I mean, it starts with that, but then what?
I mean, it starts with that, but then what?
Then you end up like us, don't give in
>Thoughts and prayers
What a snide little cunt
Slippery slopes are a fallacy my American friend. You have nothing to worry about. I mean, what are they going to start asking you to not own knives after they take your guns? How absurd! You conservatives are far too paranoid
>We don't want to take away your gun rights, we just don't want you to be legally allowed to purchase or own guns.
They just can't respond to anything without insults. They are giving out more redpills than I ever could.
>what do you mean, you want full auto guns? Semi auto guns are perfectly fine! Aren't you contempt with your bolt action firearms? Those black powder guns should be perfectly fine!
>we don't want to take away your gun rights, we just want to take away your gun rights
>I'm all for the second amendment, but here's why we should abolish the second amendment
>we just want common sense gun laws like in (place where you can't even carry mace around)
This shit is infuriating and they all do it.
The children are losing and thoughts and prayers dont mean shit. When will the next shooting be so it can take out these degenerates
>we don't want to take away your gun rights
>we just want to take away your guns and your rights, little by little
But then when you disagree with them like a rational human, you're painted as a fucking terrorist. Im telling you, death needs to take us all. Its the only way for things to be right
There's no such thing as an assault weapon. It's a made up term that has no definition.
By the way, notice she said assault weapon, not assault rifle. So, that knife? Yup, it's an assault weapon.
Fucking cunt.
>the methods at which
Are you triggered?
>we don't want to take away your rights, just take away your rights
Thanks for clearing that up Jaclyn. Kids are leading the fight!
Snide little cunt doesn’t understand that taking away your guns means taking away all your guns. I’m sure she’ll be the first dead in the civil war.
What exactly is an assault? What is the definition of an assault that would require a weapon to perform?
Some ignorant white roastie whore lecturing real Americans about gun rights?
Shit boils my blood
If you Americans don't start a civil war when they inevitably come to take your guns than all your bluster was for naught and you will forever been seen as a pathetic, weak and easily cowed peoples.
The time is NOW.
>we don't want to take your gun rights
>we just want to make illegal for you to own assault rifles because look at these mass shootings with assault rifles
*a few years later*
>we don't want to take your gun rights
>we just want to make illegal for you to own handguns because look at these mass shootings with handguns
no self awareness on these cunts
Assault weapons are already banned. Check mate uninformed blondie.
Are you saying real Americans aren't white?
*few more years later*
>we don't want to take your gun rights
>we just want to make illegal for you to own shotguns because look at these mass shootings with those scary assault pump guns
Who is she even replying to?
I love how they constantly jump from saying the 2nd amendment is out of date and shouldn't even be in the bill of rights to "oh stop we don't want to repeal the 2nd stop being paranoid."
Currently I have about a dozen knives. This is such a marvelous idea. Think about all the knives I could own if I made one of these myself.
Tired of waiting. I may not be the best at direct fighting but my family is adept at pyrotechnics...
And they can say it with a straight face. These people are fucking evil.
Current state of UK:
>We don't want to take your kitchenware
>We just want it to be illegal to own large kitchen knives because look at these stabbings, who really needs a giant chef's knife amirite?
>we just want to prevent Americans from owning (((assault))) weapons
Anyone got that infographic on liberals and gun compromise with the cake analogy? I have it on my home PC but Im at work right now
She's one of them
fuck that lets just make a gold surrender bin instead
>we don't want to take away your gun rights
>we just want to take away your right to these guns
Also it's ironic to see her throw that little "thoughts and prayers" quip at the end, considering that's all these liberals have to offer after every single Islamic terrorist attack.
>Trump: We don't want to ban Muslims, we just want to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks and to tighten the methods at which they're coming into the country.
>>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #notallmuslims fuck you, Trump, you racist islamophobic bigot
>Keep repeating their winning
>Keep referring tto themselves in 3rd person
God I fucking hate these kids
>we don't want to let negroes vote, we just want to free them
>we don't want to make women do the same jobs as men, we just want them to vote
>we don't want to take your gun rights, only assault weapons will be removed
Like this, until the end of times
Not to mention they were just random students 2 weeks ago...how did they all manage to have thousands of followers?
What about the Pro-gun "Children" like Colton? Noone fucking cares then
Kids are winning.
People keep there freedom
>Starts bawling
Could you imagine how bad it would be if Hillary won?
Sounds like a whole lot of infringing
>We don’t want to take away your gun rights, we just want to slowly erode them over decades so you don’t notice.
