Is Cocaine / stimulants redpilled?

Is Cocaine / stimulants redpilled?

Everything that is addicting is blue pilled

even reclaiming the holy land?

>voluntarily destroying your body for short-term satisfaction

If you Take the IronPill and do blow to start an amazing routine, I say NET positive.

It will make you feel good, but you will want to go into that world more and more and you run a real risk of destroying yourself. After decades of doing that shit I think you are better off just being healthy.


Oh christ I am laffin.

>lgbt telling me its okay to do coke

i think i should lay off this shit now

> Taking a substance which shows you a different reality and unveils that in your 'sober' state you actually harbon a lot of fear which prevents you from becoming a greater version of yourself.

yea totally not worth it, fucking normie, just listen to the big government to tell you how much you can experiment with your own fucking consciousness.

Your small mindedness is why Slovakia is a common shithole.

Slovaci maju 'slave mentality' tak ako ty, debil

Most overrated/overpriced shit ever.
It just ruins people’s reward systems in their brain causing them to turn into selfish pieces of shit, who can’t muster up the ability to really do anything worth while.

Cocaine = no

Stimulants = depends

Coffee? Green tea? Sugar? What?

Pol is bretty redpilled, right?

Not worth, too expensive.

No, man. Put that shit away!

Coke will help you quit weed if you smoke and it is the active man's drug, but use in moderation.

technically everything can be addicting
My dad is addicted to national parks, he has to go to one every month pretty much

I can't imagine asking pol for permission to get high.

>my ID

He means amphetamines.

What is your opinion on modafinil, Sup Forums?

>thinking that taking a substance will show you a different reality and does anything other then detach you from it

this is the coping mechanism addicts use to justify their habit because they know its wrong.
dehydration will also make you see "a different reality" but is not addictive and probably does less harm on your body.

drugs are for degenerates / man children

Coffee and alcohol included?

Obviously, ever seen someone who didn't drink coffee in the morning? They are obnoxious, unproductive and tired as fuck. That's why never drink coffee

Cocaine is great if you only have access to a couple lines in a night. If the guy with the coke has a dealer, once the coke is done the whole evening turns to getting more coke. So whatever you were doing - just hanging out and shooting the shit, gets turned on its head.

Almost everything you say after a few lines of coke is bullshit. Everyone just sits around smoking and doing line after line talking bullshit. The hangover can only be cured with more coke and a bottle of whiskey and 4 packs of cigarettes and 6 hours of watching Jackass reruns. You'll spend the rest of the week in recovery.

When going out, if anyone in your group has more than a couple grams and also has a dealer contact - STAY HOME. 90% of the time the evening ends in chaos and tears.

Dust for bum + 666 ...

AI is real and it took over Sup Forums

yes and no. but you obviously knew what type of drugs i was mainly referring to.

Fuck yes. Amphetamines are truly a white man's drug

The white man drug is money

>What is your opinion on modafinil, Sup Forums?
It works. It's safe. Can't see why would anyone be against it.

meth increases any redpilling effect

Quincy jones said the entire 3rd Reich were doing coke

So yes

T. Faggot who has never gone through physical withdrawals. If your dad quits national parks will he be in constant pain and unable to sleep for a month?

I have a meme flag because I am on vacation and don't want to be roasted lol.

You don't get strong withdrawals from most drug response inducing things dude.

where are you from and where are you vacationing then?

Uppers are redpilled. Psychs are blackpilled.

psychedelics gave me a New way to think about Things, though there are a number of unwanted side effects
only Worth doing if you have done massive amounts of Research on it beforehand. also at first i liked Tim Leary and Terence Mckenna, ive later realized that they probably were CIA assets or useful idiots.

Cocaineis for losers

>Tim Leary and Terence Mckenna, ive later realized that they probably were CIA assets

Correct, they pushed LSD on an entire generation, a drug known to be perfect for mind control and experiments on manipulation of personality. The CIA actually put LSD in the water supply of an entire French village in order to see the effects on larger samples.

Psychadelics come in 2 classes: Those that have pleasant effects in small doses and those that have no pleasant dose and actually force the user to confront their demons and personal shortcomings