>An Alberta farmer was taken into custody after shooting some robbers in self defense.
Get ready for Gerald Stanley 2.0, get ready for another Trudeau/native chimpout

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We need to stack the jury with only Indians this time. Se how whitey likes it.

moral of the story here is???


Hippitty hoppitty.

>shooting robbers
>self defense
That's murder.

Just let them take what they want. It's not worth a human life.

THE STANLEY jury was not stacked
it was full of ethnic backgrounds

Oh Canada, where the cops can't help, only punish, so you'd better hide the bodies

Why would the cops arrest someone who defended his property from criminals? What's the net gain here

Just let them take what they wantthats just fucked up friendo

No such thing as private property in canada

Unironically you get arrested in the US for shooting in self defense because our police forxe are a bunch of salty cucks who get butthurt when you prove you dont need their faggotry.

It's not confirmed if anyone died yet.
One robber was shot in the arm, and the other robber is still being looked for by the RCMP

It wasn't ethnic enough obviously. This time we'll get our guilty scapegoat.

Only reason jury didn't have more Natives was because we couldn't find more sober ones without criminal records.

>just let them take what they want
I can tell you’re European by just bending over and not even putting up a fight for what’s yours

Only in cuck states. In my state you get high fives and get to keep your gun

>Just let them take what they want. It's not worth a human life.
Like your wife and kids?
All that stuff insurance will only pay you back 50% of their value for and make you wait 6 months to a year to pay out.
Love that $5,000 delectable.

Went over to see if this was posted on plebbit for a chuckle. Found this gem

>Someone recently broke into my house raped my wife and kids, and stole all my stuff.
>I was pretty bummed about it.
>But I think whoever did this was more happy to wreck my family than I am sad to live with this.
>So whatever.
The Post

ok first. my wife is cree
she has a job (professonal)
she dont steal
they call me white around the reserve
im not racist and around here people do go missing for thievery

Wouldn't natives even judge more reasonably instead of having full blown SJWs do the job?

> I'm a fucking kike and I'm a proud consumer because nothing else brings me happiness or joy in my de voided life but materialistic shit.

Op are you autistic? You do realize trudeau is against natives right? He's against natives, whites, spanish, and asian people. He is a muslim dick sucking faggot who should honestly be publicly lynched on live tv. I'd pay to see him hang from a fucking tree.

Hahahahaha! Because statements like that show who’s really racist! White eyes are tired of your shit. Give me gibs, give me gibs, don’t give me gibs we will have a armed standoff (oka crisis). Tamara Keepness, shhhhhh, no justice for her, a white man didn’t kill her because of her parents drug debts so no cares there. Give me gibs, give me gibs, no gibs I steal then, if I get hurt it’s the whities fault.

>pic related, the old wells are where her body is, but when they went to check there were a lot of “people” with guns guarding that’s wells, and that’s as far as it went. The cops went home and the federal task force says all missing Indian women are going to Minnesota as sex slaves. So there you go, there sure isn’t any dead bodies on those reserves. Nope none at all!

Bullshit. Not long ago a guy in my city killed 2 niggers who tried to rob him as he withdrew cash from a ATM. He wasn't even taken into custody for questioning. The cops basically gave him a high five and he was free to go.

When the cops look at the situation and see some piece of shit dead unemployed dead nigger with a criminal record that can't even fit on a single piece of paper vs. an armed, employed citizen with no criminal record they can be pretty confident who was in the right and who was in the wrong.

Tamara Keepness?

Sorry pic didn’t load here it is

if you defend your family and property, you lose!

Women are not funny. Jew girl tries comedy, she even implements non stop Feminism and Marxism in her routine. Thumbs down.

It totally is, their lives are worth less than the dirt on my boots, the second they resolve to take my shit


>Tamara Keepness
too soon

>I've a fucking slave and I own nothing, have nothing to be proud of and am willing to throw myself prostate in front of those that would do me harm instead of fighting to defend myself

>Underprivileged person desires your things
>Allow him to take it
>Net happiness in the world increased

I see nothing wrong with that.

Quit taking people's lives with murder tools.


Kek poor fags admitting they have to put their life on the line to defend a few hundred dollars in property


This. You have to make sure that home invaders are dead. Then you chop em up, burn the bodies and crush up the bones. Always have a flower garden to dispose of fertilizer.

Sorry but maybe you’ve never tried to claim insurance after a break and enter and nope they don’t really want to pay you for anything for some reason? Not only that they raise your premiums so they get all that money back in as little as 3 years. I’ve had to go through 8 last year alone. So you wanna talk about this in your little reality that exists in only your head?

>lel I'll just buy it again
You are aware that if you give up once, they know you'll do it again and will be back for more right?
If I kicked in a guys door and he was just like "yeah take it, it's not worth dying for" I'd be back with my boys 2 weeks later for everything that wasn't bolted down, and we'd have a go at that as well.

Its really about time we invaded Canada. You fags don't deserve the clay.

They want to rape you and your wife but I guess that’s what you wanted all along........

You have to understand krautbro, praireniggers are halfway between a human and an abbo. They spend their entire lives crowing to anyone that will listen about how oppressed they are, how unfair the system is, how the white man erased their proud culture, you know the drill.

