I miss him everyday


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Me too.

Who doesn't?

He was a man of the people

Post your favorite Hitler.

You never met him

Why did he have to leave us, bros
It didn't have to end up like this

You’re an embarrassment, Germany.

Guess who's talking, lol


He is a racist bigot. Why do you miss him?

Because if Hitler had won, he'd teach Indians to use a toilet.


I am the creature, I’m proud of it. At least I’m not some pussy like you. We at least elected Trump


>we at least elected trump

I'm glad what Russians did with his carcass.

>"Über deine Höhen pfeift der Wind so kalt Jedoch der kleinste Sonnenschein Dringt tief in's Herz hinein. "

>I am the creature
> I’m proud of it


>He is a racist bigot. Why do you miss him?
Because he's a racist bigot

He should have listened to his generals, user.
Especially Manstein.


The Chad Kaiser vs The Virgin NSDAP

Explain why do you miss an incompetent and mentally ill loser? You are shaming your ancestors.


If the men who fought in the great war could see the world today, not one of them would've picked up a rifle.

Your tricks do not work here, Jew.

I do too.

And we love him for it.

The world is fine. A lot better than it was back in the 1940's. Of course you weren't there so you're really complaining about shit that doesn't matter.

Hitler was incompetent otherwise there would have been a succession.

become him

>Explain why do you miss an incompetent and mentally ill loser?
Explain why you are a jew

He's beautiful.

>A fucking leaf

It think most of Sup Forums is lining-up to be losers as well.
You don't need to be Jewish to see the his incompetence and failures.

>The world is fine.
t. undesirable


Please come back.

I can tell that she is a Slav larping nonetheless hot

Looks like fiction to me. Gay parades for example are peaceful and full of love. Your personal values are just wrong and you don't even know it. Good thing we're around to redpill you.

We need you.

>A fucking leaf
Don't worry he'll get raped or acid thrown on him, these types of leafs are just asking for it

Thats Hindenburg not the Kaiser you retarded leaf


Our father Adolf, up in heaven, hallowed be his name, his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. My hero.


No more than ever.


>You don't need to be Jewish to see the his incompetence and failures.
OK but you need to be a kike to agree with the outcome
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

jew lover..

Please come see me.

Fuck Hitler for losing the war because of his incompetence.
Should have given all military decisions to Dönitz.

Are you fucking kidding me?
This demon burns in Hell for all eternity.
He literally was the most evil human ever to walk on earth, with Stalin being a very close #2.

He was like every other German leader in their 2000 year history. Might makes right, military before religion, conquering instead of talking.

He just adopted what barbarossa, fredrick the great, or the Wilhelms did before him. There is no reason to worship him this much, but ofc Sup Forums is full of autists.

He was evil,
and he was on meth all the time.
Hey wait.. rural white trash in this country are on meth all the time, and they are evil too because many of them voted for Trump. Interesting connection.


He honesly just wanted to be Deutschland a a better place. He even ended the Wiemar Republic which was a disgsuting time for Deutschland. I want to avenge Mein Fuhrer.

Here are some good videos to remember him by



I love you.

Why? Because of the 6 million jews? Please explain.

>this is the future they chose

kys libshit

Here, user.


And there’s the part about the Jews

Brown eyed untermensch spotted.

Improve your aim.

Yes.. you don't just murder 6 million humans because you have a disagreement with them. Fucking monster he was.

divide et impera shill spotted


This one always gets me


Daemon, Angel, it all depends on where one is standing. A man that tried to pre-empt this shitskin implosion in Europe, is a fucking venerated saint in my book.

I really mean it.

What's your point? Everyone is a bit of a fag. I'm sure you dream of sucking some BBC. If you didn't, you will tonight.


Sorry but....I have to post

Du erreichst die Ideale nicht mit halben Takten.

History is written by the victors. There was no holocaust. Please look into it. Hitler was deporting Jews to Palestine.


Pic related. A commemorative coin issued by Goebbels.

That was a good video, leaf user. I thank you for it.

Pretty sure it's the same girl.

Exactly. Hitler was a loser.


>the absolute state of leafs

n-no time for tears, we have work to do.





This was a good one too.

It's ok to love losers. Everyone needs to feel like a winner.

This makes me feel better

Miss the jew gold you got from the dead jews, you iron mongering jew?



becuase you called anti semic when you say something about not open the borders to refugess

ofc its not metter when shit on eu
you just be the good guy :)

wtf the jews wasnt the problem, dude its not 6m people

its all the people who died in ww2 over 100m deaths

why wont you disscus about All the actuall sand niggers in eu?
why not?
belive me the jews did nothing bad like

eu union of today, jews was less than 20m

and you fucking support to put in eu millions of actual niggers, child rapers, rapers, people who drink ur tax.

the refugess destroy your eu BECUASE they destory it!
omg you dont know how mad i am
common the jews rape? ahh?? they are what whattt whatt pleasee tell me how they worst than Refugess, cock sucker.

Du bist auf Sup Forums hier tut jeder ein auf Deutsch. spielen sich dann als ein National Sozalist auf was auf deren Kultur basiert ist und nehmen dann die Symbole,Flaggen,Uniformen von Deutschland weil sie nichts geschissen bekommen nichtmal ihr eigenen Führer haben sie da kann man nur mitleid empfinden vielleicht machen sie es irgendwann ja mal richtig.

Didn't he destroy Europe, lose and kill himself like a bitch?

God im so glad i live in eastern europe. Westerners, you are SO fucked. Its fucking over for you. And im not even talking about niggers and sandniggers. I'm talking about you. You were subjected to communist brainwash for decades and now it's irreversibble. Even western "right wingers" use marxist ideas to build their ideology. You were absolutely subverted. You are also dumb mutts. Your "intellectuals" are commies. Young people voted for Bernie Sanders.

There is no hope for you. You are going to experience what rest of us experienced already - communism. Hordes of subhuman mutts (im talking about you) will plunder and kill the middle class. Later, you will enjoy "equality" and those of you who will not submit to new rules will end up in a gulag on Alaska.

It's over for western (western without capital W on purpose) Europe. You are fucked beyond repair. You allowed your children to be "punks" and your parents allowed you to be a "hippie". You fucked big time. You rejected Christianity and all the civilisational advantages it bringed to you slowly started to vanish. Soon you will se how great "atheistic society" will be. Your life will be worth as much as life of an animal. Kali Yuga at its best. Do you even know who Altiero Spinelli was and what Ventotene Manifesto is? Your lifes will be destroyed because of this fag.

Anyone has this compilation of British veterans complaining about leftardation to shut up this faggot? Haven't saved it myself.
FYI dude, yes, many wouldn't have picked up the rifles, whether you think it's good or bad.

Well said. Pic related.

You're full of shit. Refugees are running away from a US and Russian backed regime. They're only looking to start over and hopefully go back to Syria once peace returns.
Migrants on the other hand are more of a problem but they are also not all rapists and few will become a permanent drain on society.
It's a lot better than the US allowing random kids to be mowed down in schools because of freedom.

He got jewed by the international zionists and he didn't kill himself. You should mourn him unless you are a jew you fucking emu.
