What is the absolute final Red Pill
What is the absolute final Red Pill
It’s all Jews.
It really is whiteys fault.
You are alone in this world.
It's up to you to make your life what you want it to be, no one else.
we are all god experiencing itself/our self
>What is the absolute final Red Pill
aliens won't visit us because we are basically retarded.
This place was built as a prison to harvest emotional energy from us
When you see Jesus and he lets you into heaven for not being degenerate
There is no red pill
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>aliens won't visit us because we are basically retarded.
The CIA kills off all of the people who are intelligent enough to see through their increasingly transparent lies.
nothing matters
Explain please
Whatever there is, Jews, mudshits, niggers, welfare queens, anything.
There is nothing you can do about it.
men and womens relationships have been a necessity, not because of free will. women hold men back and only like 20% of men anyway.
artificial wombs will finally free us from them.
I fully support the tying of nooses to trees and lamposts with signs and advertising that reads
"It will never get better"
"Why not end the suffering?"
"Yes, everybody would be better off without you"
you are a node in the consciousness fractal matrix muffler bearing
God quads
You know that end scene of Planet of the Apes when he sees the statue of liberty in the sand?
That is Egypt, and the Middle East, and Greece and Rome. They were all Nords who the jews 56'd into oblivion.
That the catholic church pushes that all pious men shall remain virgins. No God would make male virginity an issue at judgment post the garden of eden. It is your duty to fornicate with your wife and make children. There is no greater blessing God can give you than a child. The red pill concentrates to this - have kids, have fun, and thank God every day of your life for all he blessed you with.
The Iron Pill of self improvement.
Work Hard
Work Out
Clean Up
Maintain Hygiene
Read Often From Everything
Improve your life
Eat Right
Learn a Trade/Skill
Pick Up a New Language & Instrument
Start a Family
Raise Kids
Start a Business
Play Sports
Get Hobbies
Don't spend ALL of your time on a Siamese Slam Poetry Forum.
Holocaust didn't happen but i wish it did
>Bill Hicks - It's Just A Ride
Free will is an illusion, because everything is reducible to the complex, yet entirely predictable, chemical reactions in your brain. You are unable to make any decisions or come to any conslusions outside of tbe influence of your environment, genetics and culture.
Predeterminism user. Good luck choking down that pill
Having a gay orgy while playing Careless Whisper
Realising WW2 was the start of destroying Europe due to Hitler making people avoid nationalism like smallpox
White people originated inside the hollow Earth
All politics will be meaningless after humans are replaced with superintelligent AI
That human beings were higher order dimensional creatures whose imagination was tantamount to reality until a race of reptilian beings made a deal with the kikes to trap humanity in 3D meat space so that they could manufacture a reality in which they harvest our negative emotions for sustenance and sick amusement.
oh fuck it's obongo leaf
A poor mans Denis Leary
I spit water out reading this lol
that hell is real
Implying city people have better values than suburban
White sharia
There are 100,000,000,000 galaxies that are observable and 100,000,000,000 stars in each one at minimum. It takes light 150,000 years to cross our own galaxy alone meaning we aren’t even worthy of being called a speck of dust.
We are nothing in the universe.
what a shitty comparison, leary is an honorary kike
The absolute final redpill is that the Jews are just a scapegoat for the real powers that control the world
We ARE the universe
no u
This is the shit.
And it is so true.
And it is true for big pharma as well. Look into the 'suicide'-list of Holistic doctors. It's around 90 'suicided' the last 10 years.
Depends on where you're coming from, user.
Here it is:
We live in a duality based Matrix Control system. Good vs Evil is a way to create hierarchy that supports guilt and shame, and societal conditioning.
We are sovereign and totally free beings if only we declare this. The Matrix Control system is coming to an end through the 6 heart virtues of love that will be expressed through the heart of men and women. We will transcend one day. Believe in humanity. We are much more than bodies... initinite spirit
Look into WingMakers
yeah, flat earth is what they want you to believe
in reality earth is hollow
And most humans live it everyday.
escape this planet and find another one to start from 0
The absolute state of America
traps aren't gay
Saw this exact post a few days ago.
Basically, this is how humanity operates now.
