Entertainment is created by winners, consumed by losers

Think about it:

- The people who create entertainment, such as videogames, make money
- The people who consume entertainment waste money

People who play videogames are losers. They waste money AND time. They could've used that time to create a business plan and make money, but instead they waste their lives on artificial needs created by smart people who knows how to rob stupid people of their cash.

And this is how the world works. Leaders and followers. Smart and dumb. Everyone who waste their money on something they actually don't need is a dumb fuck.

Side note, does OP girl's butt look firm?


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people make video games because they can't get laid.

Would be more helpful if you didn't post two pictures retard

It's the same ass from different angles, RETARD

Goddammit Sybb, let it go already

Video games are to millenials just what TV and being obsessed about spectator sports were to boomers. Part of bread and circus.

I want to fuck Samus.

Do you think her butt looks firm?

The fuck is that monster hand?
A bull moose would feel tiny in that hand.

>goods are produced bu winners, and consumed by losers.
Do you eat food, OP? No matter, you are using a computer that someone else invented, and your internet provider also owns the very connetion your are using.
You are a loser.

Ill take a good game over sex anyday. Sex is nothing special. Why its a big deal to normies beats me.

>having no common sense

Sex is a big deal then everyone but you is having it. And the media is projecting an image that everyone is breeding like rabbits, so normies who don't live the pornstar life lose their minds over it.

>Be me
>Be 3D artist
>Worked for multiple game companies
>Now work freelance for pretty much all of them
>literal 14 hour days
>tfw no gf

You are wrong OP I'm a creator and still a loser


>be me
>just released my game 1 day ago
>it was well received by everyone
>feel huge sense of accomplishment
>make money
>can now start focusing on my next game which will be even better

feels good man

Yeah but computers and the internet are useful, video games are a waste of time

How much do you charge per hour?

People who raise cattle are winners
People who eat meat and drink milk are losers

it's not two photographs of the same person they are two drawings... wow I'm honestly amazed someone is this stupid.

I want to devour Samus's juicy ass and drink her titty milk
I am a loser?

Game director != artist and third world outsources contractors.

>Samus's ass
Have you ever seen a real ass?

>Why its a big deal to normies
It really isn't. It's just fun to make fun of virgins.

No, seriously, examine this hand in a vacuum and tell me it's human.

Please bookmark if you're gonna draw sexy girls. I can't get off to a wall-eyed homunculus
with the spine of a cat and boneitis.

its way overrated, first time I had sex I'm like this is it?
after all the hype of my earlier years, its just thrusting and squirting juice.

Here, look at it!

I have a girlfriend i have sex with now and then. It is of course fun but nothing special like the normies act it is. Like the insult that "you never had sex and thats why you are like that". Having sex did not alter my personality.

It's an important thing to get out of your system. Your personality did change, you realized sex is cool and all but not all that and your priorities changed. You grew up. Stop being a retard.

Implying I pay for games

Sex was never a priority to me. But you are right ameribro

But this site is entertaining as fuck, does that make you guys winners and me a loser?

Pirate mustard race

So then creators who also consume or enjoy their own or other product are losers or winners?

Also your whole point is only somewhat correct to modern big companies who go after profit, but if you look back some years, e.g. video games first weren't made to do big profit, many of the developers just made fun programs to play with.

Also if you having fun, that time is used right. So i assume you try to point out the peoples who have some problem with their lifes or addicted to something. Which doesn't really meant to be solved by the product provider, reather than public healthcare system. Which really sucks and bails on people in many countries.

Calling all of it "bread and circus" is horribly philistine.
The fiction we create through the ages has who we are wrapped up in it. It's not Caesar's circus. It's our story.

At least, that's the case for things developed outside of America's mainstream media giants.

>Money is the only thing that matters in life
user... I...

Same tired argument... never gets old does it?

Is that why demoshits are importing mexicans and enabling niggers into obesity with gibs... so they can call an overweight and malformed ass "desirable" compared to someone that takes care of themselves properly?

>OP girl's butt
That's a man you shitlord!

Is the winner/loser concept relative to points on a bipolar spectrum?
If someone is a better shitposter, are they more winner than most?

>I am a loser?
Yes, because it'll never happen.
>Why even live?

>People who create entertainment don't consume it themselves

>Calling all of it "bread and circus" is horribly philistine.
No, it's perfectly accurate.
>It's our story.
>that's the case for things developed outside of America's mainstream
In a post-modernist mainstream it's a story that is forced on us, and not the truth - and it does not allow for different narratives.

>The people who create chairs, make money
>The people who buy chairs waste money
>People who buy chairs are losers.
See, chairs are created by winners, used by losers.

Throw out your chairs RIGHT NOW

Is that Lauren Southern

are programmers treated better or worse than you?

delet this

You could say that about anything that isn't creating a business plan and making money.

I, for example, hate the one hour of sleep a day my weak body needs to function, because it is time I am wasting not making business plans or money.


most of the people making these games are gamer-nerds themselves. the real people pocketing the money are the (usually jewish) old men who own the parent companies


I created assets for that game, whos the winner now

man you are stupid
what do you suppose they spend their money on?
well I guess they're stupid for buying a car they could have just made themselves for half the cost?
eating at restaurants?
once again could have made the food themselves for 1/10th the cost
do they watch tv?
read books?
well they could have just made television shows or wrote the books
they sure are idiots for purchasing entertainment and wasting time being entertained

oh wait OP is just a retard

Thread over.

That ass is flabby, who is she?

I enjoy gaming, it's a nice way to chill when I'm not working, going to the gym or fucking my wife. I don't drink, I don't take drugs, I don't go out clubbing like the sluts and chavs. What's wrong with enjoying my downtime in the way I choose OP? Are you just pissed because your parents can't afford to buy you an Xbox?

>flabby ass
How retarded are you?

>Thinks sex is everything
Just lol...
There are so much better things to do than having sex.


>Metroid austists unironically think this is a good ass
You're waifu a shit

Money is an imaginary value.