/TeG/ Testosterone General

Share your tips on how to become a better man.

How to dramatically increase testosterone:

>highly carnivore diet, with considerate amounts of carbs and fat


>Heavy weightlifting, compound exercises using most of your muscular groups



>have a lot of sex with your woman



>leave the big cities, sustain the countryside


>german Idealism
>Social Darwinism
>National-Socialist Doctrine
>Pre-Chistian Paganism (Odinism, Zoroastrianism)


Other urls found in this thread:


Steak and eggs, leafy greens, boron, weight lifting

Lift heavy, eat lots of animal based protein and fat. Maintain a BMI above 20 and a body fat percentage under 20%.
All of these raise test and are easily doable

That's a brilliant image, have a (You)

i heard this was the high test thread

Leafy greens, cauliflower and broccoli, zinc, magnesium, omega fats. Sleep is probably the biggest thing more than lifting or diet. Getting regular deep sleep help regulate your hormones to healthy levels and helps with workout recovery than almost anything else.

Steroids, there's no natural way to drastically enhance test level

>Proud pagan
>Uses a pic from a Jewish Sup Forums show.

Thanks dudes for the tips.

I forgot a very important one:

Build healthy relationships with your immediate surroundings (neighbourhood, family, extended family, workplace) and especially with other men. You never know when you're gonna need them.


There is no other way user. I'm on a dbol sustanon stack right now

vote democrat

>Get tested for low-t
>Get diagnosed for low-t
>Get test shots on the reg

>Dub sixes reveal deceit.
This simply isn't true.

Future Bitch Tits Association International

>ruining your natty test production just so you could have mid tier test level
Don't do that unless ypu can't fix the reasons why you are low t

My Body Fat Percentage is at 27%
Right now I am switching up my diet, so no more sugar or soda, and cutting to only eating 1000-1500 calories a day
Also starting to hit the gym for around a hour while making sure to drink water throughout the day

Am I on the right track here? Is there anything I could be doing more efficiently?

Almost sucks ass to be me and to have made this graph, fear me, for I am destroyed of testosterone threads since pic related is the comprehensive, well rounded thing that I myself even used to get more natty test.

also, fuck potatoes.

I'm telling people to start juicing, just trying to prevent them from falling into meme test booster or deluding themselves into believing they'll become ultrachad because they exercice 3 days a week

do you guys use creatine?

*not telling

It's cheap, might be good for the brain and have no side effect (it.could speed up loss of hair for the genelets with male pattern baldness though)

Sun bathe with direct sunshine on your balls, this is the most effective T boost there is by magnitudes.

take hot water showers to turn more manly like Ranma1/2

I am afraid of balding and bitch tits.

if you haven't already, calculate your TDEE and eat at a 500 calorie deficit. It may go a bit slower but it's more sustainable long term. tdeecalculator.net
Alternatively you can try fasting, some people swear by it but I haven't ever needed to try it.

Sounds like you're on the right track though, keep grinding and you'll get there user

Nofap unironically.

1# To be a man you must be completely self reliant is the first rule. Your life is sustained by yourself can be dependent on nobody.
2# You must desire wisdom, wisdom comes from experience, not knowledge.
3# You must live for yourself. Ask yourself why you're doing anything. Is it others who have set your path in life in pursuit of their own happiness or did you chose it? You must pursue your own happiness, not in the sense of greed or superiority to others, but creating your own happiness that will create happiness for others in it's wake.

You get enough creatine when you get your protein from meat.
Creatine supplements are for dumbasses who get all their protein from whey and soy powders.

This shit is worse than the broscience threads on /fit/.

guys do fapping has any effect ?

Or a couple of 730nm 3w leds shining on your balls


fucking dyel

t. retard

Thanks, and yeah I used that calculator to determine how much to eat

Thanks for clarifying.
There are alot of suboptimal habits the average modern man has to break, less to be a meme test onion chad, and more to be where they should be at good health. Tbh, i think that's who these threads are for.

I think it's good to shoot for the moon, so to speak, and hold that peak performance ideal as a goal, as long as one can keep your feet on the ground.

Personally, I've had enough of blackpilling myself into inaction. These threads have gotten me motivated more than anything.

thanks bro for that cool infographic. It's been long since I've been wary of grains/carbohydrates

Would love to impregnate Olivia Jensen and Mal Malloy oh boy

Roid fag here.

The mental affects of having higher testosterone are negligible. I was injecting 500% the natural level of male sex hormone back in the day and the only mental effects I experienced were paranoia and high libido.

Eating lots of meat won't do shit.

the problem with modern man is that he has no paternal figure to teach him fundamental lessons, and no mother to contain him when he needs to weep during his early life.

The State has become a mother to the point man is a lost sheep in an ocean of mortality. He no longer finds struggle in the daily life, as he has supermarkets and nanny state welfare.

From that hoard of men growing without rightful laws, there's a minority of men who are strong enough both physically and mentally to raise themselves, as an improved version of mankind. They had to learn how to be great by themselves.

