>yfw this is actually an enlightened Roman saying designed to stop fights....NOT the ramblings of a dirty jew.
"Turn the Other Cheek"
Yes, goy, turn the other cheek. Just don't fight back!
Rebellion leader Rabbi Yeshua was a gud joo an he dindu nuffin.
What are you talking about? Jesus wasn't even a real person.
>pic related
Fuck off Vargtard, subhuman.
>what is context
This is some Trudeau tier retardation.
Don't escalate unnecessary conflicts.
It means that when facing inevitable danger, don't stand on principle if doing so will cause your death.
When Ponchos Pilots men were interrogating Jesus's apostles, they were told to lie "turn the other cheek" in order to avoid crucifixion, so they may spread the word after his death
Why dont you pagans and atheists ever mock or attack muslims. You guys are so obsessed and butthurt over chirstianity that its sad.
>Criticise bible
>you are a pagan or atheist
>Why dont you pagans and atheists ever mock or attack muslims.
Dawkins said on Twitter just the other day that Islam was the most evil thing in the world.
Ad hominem criticism.
This is an interesting take on it:
>the left hand was used to strike someone who had earned punishment. Striking someone was considered such an unclean act that it could only be done with the unclean hand, and even then, only with the back of the hand, not the opened palm. This method of punishment kept the class separation intact because you would never strike someone of equal status with your hand (weapons were another issue). And striking that person in this fashion acknowledged that you considered them to be nothing more than a personal act of toileting.
By advising his followers to “turn the other cheek” to their oppressors, he was telling them to bring that person to their own level, to make him or her physically acknowledge the wrong that he or she was committing. If I approach you to strike you with the back of my left hand, I will naturally connect to your left cheek. This keeps me in compliance with my class standing and the traditions of ancient Judaism. But when you turn the other cheek to me, I am forced to either hit your right cheek with my open left hand, a violation of our class status which lowers me to your level, or I must use the back of my “clean” right hand, which then causes me to be unclean for having committed this act with my clean hand. It was an equalizer, a physical protest of the action that Christ knew would cause social unrest.
You come from Bulgaria, so if your not an orthodox christian your most likely a atheist or a larping pagan otherwise your a muslim turk or gypsy.
Turn the other cheek doesn't mean
>Don't fight back
In fact now you've reminded me of this saying I'm going to do it more. I'm a bit disturbed to notice all the times I've taken a reply to me the wrong way (I am he who must not be cheeked irl) and reeeee'ed at you.
Later I've realised the tone I was imagining in my head wasn't really there, and when read with a friendly or funny perspective obviously didn't deserve my razor tongued responses.
Nice one Jesus, thanks for the Top Tip Sup Forums athetards.
>criticise christianity
>your a muslim turk or gypsy
>ponchos pilot
pontius pilate*
Also Jesus said it because a backhand slap meant that the person slapping you thought you were a subhuman animal and an open-handed slap meant that they were challenging you. If you literally turn your other cheek to someone when they backhand you, the return slap will have to be open-handed, and a challenge. All of those things about turning the other cheek, or giving a man who wants your cloak your tunic, or walking another mile, etc, are all about being a passive-aggressive asshole who abuses Roman customs/laws to make them look retarded.
That would make sense if it did. But "turn the other cheek" sounds more like "keep letting them beat you up, and don't give up"
I dont follow or have twitter, i didnt know that dawkins said that, good on him for speaking out against muslims. Im talking more about the pagans and atheists that you find on this board not generally in society. In society pagans are almost now where you can find because how inrelevent they are. Generally most normies are athiest and christians here and they generally share the same political beliefs.
* you cant find them
Turn the other cheek means to LEAVE, you Slavic ape, not stand there for more abuse.
I know what it means you retarded amerimutt. I was just shit posting
I think we all know the reason for this. Atheism is currently hip among the young'uns, and left-wing politics is also hip among the young'uns.
Therefore it shouldn't be surprising that the likes of Dawkins are willing to criticise Islam but university students aren't.
Unless they've been reading Sup Forums, of course.
I'm laughing hard at everyone in this thread who thinks they know what Mark meant when he wrote the turn the other cheek thing.