Those in power maintain their power through lies...
And anyone smart enough to see through the lies is seen as the enemy, and promptly killed.
Humanity is literally lobotomizing itself.
Adolf Hitler Literally Did Nothing Wrong.
The final redpill is that everything is pointless. The sun will eventually collapse, life on earth will be obliterated. The universe will collapse eventually as well. Nothing matters.
Mate, a relationship is good for your development.
'Holding one back' is only because you are too big a pussy to stand your ground.
Once you learn to stand ground with a good posture, you won't be a pushover anymore, and therefore won't be 'affected' by anything other than your own will.
>that webm
There is no god
money is todays substitute for royal blood
Actually it is a great comparison because Leary ripped Hicks off hard.
experiencing everything you can instead of dwelling on what doesn't matter
This is actually the most important one, because it is the kickstart to understand everything else.
Was that your first time here?
It's better innawoods
a bullet
Women are not funny. Jew girl tries comedy, she even implements non stop Feminism and Marxism in her routine. Thumbs down.
I agree, but the bong implied the opposite in saying that Hicks is a poor mans Leary
You're a bug whose purpose is to eat, shit and fuck.
It's just a ride
I started to dig in very slightly to ufo phenomena but I stopped when it became apparent that weird shit happened to the people that dug too deeply
Don't come to a redpill thread if you can't handle the truth.
Well I can understand the general philosophy of this:
> the intellect and reason create hierachy of good and bad, which create 'negative' if one is 'underperforming'
and that...
> The answer is love, because it transcends the duality of right and wrong.
But why make it more mystic than that?
- with the name 'Matric Control System' and the 'WingMakers'.
The underlying philosophy is good and true, because it builds on the spiritual philosophy, but yeh.. haha
>I started to dig in very slightly to ufo phenomena but I stopped when it became apparent that weird shit happened to the people that dug too deeply
yup... this is what's at the bottom.
Wrong, many millions of right wingers didnt vote because its pointless.
Hitler was controlled opposition. WW2 was a carefully constructed ploy to set up jews to be immune from criticism while they slowly take over. He was rewarded handsomely, a sweet retirement in South America
why do people want a complicated answer?
the biggest truth is that life is just a ride
is it narcissism?
it is infinite and so is inexplicable in words which are finite
We are currently in deep stasis leaving for a new planet because earth was destroyed. Everything we experience happens so that we can avoid these problems in the future.
The final refill is the universe is like an echo, you get out what you put in, and we are all part of God or God experiencing ourselves, thus nothing stands in the way of ascension
don't worry about stuff you can't control
That we all will die at some point.
The Mandela effect is real-ish, in a since that ish is a word.
It is simply a result of ripples in time and space, and things that should never have merged, suddenly finding their paths crossing. It is not "parallel" universe. See, the universe is just the sum of all things at all times. You exist as a slice cut out of it, and everything you interact with passes through your slice. Parallel universes aren't a thing because, like the sea, you can cut the universe any which way and it will still resemble something that someone would call home.
Things triggered by us fucking with time, and causing ripples. You see in late 2012 the Large Hadron Collider was to be shut down for maintenance but the discovery of the Higg's Boson kept it running. Their test caused ripples in time, merging parts of the universe that were never meant to cross, or meant to cross depending on your view of the who general cluster fuck that is the universe. Time is not linear, and it is effected by external forces, we just perceive time as linear and constant.
Don't worry, there is nothing you can do about this so you might as well have a drink.
Haha yeh.
But the beautiful thing is that the knowledge is slowly surfacing now.
The MSM over the past weeks been releasing more and more extraterrestial stuff.
I am not convinced myself, and it is immediately a warning sign that the MSM is putting this out.
Like it is a distraction of some sorts. It might be because of the QAnon happenings, that MSM want to cover up.
The Bible is true and events it predicted are happening in increasing quantity
Stop thinking other people (politicians) will be a salvation. Change must come from within you
Came here to say this. Most people will not understand this in this incarnation.
Jews are the good guys. Which is why Sup Forumstards who are the edgiest people to ever exist hate them so much.
This could be a book.
and I guess it is close to Brave New World and Orwell