Jesus Christ, you bigots are everywhere. Why can't you just accept that trans people are the sex that they identify as?
MtF trans wrestler booed for winning
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It is actually a female to male tranny
Fuck it you know what? I don't care anymore, I'm going to cheer for dudes chemically castrating themselves beating the shit out of lefty women and completely shut tingthem out of all sports forever more. They deserve it for going along with this muh ewkalitee insanity.
What's even better, the lefties themselves will cheer a man beating the fuck out of a woman
America must be destroyed.
So it's a FtM tranny on testosterone that wrecks a real girl? What's going on here?
I'm confused then. Why allow it to kicks women's asses and not wrestle the men's division?
because it's female. it's a female on performance enhancing hormones, she should be banned from competition completely.
>Why can't you just accept that trans people are the sex that they identify as?
because they aren't.
explain why I cannot identify as a horse.
No it's not.
Ever wondered what a Female to Male looks like post op?
only equestrian you could reasonably identify as is gelding
That's because they wouldn't let the tranny compete against men even though (s)he wanted to.
>Why can't you just accept that trans people are the sex that they identify as?
Because this behavior is indicative of mental illness. I don't believe they are an opposite sex no more than I can believe they are Napoléon Bonaparte, no matter how people back up their delusions.
I can accept them as mentally ill and broken human beings, that's all the acceptance they deserve.
So it’s a Female to Male transgender that is wrestling in the female division because the district won’t allow her to wrestle in the male division? But she’s all hopped up on testosterone so she destroys the girls?
Maybe they should just make a LGBT league and let them have at it.
Ok, if we have to play along with their fantasy of being the opposite sex, why don't we require everyone to play along with my fantasy of God?
this circus is fun
Because Based Texas has a law that says trannies must compete as their birth gender. He wanted to fight against dudes. This is what idiotic Bible thumping will get you.
False. He's FTM and taking test. Naturally thats unfair to the women he's wrestling. Problem is the gubment won't let him wrestle guys because he has to compete as the gender on his birth cert. Hence we have a woman on test beating the shit out of other women.
I sure do love equality
>Athlete taking testosterone beats athletes not taking testosterone.
and who can forget the Intergender Wrestling Champion of the World, andy kaufman.
I guess next up is allowing roids, and then just having both weight and test classes.
They've done transsexual. They're working on transracial. Transspecies is still a bit fringe...
Transage is bound to come up soon. It could be how they finally try to normalize pedophilia.
>chick juices up and buys herself a sausage """dick""" and some SJW school admin says fuck the doping rules and lets her beat the shit out of other girls anyway
>this is Texas' fault
Are you alright? That alien creature attacked human fucking being? What is with your head, imbecile?
Now that's some circus.
People are getting tired of this shit, Day of the Rope can’t come soon enough
Everyone in that room walked out vowing to vote republican for life.
all these faggots need to get the fuck away from my diagnosis.
gender dysphoria isnt even a requirement anymore
I dont want to live on this planet anymore
stef "sissy" phony on the right
actually, jews and leftists must be destroyed
You're a transphobe if you won't let me fuck you!
P Trudeau was a leftist
Only legitimized when he sent troops into Montreal
im sure it looks fine after the sculpting phase
>Feeling rejected by her family, Ms Wolschtt left and now lives with her adoptive family, who she says are “totally comfortable with me being a little girl”.
>She explains how her new parents’ youngest granddaughter wanted a little sister and decided Ms Wolschtt should be younger than her.
>“We have a great time. We colour, we do kid’s stuff,” she says.
what the fug
>b-but women can do whatever men can do!
>b-but tran women are women too!
>i-it's just a coincidence they always win!
is this true pol?
I fucking hate all of them.
They are so obviously fucking mentally ill and dont have gender dysphoria in any shape or form.
I just want to hit them with a bat.
that's so hot
Cause it's childish and dumb
so its a female to male not a male to female
op is a lying faggot like ususal
thats a summer sausage super glued to a womans torso
Totally agree. I though they used to say you shouldn't feed in to the mentally ill's delusions, as it wasn't healthy. That doesn't mean you can't accept them for what/who they actually are.
The result would be the exact same if a male to female tranny wrestled in a female league.
The only thing consistent here is that trannies should be in mental institutions, not in sports.
Classic stuff, that dude knew how to draw some heat. The last Whites of Memphis wanted to beat him as badly as I want to beat David Hogg.
I want to just go into the forest and never come back.
Thanks and fuck this world.
Texas is correct, the sport is the retarded one for allowing a drugged up freak to compete
Someone’s manhood feels threatened
Stop fucking lying you piece of shit.
>people read about all the wierd shit our ancestors used to believe in
>hahah, they were so stupid, how could they have thought that mermaids exist?
>oh, by the way, if you don't accept that there are women in men's bodies, you're an ignorant bigot
I hate humans.
Or at least banned from competing is she is on hormones. I think it could be reasonably considered doping.
Seriously though something needs to be done about all the mentally ill faggots running around nowadays. This whole "live and let live" philosophy is what's killing society.
can someone explain this to me, does it pee through there? and can it get hard?
Perhaps people with mental defects as serious as this should be in a mental institution instead of playing high school sports.
Why do thye let women wrestle at all?
He also has bikers cross dress in his room and they fuck him.
Also he says hes 4 years old because his nice is 5 and she wanted a little sister so he pretends to be 4.
>Transsexual, 44, elects to die by euthanasia after botched sex-change operation turned him into a 'monster'
>Nathan Verhelst, 44, born Nancy, was disappointed with sex-change results
>His life was ended by the same doctor who euthanised deaf twins last year
>Comes after Belgian euthanasia cases jumped 25 per cent in one year
>It is now the cause of nearly one in 50 deaths in the country
who gives a fucking shit. Hermes is not wrong whatsoever, and Matt can fuck off. it said its a girl, so it can only wrestle in the girls division due to sexual harassment lawsuits.
>Trans Activist Jazz Jennings' Message for Straight Guys | Glamour
Only on Sup Forums are virgin faggots pre-occupied with the lives and statuses of others rather than goin out and getting laid themselves.
Because it’s not a man, but a woman on steroids
It’s a woman so it wrestles women, what they should do is bust her for doping and ban her all together.
she's on male hormones so she should be banned altogether for using performance enhancing drugs. fucking retarded mart sharters
Mate she's been shot up with TRT ffs, these freaks shouldn't be allowed to wrestle at all
This. A prescription doesn’t change the fact she is using performance enhancing drugs. She should be banned
>you cucks are now ruining sports with your degeneracy
God he's such a cunt, fucking kike headcase
>Hispanics are the only sane people in America.
What a filthy fucking pervert. He's not mentally insane, he's a vile predator that knows exactly what he's doing.
>This is what idiotic Bible thumping will get you.
>a transexual fighting in its birth sex league is bible thumping
>allowing the existence of a transexual
>bible thumping
>The result would be the exact same if a male to female tranny wrestled in a female league.
MtFs have lower T level than women.
She’s literally on ped’s to win.
Texas created the rules, famalam.
Based Belgium
What has the world come to...
Yes, and it gets "hard" by inflation with a bike pump.
>cut your own cock and balls to be good at female wrestling
you gotta admit that's some dedication
This is what a government assigned gf would look like
/r9k/ btfo
Lol those comments
>he’s not cheating !
>the school says his T levels are in acceptable parameters!
No. Fuck you, and fuck trannys
so inspiring
Frankenstein shit.
This is exactly what we need. The damage that they do to themselves is worse than anything we can do to them.