>Creatine was identified in 1832 when Michel Eugène Chevreul isolated it from the basified water-extract of skeletal muscle.
>He later named the crystallized precipitate after the Greek word for meat, kρέας (kreas)
What the fuck are you talking about?
Creatine only comes from animals, plant protein has no creatine content, literally everything I said is true. A pound of beef has 5 grams of creatine.

Having healthy test is good for general health, strength, fitness, it'll boost confidence in men because they'll be in better shape, have a stronger libido, shit like that.

No, it's 2.2 pounds of beef
You can have around 2.2 pounds of creatine for less than 10 dollars, I'll let you do the math and see how it does not fucking compete.

nofap and saw palmetto supplements are the holy grail of testosterone.

i think the biggest effect will be in guys who are low test. if you have healthy test levels to start with it won't change you

No, you're fucking wrong and I'm fucking right.
1 pound of beef supplies 5 grams of creatine.
And I only ever said that eating meat gives you "enough" creatine, and I said that because your own body creates creatine on its fucking own too.
Stop being such a faggot and shut the fuck up.

*every 6 days

>Lets get real Sup Forums is lazy
easy way to boost test is sleep and supplementation
>zinc, copper, boron, dem damn dick pillz , sarms/andro

Like a retard

>highly carnivore diet, with considerate amounts of carbs and fat
You've just fucked yourself.

You are thinking of 1kg, not 1 pound. There's only one website supporting your claim and it's a leaf one with no sources

nope. measure how often you have wetdreams on nofap. the duration between wetdreams is how often your body really needs to nut.

for most it’s only 1-2 times a month. fapping will raise your DHT and cause hairloss


>id: FaG
Checks out

There's only one way to dramatically increase testosterone and that's steroids (they are a few other drugs too but you don't mention that either in your stupid thread).


complex carbs are...yea well if you are truly white they will be bad for you...Argentinian...lol

saved, but why fuck potatoes? I fucking love them

Bang women in the doggies style position, while standing up. Do it for 30 minutes straight, three or four times a week, and you will have the testosterone of a God of War.

what's wrong with missionary?

I'm gonna go with Jesus you larping pagan faggot.

Nothing, but doggie style uses more of your muscles, and makes you feel like a fucking king.

Just try what I said or a month of so. You will get ripped abs, and you'll be walking filled with confidence and swagger, and women will look at you differently. They will sense that you can deliver the hard cock they all want.

I have a bulging disk L5-S1 from falling off my bike. What do? I love deadlifts


Imagine me deconstructing your entire existence, goy.

Most of Sup Forums will deny this, but: monogamy damages your testosterone in the long run.
At first, you will experience a spike, but as the time passes, your T will decline (possibly culminating with impotence) until you introduce some variety in your sexual behavior.

That's an evolutionary mechanism to make the betas spread their genes less and alphas spread them more.
Monogamy is a meme.

Fuck evolution. IDGAF.

>idgaf about the future of humanity
Really, dude?

this is true

What future? it all dies at some point anyways. It's all a big joke. I'm not laughing.

Zinc/mag/calcium combo tablets. EsterC C tabs. No white potatoes, rice, or white carbs only sprouted wheat bread. Sardines twice a week. Beet juice, powder or fresh beets. Red meat(learn how to cook cheap round steak wet). Lentils, apples, yogurt, ginger tea or a bottled drink. Make hot chocolate with unsweetened powder using a little agave.

Then why even give a fuck about anything? Testosterone makes you happy. So eat meat, never miss a leg day and fuck as many women as you can to have a happier life.



>By Zaria Gorvett

>ejaculating during sex 3-4 times a week

yeah no, that’s way too much. you shouldn’t ejaculate more than 1-2 times a month

Yes, this is not a joke, one way of increasing testosterone is by fucking starving (check out the reasearch) and being having your life threatening e.g being shot at, living in a warzone and not having sex i.e. chance of procreation.

All of these are threats to your life and your body will respond naturally to keep you alive and increase your testosterone.

>Then why even give a fuck about anything?


>Testosterone makes you happy. So eat meat, never miss a leg day and fuck as many women as you can to have a happier life.

Jesus fucking Christ you probably are a fucking communist being this dumb. Two words: God, maybe.

White potatoes are ok till your about 30. After that they create man teets and pre-beetus if you’re not doing heavy physical labor all day.

Switch to sweet potatoes or some other complex carb after 30+.

Who the fugg is this

Yes, the whole philosophy for increasing manliness can be reduced to .. Suffer. Be hungry, be cold, be tired, be afraid, be angry, be in pain. Calmly lifting weights in a nice warm gym with some music on, is not it, men who do this are just pampering themselves in order to become pretty and attract females, gay.

It's fucking irrelevant you measly faggot.
You get enough creatine from eating red meat, shut the hell up dumbass.

Embrace braphogs. It's high test.
Pancake ass is for homosexual soyboys.
For far too long we have been malnourished in East Asia. We are now correcting our ways.

That in some weird way is actually very correct. The religious truly knew this basic mechanism at heart, even without the specific knowledge that science has provided upon it.

Starvation is the fastest way to get out of the r selected mindset.

White men have always loved some junk in the trunk, traditional European fashion accentuates a curvy behind. Why does it seem to be a lot of modern American men have this obsession with lunchbox shaped asses? It started with the long butt fad in the 80's, did all the coke do permanent damage to your culture?

