Why do Jews complain so much about their dead?

1930s/1940s: Millions of Bengalis die in famine - silence. Millions of Russians + Poles die - quiet. Japs run train on Nanking waifus - crickets. Kill Jews = OMG muh 6 gorrillion. Why?!

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Jews like to complain. Known fact! It's actually one of they're stereotypes!

OY VEY, VE need another 6 gorillion shekels!

Chosen people are worth more than cattle goyim

>las vegas gets shot up with 70 people dead
>no one cares
>a 40% jewish school gets shot up

Hey Paolo, How about we runite and jew the fuck out of the Marine commercial traffic through the mediterranian, just like the good old days ...

Because you have a jihadi problem and most your country is retarded beyond Imagination


You have more muslims than we do.

Send 6 gorillion shekels to my account and I Will Grant you the coast of lebanon

Nice try Jabeur

Your country is going to get kebabed very soon. Palestinians breed at twice your rate.

>Why do Jews complain so much about their dead?

So you can have sympathy for them while they fuck you up your ass.

No way
it's full of Muslims

But they die 4 times our rate too.

>Hey remember that time the Brits implemented capitalism in India and ended up shipping out food while millions starved?


Complain? They did way more than that. The made a fucking ersatz religion out of it.

Stop larping and go back to your shack Sven, Use as many VPNs as you can,or the femenists might castrate you if they catch you in here.nordcuck.


So we can keep confining them to Israel.

is she Jewish?

Who is this mummy?

>Who is this mummy?
Mistress T.

God I wish that were me.

>But they die 4 times our rate too.

No you stupid Jew. They are already 20% of Israel and will be 50% soon.

This is untrue. Read the book "Decline of British Empire". British built railroads, which allowed a surplus in one area to be quickly moved to a famine area. And, the British implemented a policy to save 10% of every harvest, further eliminating famines, and the British destroyed the Thugs, who were the horrible gangsters of the time period. In fact the most murderous serial killer of all time was a Thug, who killed an excess of 500. The The British rule was very, very beneficial to the Indians. If the British wanted you eradicated, they would have genocided you all, like cockroaches.

The Thugs were suspended by the British rulers of India during the 1830s.[6] The initiative was due largely to the efforts of civil servant William Henry Sleeman, who captured "Feringhea" (also known as Syeed Amir Ali, on whom the novel Confessions of a Thug is based) and persuaded him to turn King's evidence. Feringhea brought Sleeman to a grave with a hundred bodies, told him the circumstances of the murders and named the Thugs who had committed them.[13]

50% of 20% is 10% yes.
Their numbers are decreasing.

But enough about us, how about your christian minority?

I like your arrogance, Jew. The kebab will have fun with you.

Christianity is a Jewish meme. Don't care about Christians.

US military vets are way worse about this

Hilarious how you people always choose to live in white nations though.

Basically kikes are narcissists.

Everything must be special to them, even pain that they never felt, because 99% of the kikes alive today weren't alive in 1945 Germany.

why are you trying to ruin my no-fap?

isnt Broward county like 9% Jewish though

It's totally true, While I'm not an expert on the mid 20th century famines, British involvement in Bengal in the late 19th century was a brutal catastrophe
1. They forced indians to grow primary cash crops instead of food that was locally sustainable
2.compelled locals to stop using grain reserves
3. enclosed forests (necessary for cow fodder in lean times)
4.enclosed waterways (another famine buffer)
5. global market put prices out of hands of Indian farmers, many compelled to sell up
6. Rail system shipped grain reserves to central depots, where it could be speculated on instead of used by communities.
6. 1877-1878. Britain ships 6.4 tons of Indian Wheat to Europe, while millions starved.

"Millions died, not outside the 'modern world system', but in the very process of being forcibly incorporated into its economic and political structures. They died in the golden age of Liberal Capitalism."- Mike Davis,

>you people

What do you mean by this?

It is you, fatburger, it's just a Jew sitting on your cheeto encrusted face with her.

bengalis, russians and poles dont own the news media


So called chosen frozen
Apology made to whoever pleases
Still they got me like Jesus

ya reckon this has anything to do with it?

No she's Canadian


Jews are human peacocks, always strutting around the world stage, demanding everyone look at them and give out compliments. If the GOYIM, then Jew get mad and start killing and bombing till ppl say "Oh, UR so beautiful!"

They only care about themselves.
They think the rest of us are animals to be used.

More Jews died before the so called Holocaust. Just imagine how many Jews have lived and died within the last 2,000 years. Millions and millions of them. And how many millions of Jews died since the Holocaust.

