Do my nipples offend you?

Powerful. Misogynists BTFO!!!!

No, not at all hehe

C- c- can I p- p- pinch them?

>how can i protest the patriarchy and still whore myself out for likes?
Fuck this.

The only thing that offends me is that you're a degenerate whore with no self respect.

Not atolllllllllll.
Now lemme get in that poon.

How does that make you feel misogynistic assholes?

No. I just want to cum on them and never marry her

Soccer moms are the ones who get most offended by this shit

Nipple feminist message coming from a glorified VIP prostitute.

Go watch "Eyes Wide Shut"'s a self-hating Jew trying to warn us. But pay attention to the girls that were servicing the top Jews at the wild party...models.

show bobs

Nah, I'm okay with you whoring yourself out and then demanding respect nontheless, because it's a win-win for me.
Get to wank it to your tits AND laugh at your idiocy.

Makes you just seem like a whore

consider suicide

going braless really needs to make a comeback


>women doing what men want

very empowering

should wear that piece of rag in abdool ghetto

Does my boner offend you?

Oh boy. Can't wait till body positive fat whales start wearing that shirt.
I hope they don't make those bigger than M

Yes. This is a powerful feminist statement. Not made for your sexual gratification. Pls stop

I remember when I thought she was the hottest thing ever 20 years ago lol

/fit/ here. where can i buy that shirt


kek I was just thinking the same thing

I hope there's a tiki torch protest against this so that we can have more of these kinds of photoshoots

No offense, but you're for sure a slut. I'll be fapping to this later.

No because she's hot. If she was a 400lb hambeast, then it would be a separate issue.

turns out its thot sizes only

Fucking this.

well, still pandering to men, while virtue signalling feminists. seems like a jew trick

Yes, more, plz

Females are truly the Jews of the genders. Give them an inch of room and their attention whoring will lead to a destruction of society.

>*whip out cock and start furiously fapping*
>"Not at all mlady."

need to see vagene to determine if I'm offended

Her shirt does!.. fucking tease..

Quads of Truth for to confirm. Praise kek

what offends me is you wont let me touch em you stupid cunt


It helps that she’s hot as fuck.

Western men don't care. The darkies being imported into Europe might feel differently.

this, its the only way to be sure

And my wife loves my misogyny... loves the fuck out of it..



The only person a hot chick's nipples are going to offend are the not-hot chicks who are jealous the former chick is getting the attention.

I hate that hair, oh my god, who is your hairdresser? Sassoon?

the people who get offended by nipples are typically feminists. I'm not sure there is any instance in which powerful men are bothered by exposed nipples, except when they see it as encouraging sluttiness in their children.

scar between eyes
greasy hair
would not bang

Best comment so far.. but, not cause why you think..




typical hot woman using feminism to expose her hotness to satisfy her ego

nah. the lopsided boob job does.

Nah. Your small tits offend me.

no - i want to suck your milk through them


>The cloth making the little bridges between the boobs

Yes! I am offended! Come closer and offend me some more!

I am highly offended by that shirt I demand she take it off immediately.

Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, user! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy user?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful: my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, user! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look at what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!

I'm not offended by your nipples any more than I'm offended by cars devaluing as they drive off the lot.

what the fuck

thanks user

>Stop objectifying womynz you misogynist assholes
>look at my nipples and pussyhat
Every fucking time.

>dress like a whore
>still not asking for it
Pick one


only if they are being sucked on by another mans child. then i find them very offensive.

Good vintage pasta right there


most powerful digits have spoken.

>people most offended by this are other women, typically fat blue-haired catladies

Go on...

Oh no women are showing their nipples. Whatever will men do? Put a shirt on, whore, it's for your own good. When we take over you wont be told, you'll be raped and stoned.

She has a man face. I heard riding the jewish cock carousel ages women quite fast

Only people this would be offending are third wave feminists..

does this mean wet t-shirt contests are gonna make a comeback?

>oh...oh no we can see their nipples powerful

Images of men “reading” her sports illustrated, whilst wearing loose fitting jogging bottoms.

Niggers BTFO

We need a quick rundown on the tits is it silicon fake?
can i drink from it?

most professional models have fake tits
and guessing by her ego i'd say 100% fake and i havn't even had a long enough ganda

had another ganda
yeah they're fake mate

its very offensive. please protest more

we got completely btfo
how will we even recover

shut up with your stupid questions,
get in line to choke on my banana