this globalism and forced immigration, its all part of a ISIS/ISIL/Terrorist islamic motive.
i cant source it at the moment but the quote went something along the lines of "we will not rest until the flag of (allah i think i cant remember) has been raised in the 4 corners of the world"
this whole mass immigration thing and all that, its all to allow terrorists and mass arabians to snuff out the cultures of the countries they are invading, so that the arabian culture ultimately dominates and takes over all society.
shit just fucking got real holy crap.
what the hell can we do to put a stop to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a false-flag by da joos to malign people against traditionalism in general.
Newfags need to lurk at least 1 year before starting threads.
>a false flag
it's still happening, isn't it?
gas them both
Exactly, isis = greater israel.
Don't be a racist bigot. Learn to love the peoplekind.
Yeah I’m surprised more people don’t remember this. They said something like “we’ll flood your cities/shores with migrants etc” and 6 months later the immigrant crisis began. I’ve never once heard anyone bring it up anywhere since I first read it years ago.
this shit is goddamn terrifying if you think of the implications, what the hell can be done about it?
i think i read that in a book somewhere about terrorism.
this all seems like too much of a coincidence to me
>what the hell can we do to put a stop to this?
build a wall? stop giving passports can gibs like candy?
this is the future WE chose user.
Consult prophets, old wise men, i'm no help to you in this case.
from what weve seen most of the leaders in europe are advocating for this, only countries like poland appear to be standing up to it, the best hope i think we have is the italian march election, it that goes well then change is likely to arrive but i dont know, what does this all mean? i think were barely scratching the surface
I recall that threat happening just before the Migrant crisis. Various forms of it were spread and it was never heard of again.
One of them was a radical Islamic preacher wearing a white robe in a stone building surrounded by other camel fuckers. Will try to find the clip if it hasn't been shoah'd
Protip : everything happening is just following the plan of the talmud and the old testament. Islam is the retarded brother of Israel he sends to "hunt" while he takes the promised land and the whole world.
The goyim is destined to be a slave caste as dumb as possible (but still smart enough to serve), their messiah will come when all of humanity except the jews is mixed and enslaved.
>isil terrorist
no you dumb ass, every muslim wants his religion spread across europe
saudi arabian goatfuckers are financing buldings of mosques across europe, buying land etc
Found a link to the article actually.
This was literally on the Eve of the migrant Crisis. Within a few months there were swarms of them walking into Europe and raping our women.
Isn't that a fucking coincidence.
>hurr durr I forgot to include the link
again i cant remember where it was from, i think it was isis/israeli i cant remember
the plot thickens
Glen Beck was talking about this in detail like 5 years ago. Had maps and whiteboards and flowcharts and everything. Spoiler: Soros did it.
Man, this is going on for thousands of years and you want to solve it right here in this thread?
Is this like the Jewish reconquista? When's it gonna happen?
of course it was soros! of course he's part of it! he's one of the major globalists so he's sticky fingers must be all over this.
this is fucking crazy
Islam is a tool of the jews.
bruh you and the rest of the westerners are blind
here have a video of a place in bosnia where saudis bought up land, and gave to salafist vahabist to train kids
miliatry drills, religious brainwashing etc
funniest thing is the normal muslims are advocating that these aren't military drills but a way to bring kids out of their homes and computers , and see it as good
>kids blowing up baloons until they pop so they get used to hear blasts
croats and serbs are outraged, and the state can't do nothing cos they are a legal NGO, called asker(which means soldier)
open your eyes you dumb westerners , muslims are the same everyhwerre
I was specifically thinking of this threat in particular
the jews and the isreali, its all part of something big, i think im starting to truly wake up
It is happening in cycles, with every cycle the barrier (white people) that prevents them from taking over planet gets thinner. This not a plan of few centuries, it is ancient war.
They use religions
That's obvious. Everyone here already knows this tho so go say it on facebook and twitter instead so your normie friends hear it.
And ideologies
>Yiddish Jihad
Muslims are eternally indebted to the Yids for giving Muslims the defeat of eternal goy
>Feb '15
Holy fucking shit user, make sure you save an archive of that for later use.
People dismissed it at the time, I distinctly recall they dismissed it, forgot it and then half of the African continent came walking through Turkey and floating across the Mediterranean
This is why we as a species need to get off this rock and expand to other permanent colonies off-world. Let these primitives remain behind and squat and squabble in their desert shitholes.
holy mcfuck
Always play both sides and all sides cover up their financial power - banking system
You have much to learn newfreind
Wise people always warned
Its all globalist elite plot(the one that currently control USA and most of western nations).
Muslims are just pawns.
im OP btw
ill supply pic if you want.
>4 corners of the world
I've never understood this stupid expression.
The earth is a spheroid and as such doesn't have corners.
Even is earth were cubic, it would have 8 corners, not 4.
Typical inbred, goatraping, mudshits.
Too stupid to count to zero.
thats exactly what i think. its fucking insane and we need to STOP IT
Welcome to the Nebecaneser brother
what is Nebecaneser?
i have to know
It is our ship we use to travel between last human settlements underground.
ok then?
