Other urls found in this thread:
they are absolutely livid over this
It's real. It's on his facebook page.
>Trying to throw mud at shooting vicitmes and their demands
republicans are scumbags of the worst kind
nice to see tucker finally coming out as one
>supports blindly adhering to people's demands without any analysis just because they are children and victims of something
What a weak fucking imbicile
So you want a link to CNN or something?
fake and gay
i meant the tweet faggot: i got too many browsers open atm im not keeping up
this kid defending the 2nd amendment and the asian boy who died shielding fellow students are the only two actual heroes in this store.
>Proven this kid lied about this
Sup Forums will believe it without question when it's for their agenda.
You could have simply googled the text then, faggot.
Who are you?
thanks toothpaste
at least someones fucking linking shit for once
He's throwing mud at CNN who refused the opinion of a shooting victim.
shut your piehole cloaca de america
but curious, what does the fat cunt mean at 0:15?
>i actually put two physically to rest
Yeah, turns out the kid and his dad was lying. They doctored their emails. Republicans are idiots for pushing this meme.
>you dont think david hogg is an actual shooting survivor? CONSPIRACY THEORIST!
. . .
>Lol this kid who says CNN told him to keep to the script isn't an actual shooting survivor
Fucking dems.
How does that man get fitted for pants with balls that big?
Why doesn't Trump and Fox News just come out and tell everyone that the media is controlled my Marxist Jews?
Answer: Because they are also controlled by Marxist Jews.
Literally a crisis actor. You faggots along with the president are spreading fake news.
Um, script kid and his dad already got caught doctoring emails and lying.
> (OP)
> CNN has disclosed the email that Carlson’s Fox News program had inquired about. It chops off the part about “that he submitted,” as below:
> A CNN source claims that the edit leaves the network open to the charge that it “dictated” the question and obscures the fact that Colton Haab submitted it.
Well I guess if CNN says it it must be true. They're the most trusted named in news, after all. Right Sup Forums?
No he's shitting on CNN for not showing the scope of those demands and instead cherry picking and using kids.
pic related's dad selectively edited an email he distributed to media outlets.
giant nothingburger
I hope moohamed goatfucks your daughter/son into a crag of rocks under a bridge
lol keep barking up that tree buddy, you are pushing the fake news agenda of a crisis actor.
>calling shooting victim a crisis actor
you should be ashamed, user!
Also there is no proof he doctored the emails. CNN is the one with the track record of lying, so the kid get the benefit of the doubt here. How dare you accuse a victim of lying!
I legit get pissed too when someone doesn't put up a link.
You're asking for getting called a shill or a moron at that point
Proof CNN's is correct?
I'll wait
Admitting the town hall was staged and accepting that it was crisis actors are two different things, you know that right? Proving one does not disprove the other.
No, the emails were released, Colton's dad edited them to make it look like CNN told him to stick to a script. Which wasn't true.
Town hall wasn't staged. Only the Haab's response to it was.
I wonder if you realize how retarded you sound.
>the emails were released
There was some natural force that just "released the emails"? Or did CNN just release a version of the email in question that you're just believing?
Will this kill CNN once and for all?
The Haab's arent' denying that they doctored the emails buddy. Get over it and stop pushing fake news.
CNN released an email and CNN sources claim the edits occured.
CNN had nothing to gain by staging the town hall nor did the school shooting survivors.
Trying to control the narrative around a hotly contested topic like the reality of the shooting is nothing to gain?
lol no one scripted lil marco to shit his pants on national TV. He did that all on his own. Believe me.
Being the victim of a school shooting doesn't make their 'demands' any more important than mine
>The Haab's arent' denying that they doctored the emails buddy
So it's not proof, you're just believing an outlet that is full of known liars? OK
Wow, some real mega shills in this thread. They protest too much, me thinks.
>being this retarded
You should probably leave here and never come back if you can't even grasp the power of narrative control.
