had less than 70 breeding pairs left which means extinction due to genetic bottleneck

Wait there's a holiday? dammit Japan I thought you always worked yourself to death.

I would love it. Vegetafags would be mad as fuck, tho.

Fucking ignorant Americans....

future trunk has middle hair cut
present trunk hair is side cut

how toeifags gonna defend this?

Good, I dropped Super long ago but I might watch this special

These exist now? Even Brianne I would be dubious dubious never mind Kale.

His post was actually funny, while your is stinking with spics

Fuck you faggot America is the best nation in the world.

thanks doc

If everyone not American is a fucking wetback, which seems to be the case here. Again, due to ignorant Americans.

speak english, ffs

Fuck this show and fuck all of you

Not a pure Saiyan.

Even if it was, it would have nothing to do with you. You could kill yourself and it would still be the greatest. Which it isn't and never was.

Fuck you too

Not him but I would guess they are brolyfriends who didn't dislike her (therefore making me not one of them)


How popular are Caulifla and Kale outside of Sup Forums? Do kids in Japan even like them?

>This is an Americuck comeback

>Cross cast

Can't blame anyone for not remembering these unremarkable literally whos, though. Honestly, why that retard even thought Toriyama had anything to do with that ugly fanfiction is beyond me. Granted, Toriyama's art has degraded beyond salvation over the years, but it is still not Cross-tier shit.

Never mind that, toeidogs wouldn't ever find an explanation for why future Trunks hair is blue while present's is purple (just like future Trunks in Z).

I'm a Caulifag and browse Sup Forums, AMA

People can change hairstyles, user

Why don't you go back? No crossboarders.

See you next week.

DBS is a battle shounen for little boys. Female fighters aren't interesting to them, especially when they are boring garbage like Caulifla and Kale.

He dyed his hair

> waste of time
> waste of time
> waste of time
> shitty art
> waste of time
> waste of time
> waste of time
This arc is garbage so far. Fuck you, toei.

>I'm a Caulifag
I'm sorry for your sake user.

No one in Super is popular over there, much less those two second rate supporting cast members.

remember when toriyama drew trunks like a chad because he got older and wasn't a teenager anymore?

You clearly didnt understand how saiyans's hair works

Last nights episode was shit

lmao that cat has seen some shit

Why didn't Trunks look older in Super even though it was almost 10 years later?

He's not a pure saiyan. Gohan changed his hairstyle multiple times

>Yawn of the Wild poster
You need to go back