I'm a redpilled pro-trump girl from Tennessee, I'm anti-Islam, anti-globalist, pro-Israel, pro-guns
Ask me anything
Pic related is me and my bf
(i live in uk btw atm teehe xD)
Conservative girl AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
you know the rules
You boyfriend is very handsome. How long is his penis
pls be in berlin
VERY long
i have to much respect for myself to do that
Even though this is bait, it actually annoys me in just how cringe it is.
If you're gonna make a bait thread at least don't make it fucking blatantly obvious you fucking idiot.
i'm not a "larper"
i'm coming soon, wanna join us for a cuckold session
you can be the cuck
why are you being racist?
tits or gtfo
>politics related
>obvious b8
see here i have too much respect for myself to do that
i'm not baiting
kek i actually am in berlin
at least do a timestamp with your "feminine" hand
why suddenly massive cuckposting?
and sage btw
i'm a proud citizen of kekistan btw hahahah XD
what is cuckposting?
fuck off sl*vak, carpathia is ukranian
You're very based person. God bless you, god bless your black trump voter bf and bless Israel. Keep it up!
Larp detected
Are you Lauren Southern?
op is a boi
Those mgtow threads are less subtle than the niggers ones
Post boyfriends dick
We can see you british flag, Mohammad.
no but i admire her
what is mgtow?
thanks, are you a russian bot btw?
CTR shill
Toll paid
read bottom part, fucking putinbot
i would but is Sup Forums like reddit, where you can get banned for posting that kind of stuff?
What part of TN? 865 here
>CTR shill
you didn't post any proof, you can be 6'3 albino somalian for all i know
who's that? she looks like me
i'm from 864
>This board falls for all the baits.
seriously, i have done this many times and i'm usually banned by now
last time i managed not to get banned though
>are you a russian bot btw?
Mmm yes, but i am on vacation atm. So that was from the bottom of my heart!
i love these guys, fucking based
Ok I’ll take the bait
>pro Israel
>niglet bf
how is that not redpilled? most jews are good ,only soros is bad!
Tits or GTFO.
>pro israel
On second thoughts, just GTFO
>trump voter
>not standing for Israel
Commie spotted.
I remember when Benny played for fcPorto, when he went to play against Sporting cp, the sporting fans (ultras 1143 juve leo) made the famous uh uh uh when he touched the ball.
>Too much respect to show tits
>Not enough respect to not burn coal
Roastie confirmed. Toll status: pending payment.
worst larp ever, titless
Do you guys vape?
Please vape.