Why do teachers want more money when they only work 75% of the year and are protected by a union?

Why do teachers want more money when they only work 75% of the year and are protected by a union?

Teachers will be lined up against the wall and shot

If they want more money they can up their skills/education and go private.

Look at where American education ranks (17th). Look at the top 10 nations in education and their teacher pay scale. The more you pay a teacher the more likely hood a well educated person will teach your children. Do you think somebody is going to go get a masters degree to teach for 43k a year in Florida? No it’s a waste of time.

Literally union greed and entitlement.
You cannot punish shit teachers anymore.

Private or homeschooling is best.

and look at where America ranks in education spending overall and per student. Fuck spending more on top of that, fix the broken system first. Start with getting rid of teachers unions

not to mentioned those countries at the top are cucked to the max, so fuck whatever they're teaching as well

There are plenty of teachers who are not part of an union. And the reason they want a raise is because there is nation wide shortage of teachers and the salary does not match the demand for teachers. So, if we want more qualified, good teachers, a pay raise is needed to attract them from other occupations. I don't believe teachers need to be paid 100K but a raise is needed in certain parts of the country.

Because they have to deal with the degeneracy that is generation Z.

Because kids are annoying little shits

>public sector has no sense of supply/demand

Yeah that's the problem. It becomes a political issue

north american teachers are parasites
usu among the bottom 10% of uni students; unlike other parts of the world which actively pursues the top 30% of uni students, encouraging them to become teachers
dont let your kids go to public schools in n. america

Because humans are fickle cucks and many will quickly line up to join any benefits campaign that is presented before them.

the money spent should see classrooms that look like the bridge of the enterprise with tablets built into desk surface and google-fu as a class related skill to be cultivated "class find me vids of why we need a wall"

Because the amount of Jamals and Tanyas are increasing exponentially.

ITT: NEETs who struggled in high school
>b-but we spend a ton on people who don't even have to work hard
>has never worked a real day in his life
>has never taught a class
>is unable to coherently speak about his knowledge in a way that allows others to learn

Well teachers are probanly the most important aspect of the future of a country. Better teachers = better educated kids. People who look down on teachers, nurses, etc. are idiots.

Start with getting rid of your niggers

Everybody wants more

Tanya is a Slavic name, I don't know how the hell darkies got to naming their macaques Slavic names.


Teachers are at the forefront of brainwashing white kids to hate their own history and culture and now they're pushing this race mixing, tranny, and faggot propaganda. Homeschooling is the way to go, I've been in an American school and it's full of retards.

why do teachers want more money when they failed at the career path they got an education for, resulting in their last ditch attempt at income by becoming a teacher?

it's rewarding failure, and their output is nothing but failure


Why the fuck is Obama's daughter named Caшa?

Do the teachers want more or does the union want more?
Never forget the unions are businesses too.