Yeah monogamy actually benefits females more than males. Females get to lock down high status men and make them raise their kids.

It's no wonder that most mammals (around 95%) are actually polygamous where the male fucks the female and then fucks off to breed with more females. And the offspring is raised by the female.

Roasties unfortunately dont realize this.


get this filthy pornography OUT OF MY FACE

i cant, my dick points upward almost vertical and it doesnt hit the spot that way


Interesting. I used to keep rabbits in cages so that they breed out of control and release them in the wild so that they feed the foxes, so that we can hunt foxes later.

Sayans get stronger after almost dying.

>Be hungry
>Be cold
>Be tired
>Be afraid
>Be angry
>Be in pain

Real men suffer and sacrifice for their families, community and country to make it a better place.

Every single one of you are very lucky I happened to be here from /fit/

My daily test stack:

Eggs (I eat 8-10 daily but 3 whole eggs starts test boost process)
Broccoli for estrogen inhibiting
Folic Acid
Strength train daily
cardio daily (maybe a mile and a half a day is good enough)
Abstain from masturbation or porn to retain test boost
Creatine Ethyl Ester
2 cups of black coffee to halt early male pattern balding from creatine (yes it does, do your research I'm not getting into it here)
Cup of mixed berries, three serving of oats daily
High quality protein i.e. cod fish.
Handful of almonds
I'm telling you my testosterone stack because this is something I've been interested in sharing but for some reason nobody cared on /fit/ so enjoy. Everything I listed has been proven to increase testosterone and although there are other sources (garcinia cambogia meme) mine are pretty optimal for the pricing. I hope you anons keep and spread this because the more manly men the better

nohomo tho


yea for more...apparently the christians and their stories were 100% right, especially given the progress of time perverting language, and the lack of scientific inquiry methods into the many things in life. Its a good reason to believe in god again when facing such overwhelming evidence.

Why creative ethyl ester over Kre-Alkalyn? Also - cholesterol from that many eggs can seriously fuck with your heart. That said, your other tips are great.

I’ve been on the meme pills for a couple of months, had the super male before but this is like that x100. Hard to explain but i’ve been super alert/in the zone and recently had extreme murderous urges in a road rage incident involving a weasely soy cyclist when normally i’m pretty chill

I took a break from them this weekend and I’ve been having freaky lucid dreams every single night. Extreme danger and fighting seems to be the common theme. i wake up from them and it takes me a moment to realize i’m at home in bed

Not sure what it all means. I think my subconscious wants more of them

>Interesting. I used to keep rabbits in cages so that they breed out of control and release them in the wild so that they feed the foxes, so that we can hunt foxes later.

That reminds me in the past I had a rabbit problem. You see, that insufferable little fucker thought it can freely eat all my garden vegetables. Revenge time.
It's not hard to trap a rabbit. You get a cage that shuts when the brainless little shit wanders into it for a snack. What's hard as fuck is to figure out what that rabbit cares about. I waited up for it. It came out a little past midnight and I was careful not to scare it. Go ahead! Chew that shit up! Hop on home at your leisure! You'll see what happens.
I followed it. It got away from me 4 times on 4 nights before I found its home..and its wife or whatever rabbits have.
Two cages, two rabbits. First night. Easy. Stupid motherfuckers.

Those rabbits were not happy. They didn't like being caged. I kept them warm and safe though, never any physical harm (would never) and even bought them rabbit food...and another rabbit. A male rabbit.
I asked the girl at the store if there was one that stuck out as being dominant -- the jerk of the group. A rabbit alpha
When I threw that hulking, ill-mannered, floppy-eared pet-store reject in with that bastard rabbit's beloved and he had to watch her precious little bunny puss hole get stuffed again and again by the biggest, baddest tough-guy chad jerkoff of a rabbit that I could find, it made him jump and chew his cage and freak out like only desperate jealousy could.
I kept them. He had to watch them have babies. 3 litters, before I decided enough was enough. I let them go back to the fields safely afterwards. He seemed to learn his lesson.
Take that, you little faggot.

High-grade New Zealand deer antler velvet works. Very expensive though... stack with Maca, raw cacao, Longjack, horny goat weed, and tribulus.


Also - sunlight is a very underrated test booster. Sunlight, sweat, and dirt. Go out to a construction site - you can smell the testosterone. Swinging a slender hammer around and hauling building material around a site builds real muscle - not some faggot gym machine show muscle.

Define "enough" you fucking idiot, we are talking about consuming creatine in such a way it noticeably enhances performance which as I've shown to your dumb fuckin ass earlier is not possible through only meat consumption unless you are a rich fuck with the stomach of a t rex

Try pregnenalone to balance hormones. D-ascorbic acid to boos testosterone and Grapeseed extract to block estrogen. Avoid tap water.

Also, avoid any plastic. Food wrapped in plastic, shampoo in a plastic bottle, laundry detergent, computer keyboards - ANY plastic. Its obviously impossible, but thats why there are so many soyboys and psycho feminist women - we are all getting excessive estrogen. Its not soy - its plastic.