>that sounds like heavens gate talk to me
Jews hate Aryan people most of all that is why israel stationed most hateful kikes in defeated Europe.
First it was UK then USA replace it.
Both world wars was caused to destroy Europe and Russia and Froth times Germany was used as tool like tools their are.
USSR was their creation but under Stalin it go rogue(socialism in one country and ethno republics). Stalin was paranoid for a good reason.
Yeah Stalin was on good guy.
Mao and Red China was another of their creations. This one more servile.
Target globalism and control of whole world.
For this nation states must die.
New WW is brewing in Europe again.
Germany will again play their role. Poland will be blamed.
we thank the brave Yiddish Jihadists who enabled victory for Islam
Muslims are eternally indebted to the Yids for handing western civilization over to Muslims and defeating the eternal goy
Without a sword, without a bullet, without an army the Yids exterminated the enemy and empowered their Islamic brethren to pillage and extinguish the infidel.
Yea they see the west as scum and plan to destroy and install islam, get like 100 wives and kill all the local men.
It's how the muslims entered India, they were butchering senselessly for weeks, civilians mostly.
Jews evolved that way they are afraid of blue-eyed jew hunters that can see better in the dark, they are afraid of wolves our ancestors used to track down these parasites. They also usually have bigger ears stick out so then can better hear us approaching.
>New world war.
its happening isnt it?
this sounds more and more terrifying the more i hear about it, the globalists enabling islamist installation? fuck me.
can we not derail into a jew thread please?
We are losing the war of terror.
That is form Matrix movie, might be our future.
Also when you see those mass executions bare in mind some are executed cause they are infidels, Christians for example.
>this sounds more and more t
Imagine cancer.
This globalism\forced immigration is not the works of ISIS or the Arabic scum. No. This is the works of (((some other groups))). The Islamic terrorist movements are simply taking advantage of our weak boarders that (((they))) gave us and (((they))) benefit also by setting Euro and Arab up against each other. It is the Jew who made us go to the middle east and anger the arab, It is the Jew who gave us open boarders. (((They))) need to channel the Arabic fury towards the west to save their own skin, and they need to destabilize the west to attain world supremacy and fulfill prophecy.
Not exactly. They want to fractionalize/destroy/dillute White nations to such an extent that they can only be ruled by "in your face" dictatorship.
This transition from the "Left vs Right" dialectic dictatorship to "in your face" dictatorship will obviously need a "Managed Race War".
They do not intend to completely destroy the White Race for 2 reasons:
- They will still need a very considerable amount of scientific, technological and industrial power.
- They can never fully control the black/brown/Muslim horde because this horde would turn against them. The Jews know how racist/tribalistic/ethno-egoist the hordes that they import are.
>mfw this whole thing makes sense now
>its actually DA MUZZIES
No, brainlet. It was known a long time ago that intervention in the middle east would create the crisis. Gaddafi even told the US to stop fucking around because he was holding back the kangs. It was the West who allowed it to happen. The camel jockies might talk shit but they are from a dead civilization. They aren't conquering shit.
You cant, every topic here brings you there, so one can assume it is root of the machine.
Op here, im calling it a night as its like 1am, will look back at thread tomorrrow and continue it.
fuck this is crazy man
They are only problem because West not only allow them to be one but practically make them a problem.
And who is behind west euros? Who string the puppets? USA in front and -you know hwo- behind.
>when they *allow* 9/11 to happen, knowing in advance
>when they have the entire world under constant terror threat
>when they implement harsh *anti-terror* laws eroding goyim rights
>when they create taliban/al qaeda/muslim brotherhood/sadaam/wahibists/jihadists
>when they create more wars in muslim areas and push all muslims out to invade Europe/America
>when they criminalize goyim for fighting back against islam
>when islam wins all due to yiddish jihad
It isn't just Jews, though. Zionists are shit but you can't narrow everything down to a single variable most of the time. No doubt it would be stupid to ignore Jewish involvement. US foreign policy for the last decade+ has largely been (((neocon))).
>No Jewish expulsion in the year 1488
Globalist elites.
They have plenty of pawns.
Who know who really is behind them.
Here is some about neocons in US foreign policy.
Are you meming? Globalism is an Alex Jones meme. The US has a lot of power by way of military, economic and nuclear threat but it doesn't have that level of control. China and Russia ate their own civilizations that still pose a threat to the West.
And it should be noted that they are Trotskites LARPing as conservatives. They are only conservative in name.
Aussie bro you’re on to amazing information that I need not tell you otherwise I too will be outed but dig dig and dig some more. I’m proud of you senpai.
I see you're new here kido, so let you in on a little secret...JEWS ARE EVIL HITLER IS GOOD
Appreciate the redpill drops itt.
Why do you think they let China and Russia free?
No you fucking namefag. Alex Joke is a controlled opposition but that mean nothing.
Globalist are behind current corporations capitalism and funded both Russian and China commies.
That their local pawns get either purged or gone rogue mean nothing really as they did their job - destroying local nation states and their civilizations.