As jurors, they will not even care to listen to evidence. They are NOT our peers, and seek to tear down whitey wherever possible. They will vote guilty because it was a chug thug that got shot.


Are you black or stupid?

>zero social capital psychopathic criminal thug wants your things
>pump him full of holes
>net suffering in the world decreased

how aboot do not steal eh?
it will get you dead no?

It's true. An injun friend of mine even told me that his father taught him never to steal from natives, only whites.

Bullets are cheap, why not use them?

>Import muslims
>Crime rate goes up
Wow! I feel bad for canadians that can't shoot murderers and terrorists. Hippity Hoppity, Get The Fuck Off My Property.

True words.

here's a good one to share with idiots who think only whites are capable of hate crimes and should be charged with them

I'd rather own property than have nothing to call my own.

What is that pic

Murder is murder lock him up! Not just the white men.

Why don't the farmers feed them to their pigs or something. I don't get it.

>when they went to check there were a lot of “people” with guns guarding that’s wells, and that’s as far as it went.
Oh fucking wow. I'm completely uninformed about this whole thing, can you give me a quick rundown?

Wow post the fucking article you retard

the sarcasm has missed you.
fact is it's better to keep them from stealing that to go through insurance

lol he's quoting some cuck from a webcomic. forget which one tho

It’s a hand drawn map of the reserve, the old wells are where “sources” (the one who drew the map) say she’s been disposed in

This is 100% true, people who have never dealt with these primitive people have no idea. Avoid them at all costs in any sort of interaction. If you must do business with them always get cash up front, they are known for taking services then refusing to pay for some bullshit reason and because their homes are on communal reserve property they are pointless to sue. They are worse than blacks in terms of race loyalty, they have neither the intellect nor inclination to be part of modern society let alone serve on a jury.

Harper put in the King of your castle act, you can shoot anyone that has intent to harm you or your property.


>my wife is cree
I hope you know everyone hates you.

I apologize, the sarcasm was lost on me. I hate insurance more than natives as they act in the same manner.

Why would a property owner be in custody? The govt should be on their knees paying this dude a year's worth of cop salary for doing their fucking job.

>It's not worth a human life.
Its only your daughter they are raping, they aren't killing her.

Teepee niggers aren't human, you fucking retard.

>rundown of native justice on Tamara Keepness.

you bet
i stole there wiminz
and there land
and there culture
and wait????
there was a government well established when my people came here
i dindoo nuffin

Sorry senpai

If your ancestors have held high office, then even unto the third generation, you should be bared. This guy should not be Prime minister and the law should be changed to stop people like him being Prime minister ever again.

It happened in 2004, she went missing from her front porch, people looked hard for a long time, then “things” started to come out and it got buried. The rumours are that her parents owed big drug money to a Indian gang and they either stole her or killed her, the evidence presumes the latter. The hand drawn map is from a source who corroborates the story and gave a map as a unnamed source. When journalists went there they were greeted by Indians with guns and due to “lack of evidence” went home and called it done.

Dindu nuffins

No. Every white person hates you, you disgusting race traitor.

The rural code.

Natives are like gypsies but protected by state

Nah, gypsies at least maintain and clean their ill gotten gains.

You can murder someone in self defence. That’s called justice.

Thinking your life and desire to take other peoples things or to cause harm to someone in their dwelling is greater than the right of a person to defend themselves from you is called a mental illness. You deserve to die

Not true.

Wasn't the last injun shot yelling about how it wasn't really theft since other injuns owned the land first?


It’s called psychopathic narcissism. It’s a real condition that’s what you need to be a real good serial liar, killer and or manipulator.

It's becoming accepted to shoot natives trying to steal your shit now. You might want to tell her to run to the hills, run for her life.

> Oklahoma
> 3 teens stage home robbery
> Son of household produces AR-15
> At least two teens dead
> Public applause

> Nig uses sawed off shotgun to rob stores
> Moderate spree, hits like 3 or 4 businesses
> Goes to liquor store
> Mom and daughter working produce handguns
> Turns out the sawed off wasn't loaded
> Nig is in hospital maybe hopefully dying
> Public celebrates

the fact that you say that is an admission that youre are racism/bias

Im Algonquin and I hate natives.

The critical question of White Identity Politics is "How much longer will White Enforcers push anti white laws on white people?" All other questions are secondary to that one. Why should a proterty owner have to submit to trespassers? The white self hating world has maybe 20 good years left, if that. Then the Boomer Generation will be in its 80's and the Dark Skins won't fear the remaining self hating whites because whites will be few in number.

What's the source on those symptoms?

>shooting his robbers
>not making a cup of tea for them to help them get though an ordeal that is stressful for them as well
what a shitty host, he deserves the death penalty.

> natives believe might makes right
> canada supports their literal criminal insanity
> strangely this makes them more savage instead of showing them the wonders of civilization

Animals are not eligible for jury

Holy shit. Where can I read more about the prairie dindus with guns?


No, they are biased and used to gibs, they are nigger-tier

>mfw Canada will ban all their guns for a couple of guys shooting some robbers in self defense

Because unfortunately productive members of society believe that the police force will protect them instead of their communist government's interests.




Wasn't the first guy baiting the perp? I thought it sounded more like entrapment than self defense.