President Trump General /ptg/ - THANKED.COM EDITION


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 2/24/18
>CPAC Day 3 (Gorka, Malvin, Levin, Nunez, Mulvaney) 2/24/18
>Eric on Ingraham Angle 2/22/18
>Pres Trump Reads Snek @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speech @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull presser 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull meeting 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania welcome the aussies 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press before leaving for CPAC 2/23/18
>Arr Nige @CPAC 2/23/18
>KAC & Linda McMahon @CPAC 2/23/18
>CPAC Day 2 (Trump, KAC, Arr Nige, Ingraham, Perry/Zinke, Others) 2/23/18
>VP Pence address nation's governors 2/23/18
>PressSec Sarah @Olympics in Soko 2/23/18
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Elder Fraud 2/23/18
>SoS T-Rex meets with mick PM Coveney 2/23/18
>StateDep/Lybia make deal on ancient artifacts lolwut 2/23/18
>WH Press Brief on NoKo Sanctions (TreasSec Mnuchin) 2/23/18
>IntDep Video: Natl Trails and Rivers Systems 2/23/18

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Thank you


so hes changing his story now

>ywn be stabbed with Ol' Glory

why go on

This fucking Sheriff should be getting his ass rammed but Tapper is letting him off easy.

this needs more smug anime girls desu


Reminder to not bully the pouty girl.


Lying kike motherfucker we have other cops on fucking video.

why is she so perfect

THANK YEEEWWWWW for baking, my friend

Thanks for the bake. Now check this shit out.

>there's a lot of decent normie conservatives who were fooled into supporting neocon shit by heebs.
this is very true, before Trump plenty of normies still liked Bush and all the Israel neocon shit.
>with Trump's America First, however, they're starting to wake up
the 'punished boomer' is becoming more and more real, go back a few years and most of them were retards, now a good many of them are rather right wing.

Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence, humanitarian access.

Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence, humanitarian access.

Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence, humanitarian access.

Hello neocon froggies!
Did you sleep well?

>when you try so hard to show respect to another culture but inadvertently end up nearly mocking them

>There's something wrong with interventionism.


Four officers? Oy vey why would three officers run in? You'd have to be crazy to run in there with just two officers. I can't believe you'd think he would go in alone.

>CNN is fake news again
who would have guessed

>my family are invaders and lawbreakers
>I will become a senator and aid them

This is like Emmanuel Celler the Jew on steroids

it's a long way to go but I'm optimistic about it. CPAC 2018 was one helluva a whitepill - imagine telling yourself in 2015 that Le Pen would get a standing ovation at a place that usually does nothing but sucks off St. Reagan. The tide is turning.


>humanitarian access.
fuck off

Dilbertman said if ICE pulls out of California he will need to move to another state.

dank tune



Thank yeeww for baking.


He's telling a half-truth. "During the attack" is probably constructed as meaning "while the shooting was going on". The shooting lasted for four minutes, and the rest of the time students were probably bleeding out. Hell, not going in when there isn't active gunfire is even more cowardly than going in while the shooting is still going on, especially when you now have four people.

>imagine telling yourself in 2015 that Le Pen would get a standing ovation at a place that usually does nothing but sucks off St. Reagan.
which is particularly interesting, because when you ask a lot of people that like Trump they say he's a lot like Reagan, or they say they like Reagan. Trump himself often compared himself to Reagan and shared the photo of him with Reagan a lot. It's odd seeing as how Trump's first political thoughts that were publicised was criticizing Reagan and Bush's trade and foreign policy.

Very Fake News, my friend.

>he's watching Very Fake News Network

Boomers are just apathetic, they don't like mass immigration but have had the resources to just move away from diversity. Sure Bush increased immigration, but he was /theirguy/ so they didn't notice or care or blamed the Democrats. In the internet era you can't escape from shitty policy or blame your own terrible laws on the other party.

People here are actually watching CNN?


>probably bleeding out
not probably, actually. this entire statement is PR crash team created bullshit.

In the second "rebuttal", it's interesting that he doesn't actually address the details of "the two encounters that remain under review", but instead refers to a slap on the wrist for a third incident occurring at school (but conceivably not considered a police "call"). Basically the statement says absolutely nothing about whether or not Cruz committed an arrestable act.

It's the only network with Israel this morning.

Heh, I remember that happening.
Now what you really gotta ask yourself is this: what sort of retarded to just prints out the email, Gmail watermark and all. Let's say I was some pre plant for a townhall meeting or anything really. If I worked for someone and emailed instructions, whether that will include my question or whatever they want me to do, I would at least just get a notepad and hand write it down, and probably try to switch up the verbiage so it isn't word for word as well, but still asks the question they wanted. I mean, this way it can seem more organic and like it truly was from a concerned citizen and not some paid actor to "ask the right questions".
Goes to show you, CNN and the media and the DNC aren't sending their best and brightest.

