How do we save Italy from fascists?

How do we save Italy from fascists?

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>people don't get attacked on daily basis by untermenschen from the other side of the pond
I have some mild doubts over this pic

>zero attacks from migrants that chop 18 year old girls into pieces
seems legit.

That was not islamic though.

Anywyay, I would just point out that migrants are 10% of the population but commit 40% of the crimes

>its not Islamic
Neither are the fascists.

go away soyboy antifa

nice argument virgin

Why would you want to reverse this encouraging trend?

Will Italia be the fire for the rest of the Evropa to wake up already...

>migrants are 10% of the population

Fascism cannot be stopped.



Probably 15 percent.
Yes I'm aware wikipedia says 8%.

>virgin as an insult
>wanna be ad hominem
>implying being virgin is not virtous until marriage
Leftist intellectuals

Why don't you faggot go back to Sup Forums?


By arming antifascist resistance group, cracking down hard on far right political parties, voting for parties supporting antifascist policies and dismantling fascist propaganda networks.

I am sorry but the only option is t shoot them and inprission.

To long this menace did go unnoticed, it has to be acted more aggressively towards them.

First thing to do is information campaign like this to open the eyes against the fascist menace.

then act openly and aggressively against all that claim to have the monopoly on violence.

I guess Antifa are triggered(read:activated by Soros) as fuck considering their chimp outs across Italy the last few days.

Also source for those markers ;)

Isn't that the EXACT reason why there haven't been any Islamic terrorist attacks in Italy? Muslims know well that there would be lynchings in the streets.

The fuck you mean?!
Those sandniggers destroy churches and have bombed goddamn bridges in Sicilia and Emilia Romagna

>have bombed goddamn bridges in Sicilia and Emilia Romagna
Have they? Literally never heard of that.

i agree. when do you knock off schlomo? ive been JIDF posting for over 8 hours now. but i like your style to be honest. it reveals our motive, while also rustling their jimmies. its a win win. demoralize these inept endangered european species. heheh. shalom!

Please add my JIDF user ID from the JIDF messenger intranet
ID: 133976

What drug are you on?

Shalom to you too. When's little Isaiah's Bar Mitvah? I could tell Ruth to bake some Latkes.

And other stereotypes.

literally never happened

e una coinzidenza goi

Basically yes, Italian are a bunch of uncivilized thugs (all of them: commies, fascists, anarchists, separatists, etc..).

You can't kill an idea.

>leftist intelectuals
>Casa Pound The fascist movement that has brought Mussolini back to the mainstream

i like this article a lot.


We don't

Fuck off commie

>attacchi islamici

you kinda forgot to mention the girl that got raped murdered and mutilated, you are either a retard or a nigger urself








Palermo has been far longer an Islamic Emirate than it has been Italian you dumb fuck. Go read british scholar Jack Goody and you'll see that Muslim Sicily had gunpowder and paper before Britons or Germans.

Rome again

Yes, and has been a Spansish dominion for far longer than it has been both


Posting shit like this under the Italian flag - porco dio to live to see times like these, kys.

And Greek longer than both of those

Reckon he's a communist
Hopefully salvini wins and he kills himself

>Daily Beast


Palermo is antifascist, we tied up the leader of Forza Nuova like a salami on the streets, we forced them to hide into a hotel
pic related, antifa memeing with the duct tape yesterday kek


Methinks you're right, Salvini winning is a nice thought - so is him killing himself.

Aren't sicilians already sandniggers? All the real Italians I know despise your inferior people.

No, he's a communist faggot Is all
All the other cities aren't antifa circle jerks

this iPhone meme is not working anymore m8
european antifa are mainly working class people, at least the violent ones.
probably you are talking about american antifa soyboys, here the situation is different:

Antifa nailbombing police in Turin

Ma stai zitto frocio. Questi sono solo voti in più per Salvini. LOL!


la Sicilia è berlusconiana e democristiana, Salvini può andare a farsi fottere.
Salvini is a reddit tier politician, his supporters have kekistani flags at rallies
antifa are chads tying up fascist pigs and laughing about it

If they were real men and not pathetic soyboy cornuto, perhaps they'd be defending their women against being gang raped and murdered instead of attacking the people who want to prevent it.

So fascists attacks are evil, but attacks on fascists are okay?

commies logic

You are reaching level of delusion that shouldn't even possible. La Sicilia voterà Salvini. Stai a vedere.

This is fake

I repeat myself: you are talking about american soyboys antifa larpers.
picrelated, sicilian antifa boxer. he is a title contender at the next italian championship

exactly :^)

>sample size of 1

either way im sorry to hear that, no white country should have that much shitskins running around in it.

>see my country

I see no problem with fascism

Then stop complaining about fascists attacking others like OP did...


>ideas die along with material
What are you, 6?

>cannot be stopped
>posts picture of the biggest loser of ww2
Wasn't mussolini btfo in WW2 though?

Palestre popolari are boxing gyms all around squats and communist social spaces all around italy. there is a new generation of communist and anarchist MMA, Thai boxing and boxe athletes. most of them are working class or immigrants, biggest centri sociali hosting those gyms are in Bologna, Rome, Livorno and Palermo. most of them are also hooligans for footbal teams.

Dude if you wanna enter that chapter, we all can mention, ssl lazio hools, as roma (boys, arditi,tradizione distinzione), all the juventus ultras and Inter and Verona and so on. It's better to keep in the votes game, so i doubt antifa traitors have a chance

It’s not evil if you are attacking evil people.

Who cares?
I know you people are a vile, disgusting bunch already.

Define evil.

>Daily Beast
>not leftist

So they're the scum of the earth, good to know...

oh yeah I know, lazio hools came to Palermo and they clashed with locals. the super funny thing is that two lazio"""fascist""" supporters were arrested and the were both gypsies topkek

Which is why every democrat should be lynched.

reminder: this is what happens when left downies larp too far

Il Duce did nothing wrong


Facism is not a racial ideology.

Crap visiting Italy next month, looks shitty

>It’s not evil if you are attacking evil people
I agree, that's why leftists need to be put in front of a wall and shot.

we dont

sure sure,i imagine

You posted this goofy looking fuck in the last thread

Those kind of typically leftist arguments (100% emotion - 0% reason) don't work on people who want more and more fascist attacks and violence.

This is fucking classy

map is not true
there was a islamic terrorist attack in fiume in the 90's


i just want to cry right nao

Italy is still salvable, although very difficult.
Western Europe, not so much.

One serious question.
Why DO Antifa love shitskins so much ?
What happened to them that they are so positive and happy to see their country given over to the enemy ? Just why do they hold this totally incomprehensible mode of thought ? Dropped on their heads while children ? What causes this level of stupid traitor to be made, to attack his own kind in order to please the foe ?

They are for the working class
Just not the native working class

Please, don't mention Fiume