This represented the single greatest redpill of our generation

This represented the single greatest redpill of our generation.

Other urls found in this thread:

isnt this the guy who thinks he was abducted by aliems?



He works with Tony Pedosta. Fuck that guy.

Regardless, are his contacts not evidence of his legitimacy?

i think it is tho

makes me think he might be a deep state puppet with goals that don't benefit us. I don't need him or his friends to believe Aliens are here.

Ayylmaos are real... so let's make fake media about them and get ponzi money from it!
>legitimacy ruined

can you summarize the 3fucking hour long podcast that no sane person listens to?

>what is project blue beam
Fuck off, kike

Redpill me on it.

They're here.

croatia, the bane of sane people jajajaja

great thread

delonge is a fucking puppet mouthpiece.

the podestas want the "UFO" documents released because they contain a bunch of classified military tech. if they're declassified then the chinks can have easier access to them. the podestas have been on the chinks payroll for decades. when clinton was in office they got him to release a shitload of ballistic missile secrets. this is just more of the same.

The only info worth taking away from Tom is about the TR-3B

you literal potato ape, you green clover fisting shillelagh rammer into his own ass, you quintessential nigger of all nations, you slub, you wetnoose hagbadger, you ermine suffering from barber's itch, you gibbon with both arms broken, you literal snail-shell crushed into the bare foot of humanity on a summer afternoon, summarize the fucking bullshit at the link because I hate you and you are a waste of thiamine which should dimerize and turn into melanoma and make your sodden balding pate open up like the yawning maw of a tremendous worm so that magpies may flock in and pull out the gangrenous excuse for a central nervous system you have pickled in alcoholic brine within your crumbling chalky skull

Maybe star trek is the real red pill and jews are aliens that took over out planet....

post links you loser




Mkultra faggot soy emo cuck, etc

Japan no

Deep state shill owned by (((them))).

Blink-182 occult etymology:
blink - to repetitively momentarily cover one's eyes from sources of light. essentially to not see the light, to ignore it, to purposefully unsee it.
182 = 11 and 11 represents one who is (supposedly) equal to God. 11 being essentially an antichrist number as there is no equal to God.

Even though Tom is an OBVIOUS controlled release person, I look foward. I mean, I hopened the podestas hang, but I'd take controlled release over nothing

joe makes fun of him at one point when tom cant hear him lol. Tom just went on to ask for money and to say that he has floaty metal. It seems like Joe gets a little mad because all tom says is "I cant tell you" and "I know shit people dont know"

It is difficult though. As Delonge has gotten access trough his mason membership, he is required to sign a fuckton of NDA's and so there will naturally be a lot that he simply can't talk about.

What little he can talk about should be enough to get people interested, nazi UFOs with atlantean technology. But no, let's meme "can't talk about that" while ignoring what's said.

I cant tell you
