Acquire a way of killing people that makes it practically impossible to track you down

>acquire a way of killing people that makes it practically impossible to track you down
>almost immediately become the prime suspect once some autismo detective starts his investigation
And he's supposed to be a genius?

Other urls found in this thread: Note Anonymity

Well there wouldn't be much of a plot if he was never caught, so obviously light instantly knows about the death note and who has it.

being a genius subjects you to overconfidence in your decisions.

He's an idiot, if positions were flipped L would have never been caught.

Then you aren't a genius. A true genius has meta awareness

because he wouldn't use it in the first place

He intentionally made the murders recognizable because he knew that it's not possible to simply kill every bad person so he'd have to find a way to stop them from committing crimes.

Also L was simply a shitty detective.
>Okay, I have been provided with multiple pieces of evidence that Light was, to my knowledge, not the murderer
>But fuck looking for a new suspect, I'll just stick to him

L obsessing with him was a plot device. There were a lot of instances that proved his innocence or were L failed to prove his guilt.

>Also L was simply a shitty detective.
>He's a shitty detective for not being outsmarted


Ignoring evidence is not really a trait that marks a good detective. If he had actually thought about everything he had seen he would have needed to look for a new suspect.
It was pretty shitty writing to have him obsess over Yagami the whole time - took away from his exploits too because what is the point when none of it matters. It's not even that L outsmarted him and figured out how he did it, it was just that L refused to look for any other suspect.

>Ignoring evidence is not really a trait that marks a good detective

But there is no possible evidence that L could have been given that would totally absolve Light unless someone else was somehow proven to be the only Kira. L states this multiple times.

L's intuition is the greatest mark of a good detective. He notices Light's anachronisms and aberrances on some base level, and that is what fuels his obsession with Light.

from day like 2 he got cornered as a resident of tokyo, thats literally like 99% less people to look for.

this Note Anonymity

I thought accepting those pieces of evidence was the L's fuck up. Since he didn't know how Kira kills, Light may not have been able to kill his father with his own hands. Also, if there was a second Kira, why not expect a third Kira?

You stupid idiot. He wanted people to know they are being judged.

But still like 20 million.

How about showing that Kira got police information and narrowed it down even further for L? Was there a bigger fuck up?

Not that it lasted long. Light somehow thought it was a good idea to access his dad's computer and use that information to goad L and it became clear Kira had to be someone related to the police.

>practically impossible to track you down
There's your mistake.

He was also able to deduct he was a smartass edgy teenager from how quick he took the bait, and let's not get started in how he used police-exclusive information for his killings

welcome to storytelling

if light was actually a perfect supergenius, the story would be boring

His ego is the flaw that counterbalances the power having the death note gives him. Perfect characters aren't interesting.

to write a genius character you need to be a genius yourself. the author made all these overcomplicated "keikakus" in an attempt to show how smoothly light handles them while the audience struggles to keep up with them.

in reality he is just slowly losing control, as each plot of his is completely unnecessary and brings him 1 step closer to ruin.
light is only a "designated genius". he can only be as smart as the author himself.

The potato episode triggered me.
Why the police didnt look at the garbage?

Sakamoto Desu Ga?

That would have been pretty fun actually.
>-Hey, Yamada. There is portable TV in the pack of potato chips.

>fill the whole house with hidden tiny cameras
>not enought budget for looking in the garbage can

The note isnt particular thick or anything. Why hasn't he ran out of pages in the span of a few months?

Because it's a magic book with infinite pages made of unearthly materials, that Near's goon was somehow able to make a perfect replica of in one night.

I thought it was made of some magic shinigami bullshit that let it refresh its pages

Could the autists of Sup Forums figure out who Kira is if the killings happened in 2017

Just give him a HWNDU flag and Sup Forums will catch him in twelve hours with less than two confirmed kills at worst.

>Name is Kira
>Therefore Japan
>Kill mostly niggas in Japan
>Therefore Japanese
>Nuke Japan

Why not call himself ahmed then?