Brit/pol/ - Germanics out edition V 3.0

>Nigel Farage 2018 CPAC speech (with an introduction by Raheem Kassam)

>Jeremy Corbyn: Chilcot report will reveal Blair and Bush did secret deal over Iraq War

>Labour, Momentum and Communist Party to hold "cooperation" meeting

>Brexit: Remain bus visit to Liverpool met by Mogg fans

>Labour's general secretary Iain McNicol resigns

>PMQS VERDICT Corbyn forgets to ask a question – but luckily for him, the PM’s all out of zingers just like KFC

>Jeremy Corbyn brands storm over his meetings with a Soviet-backed spy 'nonsense' and refuses to answer Theresa May's demand he authorise the release of any Stasi files on him

Pink-skin, bald, blonde-eyebrows, fat, violent, Northern. These are the traits of the Northern Germanic Pigman, a despicable subhuman creature. You'll find him causing fights wherever he goes, whether at a football match, an EDL rally, or a pub. It doesn't matter to him since he's a cretinous animal whose life depends on a steady supply of Gregg's sausage rolls and lager. [Open] [Open]

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you are all wonderful

There is literally nothing stopping anyone who lives in the UK from becoming wealthy within their lifetime. Left wing cucks need to understand that they are not being oppressed, that the UK is one of the richest countries in the world, with fantastic opportunity to everyone. Stop being lazy cucks and make something of yourself.


Blond hair's gay looking desu

That's a gross oversimplification that's patently false more often than it is true.


y-you’re cute xD rawr

8th for british music

Nyaa~ Arigatou :3

Maybe, but that's what women here prefer in general. At least in school age. I finished 3 years ago.

Looks like a mongrel eye to me.

Oh HAHAHAHAHAHAH you literally have paki eyes

And what characterises a mongrel eye you blond sissy cuck?

tfw my name fell off

>The state of Northern eyesight

Go look in the mirror and find out

Northern race.
Fucking disgrace.
Berry skin and piggish face.
Eat their pies and get in fights
Pubs are where they spend their nights.
Spreading out across the land.
Eating out of Souther's hands.
Soon they'll live upon your street.
Its your nana they will beat.
Smash her for a couple quid.
With their cars, on her they'll skid.
Smash a pint upon your head.
If they live near
You'll wish you're dead.

Is Russel Brand Jewish? He really doesn't appear European at all.

You sound like a fucking loser. I was born into a poor working class family. Left school straight into menial jobs. I picked fucking lettuce on a farm until I had enough to do an offshore cert. Worked offshore till I had enough to go to college and start uni. Worked part time through my course. Now I earn just south of 80k - and this is right up north.

If youre not thick and can graft, anyone can do it.

I'm not blond, or a cuck

Pic related, is this your beauty ideal?

>Aye es a fokin Celtic with dark hair e is. Fokin mongrel. Not pure like us tomato-faced low-class Germanics

Lmao you actually think you can talk when you're a disgusting fucking paki.

Nah he's a norman, dark hair, dark eyes like pakiboy above

arabs can have blue eyes proves nothing

My eyes look greenish-grey to me, Poorthener

What did Nigel mean by this?

Can you imagine the smell? Stale bitter, fag ends and rancid sausage rolls enrobed in body odour...

Most working class folk get fucked up the ass by their local council. Most of the ones I know work for fuck all, most of it's gone on council tax and rent and they'd be better off on the dole.

Most of these people never get anywhere in life and will never make anything of themselves. They work themselves to the bone and they're just barely managing to get by.
They have neither the time nor the money to develop a skill or get an education that'd allow them to make a better living.

The best these people can do is raise a kid and give that kid enough time to make something of themselves before they fall into this same way of living.

he's from esssex, which is mostly people who moved out of east london, which was a jewish ghetto before it was a paki ghetto

>tfw grey/green eyes and brown/blonde hair

Superior to Anglos and piggies

Tall, white, dark-haired, light or dark eyed. Not a faggy red-faced blonde Scandi

They're too dark and mellow looking. I imagine you as a very skinnyfat 130LB lad who had to train out his disgusting londoner accent to a cringy sounding fake British one and always gets weird looks when he tried to talk about Northeners.

You're a Northern piggy with a micro-dick


Which is it you sodomite?

>Blue eyes
>Red hair
It's so damned good to be white

Christ you can tell all the faggots in these threads that got put in there place by a northern lad. Probably took a tap off one.

ultimate masterrace here

Imagine this smell mate



I’m slightly colourblind I think and a bit retarded. Looks slightly like both and not clearly one or the other. Sometimes they look blue. Fuck knows tbqh.

