The left can’t me-

>the left can’t me-


*gets smitten by grim reaper*


somebody shoop the reaper into a peaceful immigrant and have some of the crowd calling her a bigot and a facist

If you bothered to check the catalog you would have seen there's already a leftist cringe thread

He can still just shoot them. Saying no doesn't help.

I don't care how much of a strong and independant you are sweetie, you aint got shit on giant skeleton with equaly giant gun.

But I thought a lot of those kids died why aren't there any dead kids in the comic

give me ten minutes. I'll make it look real.


Holy shit this is bad.

agree comrade

Got bored so realized my stuff



now merge the two make them one under the other

this meme works for both sides tho
i remember when i was left leaning and saw this and it was a good argument against the right

That needs the merchant as the reaper and Hitler replacing the dyke

>right wants gun control

anything to improve?

here you go

i meant that for the right its just a funny meme


Fuck that looks good

Holy fuck this is really good

Holy shit, good job leaf

Fucking nice

Damn. Nice work.

1000 in mspaint put to good use


This is the only logical conclusion to the comic.
It is actually some what humorous, and thought provoking as well. Not even the brave escape death.

Damn it Canada, just when I thought you wouldn't be invaded you do this to yourself.

The day of the Rake just got pushed back a couple weeks. gg leaf


Maybe change what the paki is saying into Arabic

Add with Except make them all ash

>supernatural death with an AR kills mutts not other mutts

I really hope someone shoots la goblina to death

That's not a meme
Now that's a meme

Interesting how there are so many chilluns behind her/him/xe/xhim/wallawallabingbang, but everytime I watch the news, there are only five.
>muh noggin
>itsa joggin

great one leaf

A slight edit if you can find it

Nice try


Not bad leaf

The Globalist will continue the school shootings until you agree to disarm.
Then they'll kill you.


10,000X improvement

So, death took all their guns and dearmed the populous, and now they're trying to stand up to an armed death force without weaponry.

I wonder how this one's gonna go.

What retard invented the cut of sentence with a picture "meme"? How stupid do you have to be to be influenced by that shit?

Hahaha nice

Thanks for proving that the point, leaf

best memes are rightist.memes

Thanks for proving the point, leaf

based leaf

today leaf, you have redeemed your country. But let's see how long it lasts.

The grim reaper isn't even inherently evil, he's a natural part of the life cycle.

wow powerful

I hate this so much

Give them all M4s and the towel head an AK. Have the FBI sitting in the car behind him encouraging the terrorist and we have a picture summarizing the attempted shooting at the draw Mohammad contest that everyone seems to forget about.

pamela grier takes a stand.png