TOP KEK! Did the shark bite her because he was trying to tell her that coal burning was bad? Should we train sharks to Bite race mixers?


look pol/ the toll is payed

we have reached levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible on this board

Why is the nigger smiling like that? Did he cut off her arm and they lied it was a shark? You know? The old "I felt down the stairs" excuse

Is "shark attack" the new "I fell down the stairs"?

>"I felt down
I fell down*

This is old as fuck. I feel like I am browsing Sup Forums from 3 years ago.

Only a sociopath could smile with her husband after loosing a limb

What you don't believe in great white supremacist sharks?

"11:14 EST, 12 June 2017"
Fuck off shill I bet (((They))) are paying you to not want to talk about racemixing. I think you don't want to train sharks to help the white race.

Hey look at those Brazilian children :^)

Only a psychopath could smile with his wife after losing her jerkin' arm.

Only a small radical group of Sharks attack people.

It's the frontal lobe slope. I bet he doesn't have emotions. I bet he can't even differentiate between good and bad

They are one in the same.

this is actually true



That's why we need to train the rest. Look how far we got with dogs. Durrig WW2 German Shepards could even smell Jews. Imagine if we did this with sharks

Very comparable to the racemixer in this article. I hope she'll learn her lesson

>someone that has something bad happen to them or a loved one is not allowed to be happy ever again
do people actually believe this? sad life huh

Shut up shill.


do you even know what shill means? retard

Stop being a bitch

Something bad? She lost her arm. So now
>She can't cook
>She can't give good HJ's
>She can't hold her kids with a fucking stump

So what good is she now? This is broken property.

Too bad her ugly family didn't drown instead.
Fuck race mixers death to white girls.

Kek underated

this is no funny, you fucking idiot

It is to me.
stop telling me what to feel or i'll recycle you to india

>implying she was of any worth once she decided to burn coal

He's smiling because now they get even more welfare for the niglets.


I wish she got chewed off completely this woman's only function now is to open legs and produce el demoƱos while asking for food stamps and welfare

Are sharks /ourguys/?

Well it seems like she's stupid enough to date a nigger, so it only makes sense that she's the dumb idiot who got her arm bitten off by a shark in the Bahamas.
At least white men are smart enough to know when their wives are idiots so they'll take precaution. Niggers are just as stupid as the white women stupid enough to date them so they're on their own.

Damn sharks, they're more dangerous than walking into doors.
