More BRA flashback
More titan secrets
97 better be good
Shingeki no Kyojin
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I still think an Annie POV of the Female Titan Arc would be good. I would like to see Zeke and Pieck at Utgard too.
Armin and Eren a shit
Looking forward to seeing how BA deal with soldier Reiner.
Urgard is not that necessary, why would you think we need that
>the mods deleted the last thread because Annie posting
Purely to fill page space and give us a bit more characterisation.
Good, I hope the perverts all stay away.
>says the pedo
>Leaver chapter 97 to us
Just to be clear,I was holding myself.
>Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters
should've stopped talking to the pedo
>We will see Marco and the rest of the deads alive
>BR pov in the past
>Flashfoward in chapter 98 with Annie in the present
And this thread went to shit already
spoilers FUCKING WHEN?
I just wanted to talk about the manga.
BRA is shit.
tomorrow if we are lucky
30 hours
Not again.
>mfw Just got the artstyle right and also my fetish
Not a very good thing to say,Annie Lover-Chan,even more because I was doing what you asked.
Just shut up about it and talk about the manga. Please, for crying out loud.
i would love if the first shot of her in the present is that one.
Are the pointy ears important?
what's the symbolism here?
that's the original devil's trait
No, I don't believe so.
Isayama said that Armin was thrilled to have reached the ocean and that he wanted to show Eren the shell. But Eren didn't care and didn't even turn his head, leaving Armin to stand alone with his dream and the shell. It was supposed to be a "parting of the ways" sort of moment, akin to leaving school.
Eren cannot appreciate the ocean because of what he now knows.
>Just shut up about it and talk about the manga.
A man/woman with guts and honor,can respect that,would kiss you if you were a woman...and if I could.
Predictions for the next chapter:
>BRA preparing for the Trost attack
>BRA finds out about Eren possessing the Attack
>They remember about the information that the Tybers told to them and Zeke's intel
>They gamble about the fact that Eren may posses the Founding
>Zeke and Pieck destroys a nation army
>Maggath sent them to Paradis
>Zeke and Pieck talks about the eldians future and the titan powers
>After they reach the walls,Zeke says "We need a titan army to help us move inside of this territory and also to send a signal to the survivng Warriors"
>Chapter ends in the festival
I think so,maybe the pointy ears is a trait that the Jaegers posses because they were one of the major clans of the old Eldia empire(you can see a titan with pointy ears).And I think the original titan that belongs to them is the Beast.Titan
maybe is a hint for Armin character
fucking kek
cringe video, all of it
Will Zeke hide Eren from the rest of the Warriors? I think so.
Erwin Smith
The seashell is only there to represent "something that only exists at the sea".
>an Annie POV of the Female Titan Arc
Why would anyone other than obsessed waifufags want that?
dubs and he dodges it
His father's memories really fucked him up.
I'm not gay, so no thank you.
>Chapter ends in the festival
I think that will be chapter 100, if the Grim Reminder is supposed to happen. Which I don't think it will.
>Grim Reminder
I want to know her personal feelings and thoughts at the time.
Anyone blame the Marley for the current state of things? I think they're more redeemable than the Eldians in general.
The Marley have zero redeeming qualities, they took down an imperium to just replace it by their version of it.
Since they're just puppets of the Tyburs (Eldians) they are objectively better.
Marley is the root of it all, so yes.
Thus far, Eldian's say they made a better place, Marley said they made it worse. Both sides have books depicting the "truth" that their side says is the truth. But the Eldian's book is older.
I hold to my theory. The Tybur family are the bad guys. They started a fight with the First King because the wanted power. They sided with Marley to look like the good guys. Now, they are being brought in as the saviours, when in actuality, they are getting a second chance at what they've always wanted. Control over the Eldian people. Marley is a puppet state, it just doesn't know it.
The end of Armin and Eren's friendship and the start of something new.
Neither do the Eldians. At leas the Marley don't have a 1,000 years of ethnic cleansing on their corner.
Probably,but some Warriors would probably helps him.
Perfect Game.
Like I said "would kiss you if you were a woman".
>I think that will be chapter 100, if the Grim Reminder is supposed to happen. Which I don't think it will.
Maybe,but everthing is possible.
I think so,not all of them are monsters.
>1,000 years of ethnic cleansing
that's bullshit and I wasn't defending the old Eldian empire.
Grisha is the one who proudly stated that.
>Marley don't have a 1,000 years of ethnic cleansing on their corner.
Just because they said it, doesn't mean it's true. Old Eldian books say they made the world a better place. Eldians have chronology on their side, Marley has anecdotes.
>Like I said "would kiss you if you were a woman".
Sorry, I misread.
>Maybe,but everthing is possible.
>"Eren is so hot!"
>"fucking manlet guy"
>"Mikasa you bitch"
>"Stop sniffing that scarf you weirdo"
>"You should have flown higher, bitch"
>"Armin you bastard"
>"Stop sweating Bert"
>"Stepping on humans is fun"
>"Hitch talked me about dicks today. I-I don´t want to think of Eren´s dick"
Grisha is gung ho about bragging about it.
>Why would anyone other than obsessed waifufags want that?
those who want know more about the warriors and don't just want reiner and get to know more about characters
>Old Eldian books say they made the world a better place.
You mean Grisha's literal fanfiction?
Is Zeke the only Jaeger who actully has no intention in genocide?
>Sorry, I misread.
No prob.
From Isayama,everything is possible.
Isayama wouldn't dare.
Go away.
That doesn't mean he's wrong.