I'll bet y'all 100 BTC right now that not a single one of you has read the original Koine Greek text and therefore that none of you know what you're talking about.
Jesus was real faggot. It’s the Catholic Church that’s been built on lies.
>spread the other cheek
You're one of those idiots that thinks the cuckhold fetish is for intelligent people, aren't you?
>Jesus was real faggot.
Produce just a single piece of evidence attesting to that fact and I'll take you seriously.
>look at me I have a liberal studies degree im smarter than all of you even though it's in a single(one) field of a very niche subject.
>the church founded by the apostles,
>built on lies,
>implying the apostles were liars,
> implying jesus wasnt real
there it is in your own words
Jesus Christ was a homeless bum who never married or had kids, and never killed even a single one of his enemies.
Odin = Jesus= Perkuns = Zeus= Rod
It's all a single religion with a single God.
Chances are this is some whack ass stone age conqueror.
Tacitus, the verified existence of his apostles, etc.
Peter was legit, but his successors were shit. Fucking sodomites and pederasts.
4 direct accounts of his life observed by 4 direct witnesses
2 off-hands account of his actions by the roman administration
Multiple second and third-hand accounts of his actions by the Church Fathers and preachers
get fucked faggot, Jesus is more real than Ceasar.
>there it is in your own words
The catholic church was founded in the 2nd-3rd centuries, a very long time after all the apostles had died.
Of course you know that, but you're just trolling, and I salute you for it.
>Tacitus, the verified existence of his apostles, etc.
Tacitus didn't write a single word about Jesus (or, if he did, the document hasn't survived).
This has been known for at least 20 years now.
Jesus has nothing to do with those Pagan Deities.
catholic server /bkXHBgq
>4 direct accounts of his life observed by 4 direct witnesses
None of the gospel writers claim to be witnesses or to have known any witnesses, were written far too late in any case, are all redactions of Mark in any case, and are just re-tellings of stories from the Old Testament in any case
>2 off-hands account of his actions by the roman administration
These documents don't exist. No need to take my word for it, go read the ancient sources yourself.
>Multiple second and third-hand accounts of his actions by the Church Fathers and preachers
The only "church father" whose writings survive is Paul, and he didn't write a single word about Jesus' life or teachings.
>get fucked faggot, Jesus is more real than Ceasar.
We have primary sources for Caesar, none for Jesus. Archaeological evidence for Caesar, none for Jesus. Numismatic evidence for Caesar, none for Jesus. etc etc etc
I don’t believe that. But even if that’s true, Josephus made two references to Jesus about 60 years after the crucifixion. He was pretty familiar with the area, being a Jew himself.
>Jesus has nothing to do with those Pagan Deities.
Jesus' life story, as told in the gospels, is very similar to those of some pagan deities.
And Dawkins got shat on by (((progressives))) for doing so.
Not Odin or Zeus though, by any fucking means whatsoever.
>But even if that’s true, Josephus made two references to Jesus about 60 years after the crucifixion
Unfortunately, he didn't. The references to Jesus in Antiquities of the Jews are missing in all manuscripts before the 4th century.
Unless Josephus lived to be 350 years old, he didn't write them.
Stop worshipping the demiurge
Oh shit.
Amerigan education once again.
Odin sticks himself on a tree with a SPEAR, sacrifices HIMSELF to HIMSELF for 9 days to gain knowledge of runes.
Jesus who is also GOD gets stuck on a corss (tree) sacrificing HIMSELF to HIMSELF and resurrects 3 days later proving that he is in fact divine.
That’s a ridiculous standard. You can’t just discard later editions completely. How many manuscripts from the 1st century have survived fully intact?
You mean the Jewish god? Saturn himself? The one who calls a ‘jealous god’? Isn’t that the opposite of gnosis?
it was a gesture of contempt, not being passive.
Matthew literally recounts his meeting with Christ in his gospel and is one of the Apostles.
John is one of the Apostles and knew Christ from the beginning of his ministry.
Mark the evangelist was the scribe who met Jesus at Capernaum and followed him everywhere afterwards writing everything down.
Luke was the companion of Paul who met all the Christians who knew Christ and collected their testimony.
There is more evidence that Christ existed than the Gospels, but you really need to stop lying about things you know nothing about.
