Are we, burgers, retarded?

Are we, burgers, retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:

US government deliberately makes 80% of Americans retarded.


I suppose it's an honest mistake.

not every burger is a leftard

Sage and report off topic and troll threads.


I just think if we still controlled the colonies it wouldn't be this bad

cmon now

>seattle resident

pick one.

Women are worse than niggers.

Remember after the Boston Marathon bombing when the ambassador to the Czech Republic had to send out a tweet letting Americans know that Chechnya was not the same thing as the Czech Republic. Lol.

t. rest of the world


She's obviously a liberal so yes she is very retarded

Communists aren't American
They are enemy combatants

American education everyone.

it's like these faggots just look for shit to bitch about...

Yup, especially the white ones

*Turns on the Large Hadron Collider*
It will be now.





unless she watches the olympics, i doubt she's seen a norwegian flag since school.

still, clearly just begging to be offended.

This. How did everything go so wrong when only last century civilised white empires were on top of the world? Too much effort was spent on fighting each other and lining pockets instead of focussing our attention on cleaning up the nigger problem.


>Are we, burgers, retarded?


unfortunately, most of us are in fact retarded. but goalposts were moved to make people feel better about themselves.

that is pretty funny tho.

Washington fag here. Gonna get me a bunch of Confederate and Nazi flags and put them up in highly visible places this summer.

Norway is such a worthless and small country that never did anything for the world, unlike America who brought us all modern technology so no wonder she didn’t recognize the Norwegian flag.
Honestly , Norway can be nuked and all Norwegians can die and the whole world wouldn’t be effected at all .. except Sweden .. because they will get more Muslims

What are Norwegians doing in Seattle anyway? I though you guys don't like America.


No shit they're retarded

There are fucktons of Norwegians here, they have literal colonies here.

It’s just “””””white””””” Americans that are retarded

In Seattle?

There's still a Scandi neighborhood in Seattle where they fly all the flags.

How is this even a question? Just look at your country. You people pretend like your life is some kind of play.


>Are we, burgers, retarded?
Nono, just vigilant in your efforts to keep your fellow citizens safe

Nice, kind of like Solvang, well at least when I went there in the 90s

American education!
It's why I no longer support public education; give me some of that privatized education.

fpbp as usual nip

fuck off weeb


Seattle and area. Stanwood is also a colony. Also we have Dutch colonies.

oy vey

This is the original honest mistake featuring Dr. Paul

always remember
these people vote
and their vote counts as much as yours

Most European schools are public too. France for example has public schools excludingly. You mutts just fucked up.

Huh, how though? I would have thought the ultra left would have a shit fit about cultural heritage centers for CIS whites


Don't give Daniel-kun the satisfaction of being referred to as legitimately Japanese.

You mean Ken-sama?

just spending some time on Sup Forums makes you realize all the stereotypes on americans being arrongant illiterate clown are true

They are limited to Seattle, Olympia and Bellingham. Otherwise they have no power here.


Checks out. Maybe if they see pic related they'll probably think that he's Lee or Jackson from all the faggotry that goes on up there.

But didn't you say those colonies are in Seattle?

There are 4.6m Norwegian Americans. Most of them in Washington, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

I just thought Americans were silly before visiting Sup Forums but now I unironically think they are all just dumb as fuck. Their bantz are weak, they have weak arguments and most MGTOW, women hating and pagan threads come from Americans too.

But it is hilarious how easily triggered they get by mutt memes.

ignorance is bliss, and i am surrounded by happy people.

You mentioned Wisconsin twice, also Delaware because it was originally a Scandi colony

You would be surprised at how many people are functional retards. They may even be able to hold conversation and play it off like they are too cool and busy with their actual lives to look deeper into things but nothing is going on upstairs.

I would guess that most of the “Americans” you are talking to are literal mutts; beaners, niggers, Arabs etc etc etc. Notice how they pop up whenever they can muh heritage in a particular thread. The mutt memes are real, and need to never ever let up.

not necessarily, but democrats do live in the US.
$50 says this person was a democrat
$100 says this person watches CNN
$200 says this person is a women.

I know but it is so hard to imagine that Americans were once the people that helped rebuilding Europe and brought massive technological innovation overseas. They went downhill incredibily fast.

Women are not funny. Jew girl tries comedy, she even implements non stop Feminism and Marxism in her routine. Thumbs down.

Seattle area. Google "Sons of Norway". I'm of Scottish descent but my clan came from a Norwegian progenitor. Here in my area we have the Highland Games, and there's a Celtic heritage center nearby. Not to up on the Norwegian thing, just know there's a lot of them around.

Around central virginia they have the Highland Games as well, considering the majority of white heritage in the state is scots-irish or German


Btw feel free to use the flag. Make it offensive. Kek.

Seattlites aren't burgers, user. They're Soy-milk lattes. Different breed entirely.

I always saw the norway flag painted on rommel's tanks and german planes in ww2 images.

Gone already desu!

Probably, some jewess or SJW warrior on the make to find a cause to be aggrieved against.

That's all they're good for.

Right on.

Seattle was actually kinda cool in the 90s

Now the Jew have ruined the city tho


>Nordic heritage

SSB tracks immigration data.

As you can see, major population growth. The majority of our 750,000 - 800,000 immigrants are Poles, then Swedes, Lithuanians, Germans and other europeans. A few hundred thousand are from shithole countries, which I admit is too high.

No, fucking liberals are retarded.

That kind of hurt to be honest

*unsheathes ostehovel*

Hey baby I hear the blues are calling


Hey that's really nice

IMO Norwegian flag seems like an obvious alt-right dog whistle.

>Are we, burgers, retarded?

>living in Seattle
>not knowing what the Norwegian flag looks like

Christ, the Puget Sound area is full of Norwegians.

That would be so Orwellian its not imaginable.
>i wish you would just float away desu


nope, just sjws.

That's what you get
Remember, with Jews you lose



>tfw my country sustains a better standard of living than the US without all the debt and instability

I remember at university in the early 90's some bitch was freaking out that some Norwegian kids had their flag on their window and thought it was a white nationalist flag.

I actually didn't like Norway at the time, I don't remember exactly why but it was 100% hockey related, and I helped convince the ra's to take the flag down with lies agreeing with the femenazi.
And then the SAME THING happened to some swedes later, and I was also annoyed at them for another hockey related reason so I lied to the ra's again.
But that one got in the paper. Plus I had spilled the beans to the swedes back when we were both laughing at the nords, so they knew I was going to lie to the ra's for fun again.

there are norwegian flags all fucking over north seattle

retarded fucking yuppie liberal sjw BRAINLETS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee

Japanese government makes you work 80% of your life

The leaf, everyone.

not surprising at all. doubt the response would have been much different to the US flag.

Seattle has a locally famous statue of Lenin. Even if it was an actual confederate flag, their opinions on what gets to stay are shit.

American = Tard
White female = Tard
Liberal = Tard

Tard x3

Are you implying white females are more tard than non-white females?