Jesus christ, Seattle is cucked
Jesus christ, Seattle is cucked
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I really hope that enterprising white people are taking advantage of this and getting this dumbass cucks to waste their money and give niggers a bad name
This nigger needs to be lynched
We should all enter into this, bait with offers of goods and services, and then at the last minute tell them "Hitler did nothing wrong"
Fucking niggers.
pls nuke king county
Don't do anything that will generate sympathy for them like saying that "Hitler did nothing wrong." or anything that would be associated with Sup Forums.
Just say you're going to buy them stuff and flake out at the last minute. It'll be right in line with the rest of Seattle.
This will cause the niggers to chimp when people don't give them gibs, exposing their entitled behavior.
> subtly admits that niggers are inferior and need propping up by whites
Every response should be : go die you worthless parasitic nignog
Gib them directions to their local employment agencies or other such services, regardless of what they ask for.
>this is the way I imagined it working:
>I try to get publicity for myself by telling people to help blacks
>I want whitey to do the work
>whitey should do it this way so I can really feel like I got enough credit for someone else's work
Nigger genocide when?
I love that aspect of Seattle
What about inviting them to sketch ass places or sending them to their mothers house
>I'm too upset to make dinner. Do something about it.
Sounds like slavery.
A bunch of people in Seattle went apeshit because someone was flying a Norwegian flag and thought it was a rebel flag.
>people of color are people of color but white people are people who identify as white.
what did she mean by this Sup Forums?
Why are they admitting complete incompetency
Does their Gibs me dat know no end?
How long before white guilt liberals start selling themselves into indentured servitude to negroids?
What an entitled bitch. Slavery was 100 years ago and only 4% of slaves was in the south during that time. Reperations is just another term for guilt over something your ancestors did not do.
Do some historical research and you'll find out that JEWS were the driving force behind slavery, making BIG money.
So go after JEWS 4 reparations, but then they'd turn off the money spigot that funds UR ignorance.
>I need a massage
That's it. I'm now officially a racist.
>gibs me dats foe free
black women have the power to evoke incredible rage in white men.
the primal urge to attack my computer monitor now is almost overwhelming.
Yes, inviting complete strangers over for dinner from the black community, what could possibly go wrong? And bring a friend.
Why does this trigger me so bad? Of all the horror I've see on Sup Forums, from pizzagate shit to gore to the Jew's plans for world slavery how can I even get triggered anymore?
thanks OP
Any black who'd actually use this has zero self respect or dignity. She is empowering nobody, the fucking cunt.
Have you met niggers?
why are non-whites obsessed with gibs?
They are such fucking parasites.
Fucking Psychopaths man.
>persons of low iq
>having selfrespect and dignity
That are too complex feels, gibs = me strong, that's their level.
Really funny stuff, monkeys demanding that humans become their slaves.
It's not that, we've enslaved people for thousands of years, it's the fact that they act like they're the only ones to have ever been slaves throughout history. The worst part is they haven't even been Euro's slaves for as long as Euro's have been Euro's slaves. Jews, however, can just go fuck themselves though, I don't give a shit how long they've been slaves.
I can't actually find anywhere were the poccers make requests, so she's just requesting gibs for literally doing nothing
Helluva long way to say AY YO GIBS ME DAT
I've said this to a number of white friends....If you live in the Americas, you have a 70% chance of having had some native genetics in your bloodline. Find the records, keep them for posterity and when a POS POC starts attacking your use the race card against them:
- yo gibs me now, nigga
- I myself am a minority friend, my great grand mother was prosecuted by the government. I fight this oppression by helping my oppressed community. Perhaps you should do the same, here is the a job application
when one of them loses their shit on you or if you get in trouble you have the paperwork to prove you are
I'd buy a black fella a one way plane ticket to Liberia, if you know what I mean. In fact, if the gubment used all of my tax dollars from last year, I could buy 5 nogs one way tickets to Liberia.
>If you live in the Americas
Only in Latin America. We killed most of our natives up here in North America.
I'd rather live in LA than Seattle. King County is literally the worst place to live if you fall anywhere in the right side of the political spectrum. Jews literally destroyed Seattle. Outside of Jew owned tech companies there's nothing here .
If you have any orphans in your family, especially during the early colonial period, most were natives raised by nuns. They may have an English name but the official records will list their native heritage.
does not take much work, a couple of weekends looking through the national archives can save you from losing your job, can help you get a better position (you can apply for equal opportunity jobs for example) or prevent your family from losing a piece of land (if shit gets SA bad).
>POC is lazy.
>Y-peapol do POC's work.
>POC wants stuff for free.
>Y-peapol give stuff to POC.
Yeah let me make you dinner and bring treyvon too. Sound like a recipe for a robbery to me. No thanks.
Just proving niggers can't provide for themselves. Proving they are leeches.
If you read the full thing, essentially this means you can ruin the site if you get a small team of dedicated shitposters to post kangs memes and Redpills about niggers, make fun of them for being lazy etc.
They don't have the money to pay a dollar per Sup Forums post. It would be demoralizing.
Or we could just ignore them...
That nigress can keep dreaming about other doing free shit for her.
So I can just post NIGGER and they'll make a donation? It's like reverse gibs!
I would unironically be in favor of moving all of Sup Forums to whatever forum they're talking about and just have normal pol discussions like we do here and bankrupt whoever actually does fund this shit (if there is even a fund it still looks like they're asking for gibs from other people)
she can suck my confederate dick for ten dollars. Will fuck her for a deal. one hundred dollars. That is if she does not have aids which seem unlikely. In that case she can suck Obama`s dick. Stupid nigger.