>How many manuscripts from the 1st century have survived fully intact?
None. But, in Josephus' case, we can say what was in the early manuscripts because devout Christian scribes wrote commentaries on them, and those commentaries survive.
No you didn't.
>None of the gospels writers claim to be witnesses
>were written far too late in any case
how so? compiling the gospels into an actual book instead of an oral tale is not transforming the tale. It was fifty years old by then, which means that there are little chances for transcription errors anyways
>Are all redactions of Mark
>Implying Mark wouldn't have just made it all his gospel
you're a fucking retard, ain't cha?
>Are all just retelling of stories from the Old Testament
kek, no, none of the Old testament tales actually had anything to do with messianic prophecies, even if you try to distort them.
Christ is King.
>These documents don't exist
>"Scholars generally consider Tacitus' reference to the execution of Jesus by Pontius Pilate to be both authentic, and of historical value as an independent Roman source."
>"Tacitus is one of three key Roman authors who may refer to early Christians, the other two being Pliny the Younger and Suetonius."
Kek, my mistake, there are actually three documents
Ignatius on Christ, Letter to the Ephesians :
>For our God, Jesus the Christ, was conceived by Mary according to God’s plan (...)
>Consequently all magic and every kind of spell were dissolved, the ignorance so characteristic of wickedness vanished, and the ancient kingdom was abolished, when God appeared in human form to bring the newness of eternal life (...)
>i-it's really 4D Chess guys
Thank you for posting. I was unaware.
How the fuck is it to leave?
What about "I bring a sword"? Does it mean anything else other than church militant?
>Matthew literally recounts his meeting with Christ in his gospel and is one of the Apostles.
Citation needed
>John is one of the Apostles
That's a much later church tradition. John never claims to be one of the apostles, and in any case, he wrote after all the apostles had died.
>Mark the evangelist was the scribe who met Jesus at Capernaum
Mark never claimed to have met Jesus. You're just making stuff up now.
>Luke was the companion of Paul
Luke couldn't even keep his story straight with the Pauline epistles. Either Paul or Luke is lying; they can't both be true.
>There is more evidence that Christ existed than the Gospels
It was all written in the second half of the second century, or even later, so it doesn't count.
>but you really need to stop lying about things you know nothing about.
It seems apparent that you haven't actually read the gospels, so I humbly suggest that you STFU.
Yet he recall Christ's execution on the cross, and makes no difference between either Jews or Christians, which would be consistent considering Christians by those days considered themselves the real Jews.
It makes no difference, it still makes your argument false.
this means that you don't give a fuck what they're doing to you, they're not affecting you etc.
they are insignicant.. turning the other cheek is baiting them to do it more
>N-no, being a pussy is the new alpha
>Why dont you pagans and atheists ever mock or attack muslims
Because I don't give a shit about sandniggers.
It's Whites I care about.
This. Just like most of the rest of Christian philosophy, it's literally
stoicism, i.e. the mainstream roman philosophy for a big part of antiquity.
Sorry might've went overboard
Stoicism is one of the most cucked lifestyles out there. If you're not racing towards the existential object at the end of time, you're a worthless pussy.
>mhhmhmm let me not react to anything and pretend to be above it all
straight up queer talk
Everyday Jesus becomes cooler and more rad. What a dude my lad.
Not the case at all. It's about dominating your desires and
emotions so that you concentrate on what's important, and are able
to create greatness and reach great things. Why do you think
they were the philosophy of an emperor as Marcus Aurelius and
Seneca one of the wealthiest man?
Another accusation is that it's cosmopolitan, which is wrong there
notably is a stoicism that has the concept of concentric circles
around you. The closer circles are your family members, then far
away relatives then town, etc. And you shall uphold your obligations in
respect to this hierarchy.
Wasn't writing about Christians at all, but followers of some bloke called Chrestus
But even if he misspelled Christ, he could be writing about any of the crazies wondering around the ancient world claiming to be the Messiah (and there were a hell of a lot of them)
But even if he's writing about our Jesus, he's just repeating what Christians told him, and they're just repeating what they read in the gospels, so it's not actually evidence of anything other than some Christians being able to read
Almost secondly second-century
Also didn't write a single word about Jesus
>can't read
>Most likely would have actually watched for 500 years getting his cheeks being slapped
No surprise this country is such a shithole
Christ means the anointed one.