The holocaust is just a tool for Jews to make money, and use it a psychological warfare against the goyim.

Thankfully it's all coming to an end, and people are starting to realize Jews deserved to be holocausted, because they are shit people.


It's open information, it doesn't trigger the civilised world, only anti-Semites butthurt.

I wanna licky her bumhole

Because they control the informational media outlets and abuse them to push pro-judaism propaganda.

If we had a media ran by let's say, CHINESE, we'd hear NANKING NEVER FORGET! every day for the next century.

Jews are unique in that they have excellent propaganda, and it's international.

They have hollywood. They have the media. Thus they influence society to benefit themselves.

A big part of this is the demoralization of Whites with the holocaust narrative. Whenever a movement arose in the 20th century that challenged their power structure, they would shout HOLOCAUST at the top of their lungs and because everyone was conditioned to feel sympathy for them in school, it was an instant debate ender.

But they never counted on Sup Forums's ability to subvert their holocaust narrative with humour.

Every time I look at that spawn of satan I shudder

Mistress T...mmmm.

getting kicked out of countries or massacred is the real achievements they have.

>Jews complain

Jews complain when it rains.

>Or when it doesn't

Smash that dislike, goys


RAMZPAUL needs to see this video.

Because unlike the others you listed, jews were systematically killed and not killed in combat during a war

The holocaust myth is frankly impossible to believe.

Were Jews rounded up? Sure. So were Japanese in America.

But most of the deaths were disease. Mostly Typhus. And less than half a million deaths in all camps.

Jews are always demanding something. They usually get what they want just to shut them up.

They are gods chosen one. Their lives are more important that goyim lives. Goyim have no soul anyway and exist only to serve jews. It is true. It is writen in their holy book. Book they wrote. Fucking anti-semite.

Should we comments along the lines that we will suport your right to say "Polish Death Camp" when you support others right to say it never happened.

Free speech for all. Not just a protected class.

This, it’s why we are containment zone now.


They disabled the comments.

Because Adolf the Hitler attempted to eliminate all of them.

If somebody tried to exterminate all Italians and the entire Italian culture/language from existence, how would you feel?

Ohh man. Lampshade people are here. Can we start roasting rabbi? Tell us how nazis stick 25cm stick to your grandfather ass in Treblinka camp. I love your fairy tales. Don't forgot about your supreme shackel usa supported economy and how we all goys living in shitholes.

I think there are six million Jews in Broward County alone. They don’t call it little Israel for nothing.

Soviets commited much more systematic killing on slavs and Mao on chinks than nazis on anyone. i don't say nazis didn't systematically kill anyone, but they've killed far less civilians than commies killed or japs killed chink civilians

we are witnessing riddiculous double standards here

What is Snape going to do with that boy?

Hitler tried to kick their ass out of Europe that is all. Jews still ran the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and especially the British Isles and Soviet Union.

uh, NYT maybe has 10 stories on the holocaust each year. stormfags post 10 threads on the holocaust on /pol each day. Question should be why stormfags complain so much.

Polish holocouast.
Polish holocouast.
Polish holocouast.

Listen Poland. What hapen during holocoast was enoug.

Shut it down Poland.


because deep down they wish it was they who died

>They disabled the comments.

I really should have checked that out first. I guess I got a little excited. Sorry!

Because it gives them sympathy.

political leverage.
I was visiting my local synagoge to study the life of the jews and their culture.
Once I was listening to a rant of some 1Gen. jews complaining that the young ones (2.Gen after the War) did not want to do anything with the holohaux.
It was obvious that they where upset not about the memory but the potential loss of a political tool.

Who’s the lady in the pic.

Europe still has one hope.

Because Jews were an unarmed population.

pretty jew


>Why do Jews complain so much?
this should have been the title of the thread

they dont. they actually never bring up the holocaust retard

The answer is actually very simple. Jews consider themselves to be the only people worth saving. They don't have the self-awareness or the insight to realize that all of their whining about their dead just exposes them as being incredibly apathetic and downright evil towards others who have suffered the same or even worse than them. If everyone else who has suffered were to complain at the same level as the Jews, their self centered cries would be drowned out. At that point they have to come up with some other plan to make it all "about them". It won't happen though, because non-Jews are actual human beings with souls and they are empathetic towards the suffering of people other than their own. Jews 100% absolutely do not care about anyone else but themselves.

Thank you for your input, based scholar

Every nation should remember the atrocities committed on it's people, is that wrong?

>Every nation should remember the atrocities committed on it's people, is that wrong?
Goyim don't really have any empathy for each other, so it's a hard emotion for them to relate to.

