This is it lads, California is turning red

This is it lads, California is turning red

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She's probably not brown enough anymore. Democrats aren't turning red, they're turning even bluer and anyone they put up in place of Schumer, or Pelosi or Feinstein won't be a jew, it'll be a beaner or a nigger or another minority that'll just make all those kikes in the democratic party seem like conservatives in comparison

They want to replace her with the idiot beaner de Leon. Maybe the party will split, but I don't see the state turning red. I mean the state is already red if you get my meaning, but it won't be republican.

As much as I would love to se the golden coast turn red I just do not see it. Illegals are registered to vote once they get CA DL and medi-cal cards.

She's old, she's consistently failed to get anything done on her pet project, gun control. California isn't going to turn red until we slaughter the subhumans there and cover the state with their blood.

dumbshit post,
Calif is turning PROGRESSIVE!

Feinstein is Establishment-Capitalist-military industrial complex, beltway bandit.

she will make a bundle when she retires.

The central valley of CA is pretty red. The costal counties though are deep blue except for Orange county and mayve Ventura County.


California is basically Mexico, why would they want a white lady to represent them?

The whole country is getting spicced.

This map is from the early 2000s, imagine how bad it is now.

That nasty old hag should have been blown to bits in the 70's.

Ventura is half & half we got a ton of beaners btw

You idiot, Deleon is 1000X worse than Diane.

>poltards don't understand that the CA dem party is supporting the much more liberal candidate
>turning red, lol

she basically just talked a bunch of nonsense and kept the status quo. The demonrat party is so fucking stupid, they actually thought they could control their brown pets. the hubris of thinking they wouldn't turn on the old stable party of whites was absurd. every white that isn't self-hating will flee to the safe republican party in the very near future, they don't have a choice.

Lol. So will deleon tax assets/savings?

>Switching her out for a guy who says over half his family are illegal immigrants.
It is going to be more blue than ever.

No, it's moving even further left

friendly reminder that she won't be seeking reelection anyway after the IG report due to something not very nice she did with senator Bill Nelson:D-Fl (who will also not be seeking reelection).
Also friendly reminder that shell be replaced by a low IQ cryptocommunist spic.

this, and mostly this... as much as she is a lefty she is still never left enough for Commiefornia

>25 to 100
A little more granularity would be good there.

>California has become such a pozzed spichole that the neolib jew isn't left wing enough anymore
>"California is turning red!"
Get out while you still can

Are you fuckers nuts? They're pushing DeLeon, he's a retarded mexican that is even MORE LEFT than this jew.

She's been there forever and when you get a new worse liberal they will either be beat in the general or down the road. Same thing happened in Alaska when they deep state framed Ted Stevens. We get i democrat for 6 years then we threw the fucker out.

lol she's centre-right by any sane definition, much like most of the rest of the Boomer DINOs.

As much as I dislike Feinstein particularly over the issue of the Second Amendment, by California standards she's fairly moderate. Of course California standards are already out on the left, but it's still true.

nah dude, the democrats are transitioning into the nonwhite party. they are trying to elect a squatemalan whos even worse than this fucking cunt.

It's because she isn't radical left enough

Yeah, red alright...with a sickle and hammer. The left isn't getting rid of the 'liberals' they are implanting full blown 'mercian style communists.

They realized too late they cant control their monkeys.


They dont even want (((feinstein)))?

Californians are so used to voting for her they will continue to do so out of habbit.

You realize they are supporting a Mexican socialist instead?

Jews are realizing too late that browns and blacks will never consider them anything but white after all their tricks.

digits and california elects a beaner

So democrats are realizing that millionaire old ladies with private security and mansions dont give a shit about welfare or the rest of the liberal platform. It blows my mind people actually vote for someone just based on what they talk about.

He has that stupid Lou diamond Phillips spic do now.

Looks fresh off the rez

She is 84 years old.

>off by one
brb killing self

Are you sure about Nelson? Because that would hand the seat over to the GOP. The race is already close with Nelson as the incumbent, him not running would be an easy grab for Rick Scott.

>25.0 to 100

Dios mio.

I live in FL, and there has been no news that Nelson is not seeking reelection. That election will depend on how much the Hispanics in this state turn out.

What is it with spics and leftism? I swear, every beaner country is full of commies

They are poor. Democrats offer gibs. Republicans are perceived as anti-immigration, even though that is false. Democrats are pro-open borders.

SLO isnt deep blue either.

