Title says it all, who else is supporting the oldest pro 2nd amendment group after watching those pussies try and take your rights?
Just joined the NRA
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The problem with the NRA is that when it comes to crunch time, they won't win... they don't want to kill the golden goose.
Gun grabbers are their bread and butter.
Already donated
I joined yesterday.
Do you still get that boss backpack when you sign up?
All you fags need to do this asap
Are you joining for the gun safety training or are you an anti-common sense gun control sperg?
I would tend to agree with that.
However at this point it's membership is mostly completely intolerant of giving any ground and not actively pushing for expansion.
Their survival may hinge on pleasing their membership which would prevent them from prioritizing the ability to profit long term.
I got the camo duffel bag. Pretty stoked
can you join if you are a bong
if owning guns is my "right" i shouldnt have to rent it from a lobby group. paying for rights is top goy. and yes, i do own guns
The training is nice. It's a shame that people who are fond of your flag generally don't take a course before getting their hands on metal spraying technology. Of course, your ilk is still amazed by the magic picture box, so...
I joined too.
Actually lied I was just tried to fit in with the thread. Sorry autism.
You shouldn't, but Soros is putting billions into attacking the 2nd amendment. You're going to lose if you sit on your ass and don't contribute to people who are pushing back
You have to pay more.
but the whole point of the 2nd amendment is to resist tyranny by force. im not gonna let gun grabbers extort me. come take it, bitches. i'd rather spend that membership fee on ammo tyvm
Yes you can! Join up Britbong
The only reason that I joined is because we aren't at that point yet and unlike some, I would like to prevent that as long as I can.
Part of it is just pissing liberals off, too. Give money to the gun lobby. I am pretty sure they don't really need the membership fees, though. They probably get most of their cash from the companies that manufacture guns, accessories, ammo, etc.
NRA sold out. There the reason we are having to fight this. They’re fighting their own gun ban proposals.
Join the Gun Owners of America, and your money will be better used to defend the second.
i'm itching for it. this country is making life miserable for our own citizens and the rest of the world. i cant wait until we start killing each other. dont even care if im the one who takes the first bullet. death to america tbph
Just joined a couple days ago.
Oh totally. That alone is a nice perk to joining
Joind right after the shooting. Looking forward to getting my knife
>when it comes to crunch time, they won't win
Not sure why you think this, we've been winning and the Supreme Court is gun friendly, and will likely remain that way.
The second one
I am a life member, welcome user
boomers die every day, they are replaced by superior conservatives.
The NRA is faggotry. Their compromises and law they themselves have supported helped get us to the place we are now.
I terminated my life membership when they endorsed Bob Dole. Fuck the NRA.
GOA and other groups were the real deal.
I chose the knife, too. I mean, its obviously 5 dollar chinese junk, but who cares, a neat momento.
Yeah, I got a ton of better knives already but it’ll look nice with the others
Is the free member gift a gun?
Your rights have been slowly eroded since spics started coming into this country. You don't own guns so don't lie.
T. Schlomo shekelsteinburg
"At the time of its passage in 1968, NRA executive vice president Franklin Orth wrote in American Rifleman that "the measure as a whole appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with"
Fuck the NRA
The NRA is ran by a bunch of shekel-pinching (((jews))) that are more concerned about profits than standing up for our second amendment rights.
I need to own a gun to join
Awesome, no prepare to receive fundraising letters,email, texts, telegrams, psychic messages every hour. Each telling you the world will end if you don't support them.
No, you dont need to own a gun to join the NRA.
Just joined. Going to sign my wife's son up as well. Match me.
Jesus Christ, no one is taking away the 2nd, fuuuuuck you are thick as retard kids