Lol you guys think just because the US is selling tech and materials that it controls everything. Okay. I bet you guys think the Cold War was fake and that Hitler really was standing up against the magical all-controlling Jews. This is why we never have serious discussions on this board anymore. There is so much establishment material outlining everything but you guys always seem to think it has to be le ultra secretive special knowledge. You guys are proof that hiding in plain sight works.
They haven't. Go look up the increase in pentagon budget and what its being used for, literally China and Russia.
That is what i'm talking about, bankers arm, steer up war machine to defeat our civilizations once again. You know who those bankers are.
Yeah, because capitalism is a system motivated by the increase of profit. You make it sound like they do it intentionally and play 36362D chess. I dont see how the Soviets getting nukes was strategically good if youre trying to make war and knock them out.
And the top leaders of the world are kikes and muslims pulling the strings
Capitalism is same as communism - system invented for parasites to benefit enslaved masses through banking scam, terror, media propaganda.
Pure coincidence point is a cliche now, no one is gonna believe you with such amount of evidence we have.
benefit using*
Europe had a chance to block the immigration but now BEHOLD
This is Europe now.
They did not come with sabers and arms, they came to invade while crying and begging for mercy.
Lose-lose, if you say no to refugees you will look like the villain. If you say yes you get quietly invaded.
Don't be retarded. Arabs can't rule shit. Jews whites and Asians have shots at it.
The most troubling thing to me is how they are bending over backwards to accommodate these outsiders.
They marry 14 year olds and that's against your law but you allow it because they're refugees.
I will not be surprised if Germany goes under Sharia law some time soon.
Capitalism started around the late Middle Ages and communism can date as far back as Plato but was modernized by Marx in the 19th century. What material are you even referencing? "Wallstreet and the Bolsheviks" by that one tard? You fail to mention your data includes a hypothesis. Data doesnt provide a hypothesis and you have no conclusive evidence.
please tell everyone you meet to visit Sup Forums.org and also please return tomorrow as well.
I see that some of you have taken the blackpill.
More like its to further fracture societies so people arent together to fight ((((them)))))
Feudal system and life in small communities is something else.
Like i said, all is left for you is to deny obvious jewish overrepresentation at all cost.
Tfw , your buddies in-law marries ; Illegal /Legal , North African. Marries Roastie/Trustafarian/Yankee (on-vacation in Spain ).
Shitskin , has (no-skills or education, as far as i know)
Now , ass-hat has multiple children , & no-job.
Moves to town tobe close to "Mommy Trust", and purse strings.
It's the other way around, newfag :
Globalists promise fortune and a fulfilling of the islamic conquering until they put Ad-Dajjal (Or the biblical Anti-Christ) on stage.
That way, you deliver the killing blow to christians and you wreck Islam in the biggest religious plot twist they've ever encountered. Keep in mind that Gabriel, the angel who taught Mohammad in the first revelation in that retarded cave might aswell be a demonic entity who looks remarkably similar to Lucifer Morningstar.
>But what do globalists win with this shit>
A browned retarded unrested population that cannot and will not question the authority . You also transfer retarded goatfuckers from Africa to Europe and the globalists relocate themselves to Africa, while the African and european peasants get fucked by either the WW3 or the biblical AND islamic predicted asteroid impact that most likely will land in the northern hemisphere.
can someone explain the aipac link to me? why does us congress shill for israel? what percent of congress is jewish etc? is it just a culture thing or is there overrepresentation in congress/politics by jews?
So, no sources or conclusive evidence. There was also Jewish overrepresentation in the Bolsheviks and early Soviet gov. + commisars. So what? Theyre tribal and give each other preference over others. That was basically the thesis to MacDonalds Culture of Critique. That doesnt mean they control everything, most of them are incompetant idiots. Look at (((Jeffery Epstein))). The dumb fuck doesnt even have a college degree and makes it on like the trilateral commission and CFR to procure lolis for peds. Your blind antisemitism is as much cancer as their shitty kike magic religion.
They are smart only in terms of scheming, brainwashing. Think of kike as a natural shekel accumulator, that is their purpose in nature. Proof you are looking for - bankers. Or you gonna say that having that amount of wealth, they also have little power? Doesn't sum up. And you have a history that shows us only kikes were expelled/killed everywhere on this planet, amount of shilling on every internet resource, laws that forbid to criticize jew or their schemes.
Bump , White & Slav .
Nixon needed "Federal Reserve / Jew notes.
After continuing LBJ /Coup / Vietnam War.
(((They))) got us in dept thur "BS" War.
Alot of my people came back "FUBAR " !
Just checking to see if i’m Banned.
That war was a breaking point when things in US went from bad to worse. Before Vietnam they just couldn't import that many niggers, but using degenerate drug-addicted masses (hippie movement), while men was distracted fighting another useless war, pushed new narrative.
You didn't know that?
I thought it was well known that ISIS was propogandizing "The Religion of Peace" and "Feminist Religion".
That would make sense if not for the tons of non joo bankers. I never said they dont play a significant role but that kind of narrative is what spooks everyone away. Its one thing to point out the ignored jewish involvement in western history and contemporary politics and its another to say the whole world is controlled by a secret cabal of kike lizards. We arent even in the era of financial capitalism where banks rule everything anymore. That was the last era. Its now pluralist.