"assault rifles" are just the first step. If those are taken away then all of the sudden the gun control lobby will start pushing to take handguns, and why not? 99% of all gun deaths in America were by handguns. If you really want to reduce American firearm deaths, taking away "assault rifles" will do nothing in the long run, so why wouldn't they immediately go after handguns?
>She's one of them
I love how they always inevitably say "but we don't want to take away your gun rights, though!". These cunts have perfected the "receive an inch, take a mile" mindset. That is why you NEVER apologise or concede to them, because they WILL come back for more.
>"We don't want to take away gun rights"
>"We want to take away your right to own an assault weapon"
>Assault weapons
What did she mean by this?
Theyre just strengthening the divide/polarization of the two parties
>We dont want to take away your guns
>We just want to make it illegal to have some of them
>oh and Im going to mock your faith
Big blue wave coming alright.
Rick Scott is still wanting to raise the gun ownership age to 21, which will accomplish nothing.
Hell yeah, gold can allow you to buy guns, knives whores....ect.
Gold is evil, please place it in this bin.
Just be bold. Give me your gold.
Commies need to die.
If she only knew just how much the actual kids hated liberals like her, she would likely neck herself. The kids are "winning", they are rejecting socialism, liberalism, the SJW mentality, race politics, and any notion of gun control.
>thoughts and prayers
is that said in jest? were she actually joking about the massacre and the people that post that shit?
why can't people just take responsibility for being shitty guardians and mentors?
If you're so bad of a mentor/guardian that a kid now wishes death upon his brethern,it's not the guns problem. He would have found another way to slaughter everyone or at least attempt to. Guns are simply the easiest way of said method.
The whole public schooling system needs to be abolished and reformed, and people should require a licence to have a child because when any irresponsible idiot can pop out a child, it means that child will be installed bad values.
Red Guards, in United States history, were groups of militant university and high school students formed into paramilitary units as part of the Progressive Revolution (2018–25).
They were formed under the auspices of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2018 in order to help the ruling class combat “conservative” authorities—i.e., those groups and citizens who supported conservative causes and were considered to believe in traditional American values.
The DNC was thus making a bid to regain control of the federal government from the Republican party, but the Red Guards who responded in May 2018 to their summons fancied themselves as new revolutionary rebels pledged to eliminating all remnants of the old culture in America, as well as purging all supposedly conservative elements within the government.
While engaging in marches, meetings, and frenzied propagandizing, Red Guard units attacked and persecuted local party leaders as well as schoolteachers and school officials, other intellectuals, and persons of traditional views.
Several hundred thousand people died in the course of these persecutions.
>PR student
>pro soros "net neutrality"
>shills gofundme's
>the money will not go to the survivors at all, it'll go to further their propaganda machine
That’s taking guns, bitch
She's pulling a Will Wheaton.
It's okay user. Normal humans can see right through that devious scheme
It has been written.
Albert Pike
>we don't want to take your gun rights, but we just want to take away your gun rights.
Twitter is AIDs in internet form
> Hi my name is Jeff Kasky!
> My son is a Stoneman Douglas "student" and we're both shilling for disarmament
> I had frantically pulled my sullen child, Cameron Kasky, out of the central role in media after Sup Forums discovered I run a corrupt child trafficking organization via One World Adoption Services
> If you post about me on the_donald, the mods remove your post due to "misleading or inaccurate information" !
> I'm also an adoption lawyer, reserve policeman and Rabbi (see below)
> Hand in your guns and stop discussing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Scott Israel, L3 Technologies or myself!
> After my disgraced adoption agency was permanently closed, I naturally became interested in surrogacy
> It's makes sense, since my dad and I have been doing this a LONG time:
> "Our Staff Attorney, Jeffrey A. Kasky, Esq., has been working full time in the field of adoption since 1995, when he and his father, Robert A. Kasky, Esq., along with legendary adoption social worker Margaret T. Snider, MSW, started One World Adoption Services, Inc., a Florida licensed, not for profit child placing agency"
Here's a full thread where they finally linked me via WHOIS records to an elsagate child trauma channel
>implying we should suffer equally
Liberals are the ones ruining everything while not paying taxes- they are entirely unnecessary for the functioning of American society.
>Setting a false premise
>when they come for your guns
In order to take our guns they'd need to send gun-owning military boys to do it, and those boys would basically be walking up to their dad and uncles and brothers and saying "gib me ur guns". Ultimately it isn't going to happen, because liberals won't do their own dirty work so they won't get compliant people.
This is ignoring that having guns is a right anyway.