Violent and poor country bordering a global superpower that will trade welfare for their vote. There really should be a requirement that you live in the US for ~7 years before you can vote.

they need to go back

democracy is not compatible with r-Selection

You're fucking stupid.
California can't even get a Republican on the ballot for senate.
The top two candidates from the primaries, regardless of party, run off in the general.
Last time it was Loretta Sanchez and Kamila Harris.
California is permanently fucked.

t. California republican

Democracy does not work on a national scale in a industrialized country.

>Ignores Oxnard
Whites are only half of Ventura b/c it is the oldest community in the area. Generally we seem to be about 20 of the overall population.

need a way to get rid of the traitors in our office

Let's mobilize

Oxnard is literally mexico.

>tfw Im gonna have to move back to socal for a job in june
>I have to sell my ak or risk getting caught with an illegal weapon

Because of Reagan's amnesty California will never be red again. Trumps upcoming amnesty will seal our fate. Demographics shift

Grip fin and 10 round mags. Fixed stock

Unless it's a folder
Monsterman grip
Take off the flash hider
No longer salty

It was her turn!

Good. Time for new blood.

Isn't she in her 80s? They're setting her out to pasture to get fresh blood.

>tfw norcal
fucking please let us branch off from these brown spics before its too late

Its too late. Unless the line is north of the bay.

Don't worry, we will rescue the state of Jefferson from itself and strip it of its racist bigotry for good. It is inevitable.


It will red pill whites how the Jews use minorities against Europeans.

>Trumps upcoming amnesty will seal our fate
Too late. Fate already sealed.

this, op is a faggot


have the maps been updated yet?

>Illegals are registered to vote once they get CA DL and medi-cal cards.

Not true, but they are counted in the census which gives CA more seats in congress.

Yeah there are tons in Oxnard, Santa Paula, the avenues in Ventura, Simi, parts of Moorpark. However, all of the conservatives are leaving, and leaving fast.

All of the conservatives are leaving VC. Areas like TO are changing drastically.

You better belive they vote mang. Maybe not the ones that got here within the last year, but they vote.

bullshit they are. the only reason she didnt get the nod was they were going with someone even further to the left.

that being said if they split the vote a republican will surely win.

so what happens in the long run with california?
aren't those conservatives pretty good as taxpayers? will it start an avalanche of people leaving for whiter regions or is that already a reality? have any good reading material on that? it's pretty interesting, like ethnic takeover in real time or something.

It is already red.

I saw a shit ton of ppl signing the anti-gas tax petition at the Oxnard Wal-Mart yesterday. Still plenty of conservatives, I think.

No doubt there are conservatives. However, the ones with money are leaving. We have family friends who own a buisness, very successfull. He is saving like 10 million a year in personal income by moving to another state.

Natural born citizens have to wait 18 years. That should be the minimum time for immigrants.

It is going to collapse. The calpers pension system, which is the Ca run pension for state workers, is 1 trillion $ underfunded. Crime rates are skyrocketing in virtually every county. Ca is the least business friendly state in the country. Highest state and sales tax. Highest gas tax. I see many areas in CA becoming just an extension of Mexico mixed with detroit/chicago. Industry and people with money are fleeing this state.

I know they do, but the dmv is a hoax.

The census rules were changed by obama to count illegals. IDK why nobody talks about this.

It is fucking crazy. You wana read something interesting? A good poop-read.

There are at least 10 million illegals in this state.

Naturalized citizens should never be allowed to vote.
Only children born to parents that were citizens at the time of their birth should be eligible for voting rights.
All potential voters should also have to pass a test similar to the naturalization exam in order to register.

Also, nobody likes to talk about the 40% of illegals who are here have overstayed their visas.

California has top two primary. It will likely be a democrat vs another democrat in the general, just like the Kamala Harris race was against another democrat. Even the governor election is probably going to be Newsom vs Villaraigosa with no Republican candidate in the general.

It’s probably because she’s not a full commie to be honest

gavin newsom (or w/e) vs tony Vilar. Any anons living in CA should listen to john and ken on kfi 640am (2-6pm). The are based as fuck.

See this

is there a time projection or what? i guess the local government is nervous by losing taxpayers and getting tax expenses by immigration?

Jon and Ken are both registered democrats

This is who is challenging her

Yup. As much as I wish to see this state turn red it will only happen during fire season.

Really? John usually speaks highly of trump and hates on Dems all the time.


>California can't even get a Republican on the ballot for senate.
That was the purpose of the "open primary" law from 2 years ago. Now only the top 2 candidates(both Dems) get on the ballot

theyre trying to amend prop 13 to exclude commercial and industrial properties (so they would be assessed at current value).

maybe for free lakers tickets.

>lands that used to be Mexico are full of Mexicans
>No one could have foreseen this

Come home to New England white man.