Please tell me the truth of Islam

Someone posted a "redpills" thread and it had some disturbing informations on Islam. Namely, pic related, that told me how it is ok under Islam to rape the children. I thought this was just an anti-semitic lie that racists use to spread hate, but now I see perhaps there was truth behind it. How far down does the rabbit hole go?

Other urls found in this thread:




Yeah this a Israeli prop, this is from the Talmud...

Nice try jidf

Check this video and the whole Chanel. It is from a former Muslim exaplining the Muslim teology

No, its real. Nice try MIDF.


Khomeini never wrote that. Israeli propaganda.
Also, stormshits who are about to post "Talmud quotes", that's bullshit too. Stop believing in everything you see on Sup Forums.

>Khomeini never wrote that. Israeli propaganda.
BOOM, nice try mudslime


One of the simplest, most straight forward, truths of the psychotic death cult


The Shah was woke as fuck. The Jews figured out that an anti-Jew Islamic Iran would be better than an anti-Jew non-Islamic Iran because Islam is very very dumb.

Read a book called "Hostage to Khomeini" written by an American that was hostage during the embassy crisis. Very good exposition of how the West deliberately created the revolution. He doesn't mention the Jew but it is very very good.

>Cherry picks a bunch of sentences out of context in the Quran
> Most of these are about infidels being punished in the hereafter
> Does not even believe in Allah or the hereafter

What exactly is the problem faggot? Maybe deep inside you know that the hereafter is real and that you will be punished?

As for what the Quran teaches to us believers, we are not allowed to walk around and "start fires where the infidel will be the fuel" degenerate, that is what God will do after your death. Besides
> Using a sh*a "Muslims" opinion about sex as an argument against Islam and the Quran
lol now thats pathetic.

Why are there all these Muhammads with Yuropean flags?

Because they flee shitholes, not go to them.

Because my father moved to Norway you degenerate?

Move back.

My father did not flee for shit, he was invited to Norway in the early 1970's by a company called dominion bridge to work for their shitty oil bridges, first in Canada then later on here in norway, and he was paid a big sum beforehand. Why do cucks like you think that every muslim has to be a syrian refugee? Faggot, he was a more hardworking man then any of you shitapes sitting behind a screen talking shit lul. Besides both my parents have moved back after, since my father saved his money and invested it in his homecountry. I was born here n see no reason to move to a country i have never been in, however i will make sure to breed a few kids here so Europe gets taken over faster.

Islam was originally for the purest whites only and little girls need love too.
Stop being bigots or enjoy hell.

OP go to hell.

>Because they create shitholes to flee from

Its just interesting how yuro flags complain about being called "muhammad", but here we have a fuckton of Muhammads lol

>Islam was originally for the purest whites only
>and little girls need love too

>he writes, living in a shithole
sqhiptari genocide best day of my life

islam is the most deadly and destructive force in human history. It is A political system that enforces compliance through masquerading as a religion. Every detail of life is governed. The koran was an amalgam plagiarized from the torah and other early religions. Nothing a moslem says is true to an infidel. Lying is a protected part of the culture. The golden age of islam is a lie, they captured and stole the research, products and in many cases enslaved the creators of discovery. The truthful passages in the quran that are paraded out to show peace and tolerance are real but not applicable because of the islamic law of abrogation. It says that any earlier verses are replaced by the later verses. So everything post medina is the law and this has been upheld by all the major schools of islamic jurisprudence. The real story of the actual application of standards and rules comes from the "reliance of the traveler" also The hadith is a major component of islamic life because it illustrates the life of muhamed who is known to be the worlds most perfect man.

The hadiths are accounts of his life and a quick perusal will show any honest person the sickness that is revered. the koranic versions bandied about for public consumption have been cleansed to remove many of the offensive portions dealing with infidels and jews so as to put a better face on islam, but practicing muslims still live and believe the original intent. women have less value in islam than cattle and are considered property. Female genital mutilation although also practiced by some primitive non muslims is Most common in islam. It has no similarity to circumcision because in islam the intent is to remove the ability of the child as a woman to enjoy sexual pleasure.

Sexual pleasure is reserved for men, women are to be used. The best evidence about islam is from former muslims who were able to escape, you are not allowed to leave and will be ostracized or killed for doing so. wafa sultan, a god who hates is an easy starting point. or Wholly different by nonie darwash, or infidel by ayaan hirsi ali or the politically incorrect guide to islam by robert spencer or the grand jihad by andrew mccarthy or political islam by bill warner or because they hate by bridgette spencer or joseph anton by salman rushdie or the people vs muhammad by jk sheinlin. there is so much available but any attempt to seek truth is shouted down by shouts of racism and islamaphobia. islam usually has a negligable effect on society and culture as long as the percentages are low. Everyone has a I knew a nice muslim once story. The problems appear once they start to have sufficient numbers and political clout and then the true colors show. Just read any worldwide survey by pew reasearh to see what the real beliefs are. Even in Minneapolis where there are thousands of so called moderates the majority support sharia which is the ruling law of islam. The simple matter is that muslims are commanded to convert or kill every non muslim on earth, they view non muslims as filthy animals and that you can never leave the religion without great personal loss and danger. There is no scientific scrutiny allowed no philosophical questioning or debate and most muslims are the result of 700 generations of first cousins marrying each other.
I used to be a silly liberal minded happy go lucky stooge. islam was the redpill for me. Once i decide to study I was sickened and disgusted and the fact that the world not only protects but reveres this evil deviant sickness isappaling. islam is the most dangerous issue facing the world. Either we destroy islam or it destroys the world.


Why the fuck would i move back? I have a degree, a job, a wife and a house. The fuck would i randomly move back to some random country and start over because some random white bitch NEET sitting behind a meme flag told me? Ay fkin lmao. I would rather stay here and monthly support local mosques and the islamic community here so it grows.

My grandpa met the Shah when he worked as boatswains mate on a spy ship in the Persian gulf. He ferried him aboard and back to shore.

Move back.

>I would rather stay here and monthly support local mosques and the islamic community here so it grows.
The memes are true!

>trying to grow Islam in the land fo the kufar
This is why even "non-radical" Muslims are the enemy. Everything you do is about expanding your empire. Like a fucking virus.


You are a criminal genocider. If the days come and you are hanging in the streets, or your children are, don't fucking complain. You brought this on yourself. You are the criminal, not the people defending against their ethnic replacement.


DAILY REMINDER: you could have prevented this.
