Centaur no Nayami

Well that was certainly different.
Discuss cute SOL centaur show with sudden dark tonal shifts

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Isekai episode when

>fucking a frog
Bravo, mammals.

So glorious Nippon didn't genocide anyone huh?

The author is clearly a Japanese nationalist.


>evil Europeans stealing our women

Well that went 0-60 real fast. I did not expect this show to go full WWII.

Also something frogposters reeeeeeee

I liked how they showed that even powerful men believe in equality, usually they are depicted as merely pretending to be good.

But he literally shat on the nationalists in this episode.

stop dont make me watch this i hate centaur girls


So frogs are basically nignogs?

Just like the French

I expected something entirely different

The Frogman being French was tippy top though

I needed more of the tsundere gay white horse waifu. Not this Sup Forumsshit/

How do lesbian centaurs have sex?

I want an M35 Stahlhelm with cat ears stamped into it.

>jews are angels

Read the manga.




Find a flaw.

It starts like this, then the coin toss to see who is going to receive first, followed by lots of toys from the Dept. of Socially Correct Stimulation Devices being put into use.

Too straight for that world.


Obviously an Antarctican skinwalker pretending to be a normal mammal girl.

Looks more like
>trying_ to_grab_that_ass.webm

Nazis no care about race. Only about citizens of nations. Make up lies about how back then, everything better was and everyone in peace live. Justify killing of non-nazis and non-nazi-followers. Get money from dead non-nazi-followers. Lots of loot. Business am as usual.
Me have spoken.

What the hell was this episode? The whole show always had a weird political subtext, but this is the first time it was so blatant.

They care about race, but not shapes. The people they were executing were French citizens

Just a little bit history lesson in the world of A Centaur's Life.
They didn't just have wars where they killed each another because some looked dumb for having goat-legs, they also warred each another because some were Aryans and others weren't Aryans. Or they wage wars against each another because some are mammals, and others are slimeskins.

How do you know if they were French and not for example Poles?

>tfw no demon boy (female) gf

Welcome to this schizophrenic pile of shit.
You were warned before it aired.

They seem to be more like indigenous huehue-frogs from South America.
Antarcticans traveled to South America to help the quetzacoatl-worshipping mammals there against the conquistador spics, so it makes a little bit more sense for the sneks to help amphibians not get bullied and eaten and mammal'd while also in their sphere of influence.

This is going to win so many oscars.

it doesn't really matter

ANGELS are to blame for everything wrong with the world. They are political extremists, bullies and thieves. Do not associate with angels.

Oh shit? They actually included the genocide? Might have to pick up the show after all.

Whose side will you be on when the race war starts ?


So are there more weird episodes like this?

Why do people get so stuck on the Holocaust, get confused about whether the centaurs are supposed to be Nazis or Japanese, and forget that the Japanese also tried to work all the Chinese and Koreans to death to feed their empire?

The Japanese people are nice people. They would never do that.

Definitely on the side of the cute imp boys (girls).

Tomboys are pretty good but I still prefer Goaty. Does that make me a muslim ? I don't wanna go to the camps

The Nazis were exterminating twins? What?


Later Class Rep gets her own version of this, a yandere dragon/bat girl. The two kouhai are rivals as new first years on the student council, along with a tomboy catgirl.

It's funny how sidelined imp girl and every single male character become as the series goes on.

Probably involves a lot of fisting.

The manga is hard to adapt. They skipped a pretty important sub-plot with Shino and Maki.

One of the scientists had a twin boner. Not sure if it was Mengele.

>she gets up even before the other girl grabs her


Spics are those who the conquistadores conquered.

Well, the really young girls are mostly just fuel or intentional mirrors for the older ones, aside from pure cuteness chapters. So it doesn't matter too much, it's not as if there will ever be another season.