>remember the atrocities
There's a big difference between remembering it and shoving it down everyone's throat over and over and over again. Be honest you fucking piece of shit. It's been a life in the beginning and you've been using it as a weapon and it's a systematic, controlled and planned assault on the rest of humanity. That's exactly what it is.

A LIE from the beginning. Typo.

I'm sorry but the Holocaust IS the worst crime in history.

Sure, whatever man

No. Wrong is when you start to make stories like acid pools, mastubation machines and lie about number of deaths. You know. It is big diference betwen 500 000 and 6 000 000. Everybody know you jews do magic with numbers. That is why your nickname is merchant. But when you do same tricks with numbers of death people, your people it is disrespecting actualy. For people who realy died there on hunger. That is why making fun of you is ok. Becouse it is you who disrespected your dead love ones. Not us. You created these lies as base of your racial and cultular identity. It is you who pissing on their graves. We are making fun of people that did not die. We respect real numbers, real victims. And honestly. For what jews did in Ukraine and Weimar republic. Don't you think you deserve it? You also pissing on graves all other people who died there. That wasn't just about you. Many others died during war and in working camps. But manipulate history is awful. You should apologize for what you did. That you lied to us for 70 years and you do it still today.

>Sure, whatever man.
That is your best? Destroy whole europe. Sure, whatever man. And now ask yourself why people hate you?

Who were killed in Weimar? Tell me.

>all these threads
will Israel overtake Australia as world shitpost super power?

I believe it is incapable of asking such questions

this satanic whore is 71

Did i wrote that jews killed people in Weimar? Did i? Jews fucked whole economy in Weimar and also they have civil war in Germany after world war 1. So technicly yes, jews killed people there.

And holocaust is not worst crime in history at all you coward merchant. I know that forcing you work may sound horrible. But more people died during communism you created in czechoslovakia in uran mines than jews during holocaust. It would be nice if you admit real story after 70 years. It may help you dodge bullet. But you just can't do it. Never. Holocaust is only think you have. Nothing else. You are demons. Human cancer. Whole nation based of killing innocents and endless lies. Cowards who need other to fight for them. Cowards who are so fucking horible that need laws to protect them from critics. Cowards who eat and rape babies. Cowards who start fake terrorist muslim group to kill muslims and europeans. Cowards who bomb WTC with humans inside to drag Americans to war.

You are just shit. One way or another. Even if 6 000 000 actualy died my masturbate machines. You are still shit. Your action started World War 2 and your own people sacrifice other jews to get Israel and holobunga immunity.

Too many words that say too little. I get your verbal IQ is not as sophisticated as ours. But you could have used one sentence and have the same information content.

>I believe it is incapable of asking such questions.
What kind of fucking weak kikery is this? Jews consider themself better than anyone else any you showing me this garbage that they belive everyone is equal. Or should i cry they shaved their head becouse of typhus? Or tattoo? Ot measuring their noses? I admit that 500 000 died and had to work as prisoners. Same hapen in Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Beilorus and Czechoslovakia and many other cultures.

Obviosly it is not possible to ever have real debate about world war 2 with you.

Your whole argument is based around the notion that the holocaust isn't real and it's a big lie invented by jews, you say it like it's a known fact to everybody. So i can just say that everything is alright with europe nowadays, nothing happened in weimar and it's all a lie europeans make up so we'll feel sorry for them. This has no basis

No, "they" didn't kill people. The socialists (of whom Jews were some of) revolted against the monstrous World War. Freikorps and communists also killed eachother.

Cowardice who get others to fight for them? Nonsense.

You know what. Nice arguent you have here. Fuck you. English is not my native language. If i could write better i would.

Useless to talk to jews. Better to kill you all and this time we will do it properly.

Who started World War 2? Hitler attacked the USSR.

Who is this lady? is she a jew porn star or something?

>70 red blooded american's who are descendant from the original colonizers and founders


>Fuck you. Useless to talk to jews. Better to kill you all and this time we will do it properly.

You are welcome to try. The holy Jewish people are eternal. Anyone who rises up against us eventually falls and their name and spirit is cursed.

Yeah. Unfortunaly for you we can ask people know how they feel about floodin europe with niggers. We can't realy dig throw layer of lies about holocaust and find real truth. But at least you trying to talk about. kudos to you. I wrote that numbers are not real and many of shit is added. I admit people died there.

no offence. but you pissed half of planet. and we want our revenge on you. this time you could cry about holocaust. you would need fake stories and fake numbers.

fair point, but 90% of them go forgotten so we can shoehorn yours into everything.