Leftist cringe thread
Where did you even go to get that shit? BEGONE DEMON
Saw it here nordcuck
Soy generations are easily brainwashed by propaganda. They can easily find offense in anything
Asians are white just like Jews and Irish though
The lefts fetish, to be dominated by women.
imagine how much time the artist took to make this, every second feeling desperate for self validation and the thrill of approval from their idiot peers
>men's rugby
>women in men's rugby
>cups in men's rugby
The author of this 'comic' never played rugby.
>I'm going to invade your country and demand residence
>if you disagree with that you are racist
>Also you shouldn't have the right to vote
Fucks sake and there are people here who defend mongoloids
>let's base our economy off a video game
>don't want to pay for my child's shit, dude you are just as bad as people to deliberately kill kids.
>Giving the most power to those incapable of actually playing the game
That’s how famines start.
Blue laws were invented by the Church. You don't get more right wing than that.
this sign is directly talking to me
it reads "turn left" so i understand "kill 100.000.000 like communism did"
women are so strong, and i, as a manlet, would totaly destroy the mountain from GOT
get over it 8)
>yfw you know KKK was democrats in dress.
With wich money ?
>if giving everyone a house meant houses would be worthless you are admitting home ownership exist as a class gateway
KKK did nothing wrong tho
It's like they already understand they are the reason America isn't great. Why else would you react so badly? It just confirms they know they are nation destroying parasites only here for their self gain
Throw them all out
Imagine being this fragile.
To be fair, she's in world a super strong Amazonas, not just some woman.
>tfw when your lineage ends but it's okay because now wife lets you play vidya
I read this out loud to a leftist and ze just went "reeeeeee!!!!"
>but i have a nervous breakdown when i see something expressing an opinion i don't like
GOGO a cutie, I feel like using this strip alone is unfair to the glory that is that brown Amazon.
No issue with that one.
And when have republicans ever cut Vet benefits? Obama's VA hospitals killed more vets than the Jihadis did.
I can understand these argument from latinos, but did Trump ever say anything bad about Asians?
Every day we stray further from god
College is a class gateway.
They're the trade school for entering the middle class.
>dad cares about nigglet
Yeah sjws are ignorant as fuck
Yup, that's what the middle class is pretty much.
>expectation vs reality
This makes /ourside/ look pretty rad compared to the liberal faggots.
god i wish that were me
So this is the power of soy
>a dove
>some womyn
>sassy colored folk
>some signs
>leader actually holding a weapon
>fucking skeletons with spears
>all of these unaffected by the fire in their midst
It might seem mean, but I think its best to go with the winning side...
This Denizcan't be real
ofc it is a class gateway
there are a shit ton of meme degrees
get a trade craft job and you're gucci
So he's saying that black people attack cops? Racist
Too much text in the thumbnail for me to even click it
>tfw trump is shen
>tfw we are the wolves
>tfw memes are the cannons
True. Only gulping soy in pills can get you triggered over modern art, moderna architecture, depression, other races and trans people.
Funny thing is its the exact opposite. Geeks and nerds are turbo sjws like you wouldnt believe. Its made me not want to be one anymore
wtf is that supposed to depict
It's like those people don't even want to exist
What the actual fuck lads
Hogwarts teachers were armed.
Please repeat this every time you see this.
That guy looks like a total loser.
I never noticed the go pro before lol
>my wife asked if I would consider a vasectomy after we have 3 kids
>told her to drink bleach
>Charlie Roker
It's not really a leftist comic. The girls are quite sexualized and she's just a stereotypical amazon woman, like the mythical giant strong woman amazons, not hue hue amazons. The comic isn't leftist propaganda, more like some dude who likes big toned women, dunno why this one always gets posted with shit like OP.
What happens with negro names in the USA? can't they have a normal name?