>black hair
nice celt their

Start buying guns.

start buying spoons

>Am a fokin Germanic masterrace yea. Weres me giro and me sosij rolls?

>red-faced blond Scandi
Again that's more of a British look. Most Scandinavians get a tan. Also it's a sign of being unhealthy/high blood pressure I think, as you see it mostly on overweight people. So maybe it's not even a British trait, but an overweight trait.

Still waiting for a picture from you to prove that you are not just some mongrel non-European.

>colour blind

Ffs lad you sound like a right specimen

Watch educating Rita, and read Matilda.

Celts are Ginger, Mahgebi Celts (Irish) are Blacks that got BLEACHED out of racial relevance.

normans basically aren't even in Britain anymore apart from a few pockets, they tend to be dark hair dark eyes. Untermensch genetics and left no influence on the Isles

Mate your eyes are tilted the wrong way. Women find that unattractive and its usually a fairly decent indicator of shit genetics.

See: Anyone with good genetics who doesn't have FAS eyes and face.

They're supposed to be tilted like a wolf's are, not like a fucking sloth. You look like you're the reflection on the back of a spoon.

Prove that you're not a blonde haired cuckold and I will.

Ed Sheeran should top himself

feels good being superior desu

your mums a fat slag

What sort of extreme poorthern pseudoscience is this? Why do Poortheners have such an affinity for tarot cards, astrology and all that bullshit?

>This is the persons who calls you non white on a Taiwanese Fly fishing board
you can tell it hasnt left the house in years

State of this.

I never called anyone non-white. Only inbred berry-faced Poortheners do that.


You only say that because you're not and have never lived like these people do. They're working 40-60 hours a week and they have nothing to show for it. The money they make is just enough for them to survive but not enough for them to thrive.

lol@all the mud eyed and mud haired sand people itt

what even is shitpol

>mud haired
shoo shoo rape baby

Ginger with brown eyes. What does this mean?

fuck knows, i blame tony blair letting in all these disgusting pakis look at the state of these cunts

Even poortheners are whiter than you mate

You're white

t. Nordic cuckold

subhuman cubed

Go on

My dad was ginger and when he was around 16-25 his hair turned black. He has blue eyes however.

Mine has went darker, I'm 22 so don't know whether mine will go black too. Hope not. I did when I was younger but I appreciate the ginger hair now.

You are a Northener.
>Having brown hair is now a non-white trait
At least I have hair, you bald beer-bellied Poorthener

>Having virgin eyes

Top lol

I don't have problems with gingers since it's basically the whitest hair you can have along with Blonde, Anything light toned hair is really. It's just getting those meek little brown eyes brown hair people who look like pakis



He's Assyrian, to be fair.

But I have nothing to prove, you are the one that have that. You can assume anything you want about me, I think you are a mongrel and this is why you make these threads.

Mine are clearly positively tilted, even moreso in the mirror.


>north africa has no winter but lots of sun
>evolve black eyes to repel
>european winters are long and dark
>evolve blue coloured eyes to see better in the dark
its time for you to go back

This thread smells like D&C kikery

I was blonde and blue eyed then when I was about 5 it just changed to brown eyes and black hair.
My sister was black hair and green eyes. Changed about 3 to blonde and blue.

I make these threads because they're subhuman:
Look at their berry faces and Germanic features. Subhuman! Dark hair is preferred on white men. Go look it up - studies have been conducted on the matter. Blonde cucks can't compete

Should I move to Leeds?

>mfw just googled it and its a thing

You have prey eyes you weak little prey bitch

t. Hunter

I'm coming for you Southern fanny

its just nibbler shitting up the thread

You don't even have the funds to leave your council estate, you underclass rat.

It's all just banter
If you can't handle the bants, you're not allowed in the ethnostate

If you have PREY eyes you're a confirmed bitch and need to go to >>>

The North:
Falls to Viking raids and Norse invaders.

The Midlands:
Falls to Viking raids and Norse invaders.

The South:
Not only never falls to Norse invaders, but defeats them and then liberates the rest of England.

Al Baghdadi El Shabbabo Francois El Jean Windsor please

get a loan and start a business. learn skills, learn business etc. nothing to stop anyone from having a good go. can get a great education online these days.

You've got shit genetics
Your mum probably got pissed while you were in the womb, lad. No joke.

t. Nordic cuckold.

Oh the irony.

O, now Usury is the answer ? Predictable.


I heard their blonde hair was from dutch sailors that washed up on a certain part of Australia

He's probably Southern and supports Chelsea

Waaah the state of your genetics m8

Sort it out

>get a loan

we've been compromised

Fucking lol who made this

I am above the mutts and pigmen of brit/pol/ desu
Genetically Superior Male (me)