Proof CNN is wrong?
I'll wait
Yeah, she printed out her question to remember it. And?
Be careful with how (You) thrown around you. I was answering the question, not stating my belief in CNN, faggot.
Kel you don't print your own name on it you dweeb
She had to print out her name? Was she going to forget her name, user?
If I sent it to someone in an email and printed the email I would have.
why did she write her own name on it? Why did she hand write the other side?
>>supports blindly adhering to NRA's demands without any analysis just because they donate to campaigns and children don't.
>It's real. It's on his facebook page.
Which you naturally don't link to.
>proving a negative
That's not how logic works. God damn, people like you are why our country is in such shit. Never trained on how to critically think.
And we know that the kids submitted their questions ahead of time you morons. No one is denying that.
Maybe. She looks pretty retarded to me desu.
I'm just gonna leave this here
Why would you e-mail your question to someone else?
All the kids emailed their questions before hand. That is already well known.
Looks like cnn faked the email. Fake news, fake email, standard procedure.
Libel suit when?
fuck, im gunna need authenticated smtp servers and a proper MAC addy. how the fuck am i gunna find out the mac addy of actual journos?
because that's they what said they did user
Never, Jewish organization lefty journos are a protected class in the leftist world. Like niggers and sandbarbarians.
Silly CNN, they forgot to attach proofs.
There won't be a libel suit, just like Moore didn't file any lawsuits and just like Trump hasn't.
They emailed their questions to CNN so CNN could cherry pick to control the narrative and script the event that way.
no wonder my spam keeps bouncing
Keep spinning.
The irony is palpable.
DNC is getting a libel suit against them right now. Dont be so cynical.
Of course nobody heard about that news cause they got distracted by florida.
My question is why did they do that? Why did CNN need to see the questions beforehand?
with her own name bolded so she wouldn't forget!
Also the CNN version of the emails doesn't make sense grammatically.
>that is what we discussed on the phone that he submitted
the one guys kid got shot 9 times. thats like half a magazine. was she targeted?
All the networks do this for every town hall. It's so they can gauge on how long the question and response will be, and to cover their ass if someone starts dropping f bombs on live TV.
any news on the buzzfeed suit that seeks to prove once and for all if the dnc hacks were external or internal?
>good grammar
pick one, only one
To fit everything in the 2 hour debate window so they can go back to talking about the russia hoax for the other 22
what are you even talking about? trump has filed many
Do you even understand libel? You can freely print allegations but a guy like haab has more protections like false light etc.
Why would Journalists, who make their living writing, know how to use correct grammar. Just go back to sleep and swallow your blue pills, goy. It's all in your head
>reddit spacing on the fake CNN version
Trump hasn't filed any libel lawsuits against any of the women that have come out against him. What are you talking about?
Oops should be there not in
>24 hour news journalists
pick one
to cut things down from being way too long
they always do this.
Lol proven. Just repeating a word as a mantra doesn't make it real her Turner.
That's the first half-way fair point you've made. One out of seventeen ain't bad for an obvious shill.
I was having a boring day, thank you God emperor.
Except that his question was rejected was because of its "length", yet others with an anti gun stance, like la goblina, had longer questions and were given much more airtime. So the length wasn't REALLY the issue.
Their "screening" of questions goes way beyond stopling someone from going on an f bomb laced tirade. They are screening to fit a particular narrative
Right, they were told to keep the questions short. His first question about having armed teachers was accepted and then the dad changed it and made it longer.
And then the dad got butt hurt that cnn said the question was too long, and that it didn't come from Colton, so naw, fuck it and fuck you.
>Trump hasn't filed any libel lawsuits against any of the women
Brainlet confirmed. Libel suits apply only to print media. You are looking for slander and it would be retarded for trump to even GRACE them with a legal response. Nobody believes the women anyway.
To be fair, the stories were written about in many faggot outlets. Wouldn't there be libel too for taking it to the presses and having it done?