>watching CNN

Reagan's biggest flaws (gun control and amnesty) came during the middle of his second term when democrats tricked him into following the promises on law enforcement. I suspect by '86 he already had early on-stage Alzheimer's, so he kinda lost the grip on it.

>of course I won't resign

Nice shit quality picture.

And no fault divorce.

The flordia shooting has desensitized far more than any videogame or action film could have possibly imagined.
I don't think I'll ever care about about some noodle armed two faced kike and as ass ravaged CNN buddies ranting about the 'NRA' like they were the first or last getting blasted away ever again.

Let me know when it only happens to sensible adults that were actually worth value to society.
The Las Vegas shooting was far more saddening. You never seen a single adult there calling for any kind of control, most wanted their own gun while others taunted a shooter they couldn't even see drinking beer.
Losers like this hogg nosed faggot need to grow up a little. You don't get to just change the very foundation of this country because your a snot nosed faggot with buddies in the FBI/CNN. Ignorant blowhard. Piss on the graves of these traitorous little fuckheads.

the good news is that most of the people communism kills are other commies :D

That's not true. Fox News is a thing still.

You're welcome.



Is he on there?

this was during his Cali governorship - I'm talking about the presidency. But I agree tho.

She did it.

>Mfw I hate communism since Stalin killed my ancestors

>what sort of retarded to just prints out the email
they're not sending their best

i see... keep me posted

Well we are talking about Reagan aren't we?

Whatcha doin' Rabbi?

>In the internet era you can't escape from shitty policy or blame your own terrible laws on the other party.
I think it's the most influential invention since the printing press, maybe more so. It's freed the world of jewish media monopoly and propaganda in a way that we've only scraped the surface of what we can achieve

probably the nigger bitch herself


This seems totally legit and not some dumb nigger antics.
>deformed swasticas intensify

is the apprentice worth watching?

has the tumor taken over yet

Interview over, but I hope Tapper feels like an asshole for letting this jerk go on about the NRA at that town hall.

No, it was just a stupid game show.

100% womeme handwriting

The hilarious part about California's jungle primaries fucking them over is that even without them Dana Rohrabacher- supposedly a "vulnerable" Republican- got 60% of the vote in his district in 2016 despite record Democratic turnout.

California is one of the states I'd be least worried about in terms of Democrats making big gains simply because they maxed out turnout in 2016 and still got nowhere. New York also is kind of in that area- Republicans only control a single district in New York City proper so the Democrats don't really have anywhere to expand to. New Jersey and Pennsylvania are probably more important due to libtards trying to gerrymander things in their favor, though I'd note that the district encompassing Bucks County went 60% Republican in 2016 so given that it has an incumbent representative even with the map redrawn to try and benefit Democrats I think if he's properly funded he can win there. Same with the Harrisburg district. Can probably keep Democratic gains in PA to a minimum of 2 seats even under the libtard gerrymandered map, assuming the Supreme Court allows liberals to go through with their bullshit (we redrew the map to our liking and we'll force you to play on it in 2018!) which seems unlikely.

whatcha doin', sheboon?

Libs have went all in with that talking point despite the fact that the 4 deputies who refused to enter the school would have had no way of knowing Cruz was armed with an AR-15.

Yes, it's an entertaining game show

>Marine LePenis
haha, another fucking loser

poor deluded lil drumpftards

Literally compare the handwriting on the note to the womens. She works in an office im sure her handwriting is all over the place.

what do ?


>"Sometimes people surprise us, and this is one of those instances that we don't know why," says Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of Gallup.

Guess we need to give school guards AR15s.


>Thanks for not saving my classmates lives

Are you fucking kidding me?

>expecting Tapper to feel any remote amount of shame

yep. I generally think he was a pretty good president, but his administration was a breeding ground for the neocons like Elliot Abrams and Paul Wolfowitz which allowed them to claim the Reagan as the idol and make GOP base follow their shit in his name.

Oh the frog family is the best family. That ever sailed across the sea.

Raygun was a California Republican. That kind of social moderate anti-Communist platform he ran on died out before the USSR's corpse was cold.

Joe thinks every damn Republican voter wouldn't go "deep state traitors" instantly

I carry a 10mm with 10 rounds I'll put it up against an AR indoors.

Don't watch


>implying these "Republicans" are different from the Democrats
>implying it's not the globalist uniparty

>sign up for dangerous job
>refuse to actually do the dangerous part of the job
>demand to be paid

Like a nigger in the military

Well when you look at it from his perspective, he's only "famous" now because 17 human sacrifices made it happen.



Decide for yourself

>but his administration was a breeding ground for the neocons
I feel like the same is happening to Trump.

has his butthole healed again after Miller tore him a new one?

Reagan was way more conservative when he ran for the president first in '68. I think he would've performed better - wouldn't have opened the China, less integration poz and so on.

>The guns, gringo. Hand them over.