What's he anointed of?
Even if he was, he was just a jew and a dune coon.
The cucks shall inherit the earth.
Oil, to show that He was divinely ordained King of Israelites.
romans kept records, faggot
muslim cant think of comebacks... just memes he didnt create .. grt fucked muhimmaed
There weren't any j e w s or dune coons living in the near east in Jesus' day.
Jesus was Greek or Roman, at least in culture if not in ethnicity, it's pretty fucking obvious.
>romans kept records, faggot
Yeah, but not about Jesus, faggot
Any secular historian will acknowledge Jesus existed
>Any secular historian will acknowledge Jesus existed
Most secular historians don't work in the biblical studies field and haven't read the sources or the recent scholarship
Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus is Jew as much as your country is white.
My country is white, so jesus is a jew
>his pocket
I almost got in a fight once in school. I wanted him to start the fight, I was begging him to take a swing at me.
But instead he turned and walked away.
I couldn't attack him from behind with everyone watching. He defeated me.
It made me feel small and helpless. Having everyone watch as I was acting like a jerk. And he took it and walked away.
His choice changed my life. It works.
Did you read any of the rest of that? You can't just take a quote out of context and make up a meaning for it. Here, I'll quote most of the chapter for you to show how you are retarded.
Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. 18 On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
Of course this passage is too long so I'll need another post for more quoting then I'll get to analysis. Damn, this is tedious.
What, like the Jesus Mysteries or some shit? Watching too much zeitgeist retarded shit son.
No, it's not. You're Arab rape-baby mongrels. You can hardly tell Spaniards apart from Turks.
Turning the other cheek means not to return insult for insult in retaliation, which is what most people expect and how worldly people act. Responding to hatred with love just might grab someone's attention and afford us a chance to share the gospel. When we respond in a manner that is unnatural, it displays the supernatural power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus was the perfect example because He was silent before His accusers and did not call down revenge from heaven on those who crucified Him.
>What, like the Jesus Mysteries or some shit? Watching too much zeitgeist retarded shit son.
Yeah, Zeitgeist is pretty retarded, so I've heard, but I've never seen it.
Well, I fucked that formatting. Anyway, were finally getting to the quotation in question. Though the message has already been laid out.
>6 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.[b] 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows
32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
ye but they kept one about how ur mum sucked me dic faggot jew
>ye but they kept one about how ur mum sucked me dic faggot jew
Yeah, actually I think it was you guys who were forced to suck our dicks
>pic related
>be me
>try meditation because some grill tells me
>reach gnosis while meditating
>experience union with God
>holyshit, isthisforreal?.jpg
>start experimenting with religion
>goes horrible
>when I try christianity it not only goes horrible for me, but the people of the world start behaving like fallen angels
>notice other christians
>they're ignoring scripture in favour of mental gymnastics to lead people astray
>literally the world is populated by sons of satan like the bible says
>literally people trying to make me sin when I was a christian
>Literally finally come to terms with the notion that christianity wasn't really what I experience
>discover gnosticism
>my life turns arround
>mfw I'm literally an outsider in an ongoing battle of angels of the demiurge vs demons of satan
>>discover gnosticism
That sounds pretty cool, user. I'd like to try gnosticism but unfortunately I was born 1925 years too late.
You just have to believe the stuff and I guess do meditation and put yourself on trances, as I said I reached gnosis by accident.
It occured to me to practice gnosticism because in my eyes the god of the bible was a total cunt.
To get straight to the bit that started this scripture quoting, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" and then he proceeds to quote Micah and further explain that if loving your family is more important than serving him you're fucked and, moreof, if your own life is worth more than serving him you should just fucking kill yourself. This certainly is not a call to arms, it is simply a message to stand firm in the face of all danger.
"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved", this is a common theme of his, that everyone will hate you for following him and you just need to deal with it. His answer to persecution and oppression is never to take up arms to stop it, its to follow his example and just let it happen.
>His answer to persecution and oppression is never to take up arms to stop it, its to follow his example and just let it happen.
Jesus confirmed as a juniperboy cuck