Pictures speak louder than Grisha's words.
I wouldn't be surprised if this image represents a bridge being made in the same way the walls were made. My point being, one story predates the other.
Grisha and his family are going to destroy the whole world.
So we're supposed to be rooting for the guys who are happy about slaughtering the rest of the world for their own selfish reasons?
>the guys who are happy about slaughtering the rest of the world for their own selfish reasons?
Marley propaganda propagated by their real rulers, the Tybur family. Make Eldia look bad so that when you seize control of them all, you look like the hero.
>Not all of them
But they were still used as Biological weapons.
Also because everyone literally thinks of Annie's differently and Sup Forums is never on one page with that. it might clear some shit up.
>But they were still used as Biological weapons.
A rose by any other name.
A weapon is a weapon. Marley has guns and bombs, Eldia has titans and shifters. One is no more evil than the other.
Are we getting yet another chapter of shitty flashbacks instead of moving the plot forward
Annie is made for Bert cock
yeah Marley
Kill yourself.
What do you mean, yeah Marley?
If this was written on Grisha's books I can't believe Hange or someone else not question how valid was his motivation.
I still believe we will come back to this one way or another.
>A weapon is a weapon. Marley has guns and bombs, Eldia has titans and shifters. One is no more evil than the other.
Indeed,but no side were angels or saints either.
Not again.
I want to have intercrural sex with Annie's titan form!
not again
For a nation who prides themselves on defeating the old Eldians, they pretty comfortable using Titans to subjugate other nations. Marley is the evil ones.
The Eldians are a lot worse.
I want the 40 years old manlet to be happy and open his Tea Shop.
At least they don't genocide other races.
that's not an argument
>Indeed,but no side were angels or saints either.
I agree, that's why I say "One is no more evil than the other." They both must have done something bad at one point.
I see, yes I would agree with that notion.
>The Eldians are a lot worse.
Your reasoning?
You're parroting Marleyan anecdotes. You have zero supportable evidence beyond what a Marleyan has said.
>At least they don't genocide other races
Your saying like thats a bad thing
1,000 years of ethnic cleansing and Eren's desire to raze everything that gets in his way.
But Ymir has pointy ears too.
what race did they wipe out?
>1,000 years of ethnic cleansing
No proof.
>Eren's desire to raze everything that gets in his way.
That isn't Eren, Kruger literally said that this is because of the Attack Titans drive to be free of anything holding it back.
>You have zero supportable evidence beyond what a Marleyan has said.
They literally do it to the Ackerman clan, their most faithful protectors, within the walls.
That's the First King trying to ensure he has his "paradise" that's not at all 1000 years of ethnic cleansing. That's a necessary cull for the perceived greater good.
>Attack Titans drive to be free of anything holding it back
Eren had this view point before he was a shifter and he hasn't changed.
No he didn't. Before he had the attack titan, he wanted to fight titans, join the scouts and go beyond the walls. His manic drive to wipe out his enemies by any means necessary came after he was given the attack titan.
You can see from where they're coming from, yes.
Grisgah pls.
He thought everyone was dumb cattle for being happy with peace inside the walls and he told the kidnappers to die, they were animals and that they no long deserved to live. He always had that attitude. The attack titan just gave him the power to be able to go through with it.
>His manic drive to wipe out his enemies by any means necessary came after he was given the attack titan.
He has it way before.
>Mikasa tells a fart joke = Eren is serious
>Manlet tells a shit joke = hahaha
Might have been the only person who laugh at that.
You're confusing an honest reading of his current situation, his attitude, with an actual bodily drive.
>He thought everyone was dumb cattle for being happy with peace inside the walls
He was right.
I never agreed with what he did to the kidnappers.
Having the attack titan gave him the power, but more importantly it gave him the ability to do it.
I disagree.
>Mikasa tells a fart joke = Eren is serious
She did?
>I disagree.
It's not about either you disagree or not, it's a fact.
>He was right.
No he wasn't. They were right. That boring peace is infinitely better than shoving your aggression in one direction because you're empty inside.
Again, I disagree. Until we are explicitly told by Isayama, then it isn't a fact. I distinguish the two side of Eren, young and bull head vs the attack titan. You do not.
There's no concrete answer yet.
Don't throw around the word "fact" lightly.
Their boring peace is what saw them attacked and murdered in droves.
Yeah but to be fair it was just an excuse. I guess I find curious how Eren is way more nice toward the rest of the partners and ignores Mikasa.
>Their boring peace
user pls. Not everyone likes bloodbath.
But the fact remains. Inaction lead to everything that has happened. The scouts were right to go on their rangings. They were right to try their best in the face of defeat. The people inside the walls died in droves because they were comfortable. They never looked inside themselves and came to terms with what was obvious to Eren. They became complacent and paid for it with their lives. Eren was right. They were cattle waiting to be slaughtered.
>Until we are explicitly told by Isayama
That Eren was already killing out of his ideology anti walls peace before he got RT? Do you really need Isayama to tell you that?
Everyone does everything base on their personal ideology. There is Eren from Birth until he gets the Attack Titan. From that point on, there's Kruger/Grisha/Eren and the Attack Titans ideology all mixed into one. The distinction is important.
You just seem like you're trying to absolve Eren of being blood thirsty and implying that the Eldians are better. EMA aren't going to get a happy ending user.
What Eren wanting was for them to die at war and in misery instead of at peace. He literally wanted to see the world burn, for something to happen. And the Scouts were wrong being complacent when they were told to go out and die.
>blood thirsty