THIS is what happens to Sup Forums in real life

THIS is what happens to Sup Forums in real life.

Alpha as fuck

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Bash the fash

I came here to laugh at you.

I came here to laugh at you and sage your shitpost thread kike

came here to laugh at u

Real funny, out numbered 100 to 1, i would be laughing at your shill attempt, but i lost all my laughs in a boating accident

>imprisons and beats up people who don't share their political views



RWDS when?

These poor misguided anarchists think they are doing it for a cause.


I came here to laugh at you and sage ur shit, u piece of crap

yes so alpha that takes 100 communists to bound then beat someone up.....

What's this laugh at you pasta?

>bring sympathy toward nationalists by using violence against their leader
>we did it my comrades!

>gang bash someone

No, this is alpha:

we get it, your first name is Sage, no need to flop it around like your compensating for your penis Sage.

Hope you get sunburnt faggot

>left wing

its posts like this that make me wish Sup Forums had a like button.

This is good. This validates violence against the Antifa

Not in america. Antifa got their asses handed to them in their homeland of berkely

>you know what time it is now


gj itali fuck the far-right

They got stabbed later

Violence in a fight of words will always make you look bad. But a 1 on 1 fight will always be seen more favorably than several guys binding someone and several others beating him. Only subhumans fight that cowardly.

rise above movement don't fuck around.

rise above movement don't fuck around. literally the best alt right movement to have formed.

This is what happens to Antifa in real life.

Good. I hope he fought back and gets jailed for assault

more like cryreland.

Q predicted this.

European Antifa is a lot more hardcore than the American larpers

Leftypol antifa bitches on suicide watch because they constantly BTFO so when they beat someone 100 to 1 they think they’re heroes

We will rape you sluts to death when the time comes. Male or fem, you will all be tortured to death

lmao wat

Yeah, that's always the impression I've gotten. Seems like they're actual ideologues whereas their American counterparts are... well, pic related.

virgintifa vs chadtionalist

im gonna need a quick rundown on this event

>We will rape you sluts to death when the time comes. Male or fem, you will all be tortured to death
You see, you post this shit online and do nothing while Anitfa do the opposite. No matter what you think of their views they are out on the streets - you are not.

you don't know nothing about Italy faggot, militants of "Potere al popolo" (Italian commies) were stabbed this week by casapound members kek
>Perugia, two activists of Potere al Popolo stabbed and beaten: "A clear Fascist aggression"

Pretty sure we're on the street as well, considering all the brawls that fucking happen between the left and right.


it happens a lot.

this is the power of ANTIFA WORLD WIDE

This is what we want, thanks.
Italian Kristallnacht soon.

it really isnt. thing is that all this antifa group movments protesting throu town etc. happen throu day. if they would pull that shit in the night time i guarantee a car full of leather wearing, balaclava, bat wielding motherfuckers would straighten them up really fast.

thats illegal and those responsible will go to jail... real smart.

Wrong you larping fucktards got BTFO many times even in the UK where the govt and police protect you.
Hows it feel being a state agent for the thing you hate, capitalism? You are literally doing the 1% work for them

Please, continue to scare the normies. Seriously.

>dirty moor

the absolute face of right-wing politicians


>lynchmobs attack person with wrong opinions to beat him into conformity
>its okay because they are "anti fascists"
why are leftists so retarded

Lmao fucking James Woods
Oh come off it. We all know nothing will come of this

>fascists try and dismantle society
>antifascists fight fascists
>fascists bully people, antifascists bully people, wtf i can't tell the difference

>fires destroy things
>firefighters fight fires
>wtf fires destroy, firefighters destroy fires, i can't tell the difference


> No matter what you think of their views they are out on the streets - you are not.

Hmm no sweety

>far-right self admitted fascist gets beating by antifa
I mean, it's not like they're beating some random guy up with regular opinions.

i dont get it

You can't destroy a fire tho

this. Antifa and fascist pretty much lynch and stab each other since the 60's. No big deal.

>fight for globalism
>fight for establishment

Antifa are insufferable faggots and trannys


the fire rises!

Antifa are violent commies you dumb jew. Stop acting like they're a good thing.

>try to dismantle society
Wew, you're a bit special.

>you cant destroy a fire you can only put it out, checkmate liberal

>violent commies

Like smth bad, the only problem, that they are neither violent, nor commies

Everything they fiht for benefits big capital and international bankers.

Open borders, less govt and regulations, racemixing, immigration, homo shit. It all produces more money. Everything is money, globalism = capitalism and thats what these dumbshits are protecting whether they realise it or not

Ten people getting at a single man from behind. That's cowardice. Usually you escape just when fascist to drug addict ratio is i:3 and the fascist can see you in the face. LAst time I saw your kin in my town marching against Casa pound nobne of you could walk in a straight line .. you poor retarded drug addicts

>burning down fires

> look bad

in the eyes of who? impotent "uninvolved" spectators? sorry guy, antifa isn't democratic. antifa isn't runing for office.

antifa is the END of all offices and of man as an "uninvolved" spectator

the antifa junkie also died due to drugs :D

Your b8's a bit thick there.

He died from the injuries after that kick, seriously.

>what if you said something funny instead of what you said?? pffthahaha there goes your argument, tough luck pal

>look pal, here's my ad hominem. now that oughta fix ya

I never said you were a liberal, I'm a liberal.

>how can they be the bad guys if i think they are the good guys? there's no way this can work unless i'm wrong... btw here's an ad hominem... nothing personnel kid

The only difference is that in Europe they have government support and it's illegal to fight back to the extent you can in America. If you're getting surrounded by them here in the states and fear for your life you have legitimate cause to pull your gun and unload on them, and they know it.

>The only difference is that in Europe they have government support
What? Anarchists having government support?
What is this meme

i'm a liberal too, let's be posting bros in this thread

"Keep calm and blame Russia"-that dudes shirt tho hahaha

>Tolerant as fuck
Based fascist left doing their thing


Look at all that safety.
Thanks LWSS.

Soooo safe.

>[facts] [accurate adhom] [conclusion]
>heh, if I ignore everything except for the adhom I win, tough luck kid

>do what you must, i've already won


>If you're getting surrounded by them here in the states and fear for your life you have legitimate cause to pull your gun and unload on them, and they know it.
Didn't some polfag do that to BLM niggers and get arrested for it?

How do you feel to be a self-hating faggot (Yes, i said word FAGGOT, now cry how homophobic i am) that hates own race ?

>comparing people saying mean things on the internet to a fire

>look pal, i was right to ad hominem you, did you change your mind yet? welcome to the team... art of the deal...

>Tries to literally take away your rights and freedum
>Oh, you are so facist for not let him to!

Good. It's happening again.
Fourth reich soon.

Whether I was right to adhom you or not, my adhom was right and so was the rest of my post.

>Didn't some polfag do that to BLM niggers
No some Sup Forumstard literally drove down to a BLM rally and filmed himself saying he wanted to kill niggers lmao

An appropriate end for a filthy junkie.

yeah that poor patriot got charged for taunting a large crowd and then shooting at them, all because he taunted a crowd and shot at them... soros strikes again

You're right, but its the "anti-fascists" trying to dismantle society. Thanks for validating the violence against them.