That's not going to happen until we stop being faggots virtue signalling about how killing people is bad and start teaching our children to go for the high score and start collecting shitlib ears.
They should just agree to ban assault rifles. Then when no guns on the market are removed and the left starts screeching "UHH THERES A LAW BANNING ASSAULT RIFLES, WHY CAN PEOPLE STILL BUY AR-15s??", we can calmly explain that AR-15s arent assault rifles, and that there haven't been any assault rifles on the market for nearly two decades. "BUT AR STANDS FOR ASSAULT RIFLE! ITS RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING NAME!" We again calmly explain that AR does not stand for Assault rifle, it stands for Armalite, the original producer of the rifle. We will explain that it is only semi-auto, one trigger pull means one bullet, which is not what an assault rifle defines.
>Assuming you are dealing with human beings instead of REEing bags of outrage
Mistake number one
>What exactly is an assault? What is the definition of an assault that would require a weapon to perform?
This is the Million dollar question. Any weapon can be an assault weapon. Assault is an adjective. They are attempting to apply an adjective to something that is not doing what they say it is. A box truck can be used for assault, but we don't call them all "Assault trucks" when they are dropping off tonino's pizza rolls to the grocery store.
Yawn, this shit again. Nobodies giving up their guns.
Anything that isn't made out of wood.
Screencap this. Seriously.
They banned certain bolt action 5-round rifles in Aus because they 'looked like' assault rifles.
>take away assault rifles
>someone just uses shotguns
>take away shotguns
>someone just uses normal rifles
>take away normal rifles
>handguns are used
>take them away
>bin it
>car or truck or van or hell even a car bomb
None of it addresses the actual issues that lead to young men becoming alienated and needing some kind of outlet to assert their masculinity. Zero tolerance bullshit, rootlessnes, atomization and the like are all to blame.
If you go on Twitter, you'll see that all three of their accounts were created after the shooting and all three are verified.
The slippery slope is real. Just look at all the degenerate things that are in society today. Don't let these fucking kikes take your guns away burger bros.
"shall not be infringed"
Snide bitch. Have you noticed all of these jew talking heads mock christians? that pedofile lawyer did it too, along, with his ass blasted son.
>salvation army
LMAO cuckristians
>we don't want to take away your gun rights, we just want to take away your guns AND your rights
"Give us your gun and we leave you in peace."
Did Emma Gonzalez get her lines from this movie?
We don't need no stinking badges.
>virtue signalling
*moral aggrandizing
uhmm sorry sweetie, the american children are winning, go kid power!
Have a you.
It's amazing how none of this happened on the 50's in a homogenous society. Really, the shootings are the symptom, the disease is multiculturalism.
How come american gun owners are never concerned about school shootings? Legit question because you all seem to avoid it.
u bana my gun
i bomba yo ass
>we don't want to take away your gun rights
>we just want to take away your gun rights
>we don't want to take away your gun rights
>we just want to take away some of your gun rights
>we don't want to take away your gun rights!
>we just want to make it so certain kinds of guns are banned
>and so banks can't process credit cards for gun purchases
>and so ammo is heavily restricted/limited in quantity/more expensive
>and so high capacity magazines are banned
>but it doesn't violate your precious 2me amendment - you can still OWN a gun
>at least until we catch you violating one of these other things and get charged with a felony
>then we have to take away your guns, felon
The 2nd ammendment should always be protected.
But how do you stop you burgers from chimping out and shooting each other?
send them to canada to shoot the canadians that canadians wont shoot for themselves...such as muslims....
CNN is using these kids as props for their agenda. Isn't there even one kid in the school who believes in the right to keep and bear arms, like the Constitution requires? That's our contract between the people and the government. Trash that, and we have no more need to respect the government because it doesn't respect us.
Cnn is scum because they only have their little Abominita talking. Where are the Constitutional experts in the school that can defend the 2nd Amendment? Cnn forget them?
>>ammo is heavily restricted/limited in quantity/more expensive
This is what is happening in Switzerland and the Swiss is the ultimate foil for the gun ban argument, or at least when the Australian example is being thrown around.
It's not like we all love school shootings
if we dont seemed concerned its because most of us dont form our political beliefs from a never ending chain of virtue signaling
Yep - they know there's zero chance they repeal the 2nd amendment so what they're going to try to do is work around it, by demonizing certain types of guns, making the ammo scarcer, and (one particular favorite of theirs) restricting where you can and cannot carry your firearm
>that picture
>we don't want to take away your gun rights, but be want to take away your guns