What will she look like after those 63 years?
One Piece
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That's an intriguing question.
Are we ever going to see her again?
Of-fucking-course. It's One Piece.
Yeah, in 2-4 years
She's going to be the female-ally of Elbaf Arc. Kinda like Conis, etc.
Basically a giant Nami
All of Oda's females are different iterations of Nami.
All of the male characters too btw.
wait that isn't nami
will this shit end before i die is a better question
it will end in another 10 years
I forget, do One Piece giants age slower or just live longer?
Giants have an average lifespan of 300 years in One Piece.
Age slower.
They both age slower and live relatively longer. Hajrudin was 18 in the flashback, still a kid but not 4-5 looking for sure, yet they typically live for 300 years.
Actually, y'know... most of the female giants we have seen in OP have been pretty attractive. It's just the males that often either look like Norse potatoes
>*Norsemen or potatoes
I think there was a line up of the giant marines at marineford, and the one female giant had a Nami body while the males looked like mountain trolls
Oda is a hack
One Piece is shit
I legit thought it was Nami for 2 seconds, I was wondering if Oda did a new omake, kek.
What if she's one of the five giant warriors who joined Harjudin's New Giant Pirates?
Oda is a god
One Piece is GOAT
yes in another 5 years
What happens when blackbeard uses his power nullifying ability on himself?
Hairy palms and he starts to go blind
Post them
Year of Pedro's and Jinbe's death
this satisfies my giantess fetish
Nothing happens this chapter
Year of Sanji X Puddingcanon!
Oda is a handsome fellow
>Blando favorite character
>WCI worst arc
>doesn't like bonney's devil fruit because it isn't "hype"
Uh oh shitty taste detected. Why don't you go read kingdom you shitty underage, the retards in that community will except you
They are pretty much like Saiyans. Take longer to become adults (Goku's sudden growth spurt) and stay "in their prime" longer than humans.
wait let me guess, you think blandakuri is a good character don't you? oh of course you do
yeah, oda is not ery creative drawing girls, i guess
i´ll do it later
Big Mom is a homie
hottest OP girl to date
Pudding is a homie
He CAN make creative girl designs. He just sticks with Nami and Hancock clones and old hags 99% of the time.
We're so fucking close bros!!!
Reminder that we get spoilers on Sunday due to early chapter.
I guess opinions are opinions, but why do you dislike Katakuri?
Alright so here's my theory/fanfic. Dragon used to be a marine who defected after witnessing how shitty the entire system is and plotted to overthrow it. However.....he had fallen in love and had a relationship with a female marine who served under VA Tsuru. They kept their relationship secret but on the day he left he found out she was pregnant but chose to carry on. The female marine after giving birth raised the child for 3-4 years before giving him over to Garp so she could get back to work. Thats the reason why Tsuru has never come after Luffy cause she knows he's the child of her kouhai. The marine's name is Momousagi who's a current VA and was in contention to become Admiral
I only have this version of the template.
It needs to be revised but I'm too tired for that tonight.
Why do people always assume "least favorite" means "dislike"?
Slutty like Nami and Robin
>anime isn't slow-paced
>mfw niggastream pads their chapter release page counts with shitty fanart
When I look at him I don't see a character that had love and creativity put in like the other characters, I see an angry editor saying "Oda these designs are too silly put in a edge lord so the kids don't lose interest". I think he's bland and ill be completely honest I dont think id hate him as much if everyone didn't ride his dick. BM is one of the best villains in the entire story but no people only talk about this asshole like he's the second coming of Christ.
>Calls others underage
>Shitty spelling
I mean, I hope you're underaged, otherwise this would be very embarrassing for you.
I don't give a shit about him, thank you.
Many people see a lot of problems with a lot of characters in this manga. Most people don't like every character, and in general negative feelings are associated with dislike. Even if it's more just neutral compared to liking others more.
>opening 3
my nigga
reposting my shitty one too bad there's no column for ED
no matter how many times I mix up accept and except that will never make up for your absolute shit taste
damn bro you suck
Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.
I have a hard time taking into consideration someone's taste when they have they have a hard time distinguishing between "accept" and "except."
Too lazy for templates so
Fav Strawhat: Luffy
Least fav SH: Sanji
Fav Villian: BigMom
Least fav: Hody Jones
Hottest Male: Young Garp
Hottest Female: Nami
Favorite Arc: WCI(so far)
LeastFav: Dressrosa
Fav Devil Fruit: Paw-Paw
Least Fav: Senor Pink's DF
Fav Character: Luffy
Fav Laugh: Brook
Fav Marine: Kizaru
Least Fav: Akainu
Fav Shichibukai: Buggy
Least Fav: Law
Fav Supernova: Luffy
Least Fav: Killer
Fav Yonko: Kaidou
Least Fav: BigMom
Dont care about openings
Fav Fight: LuffyVArlong
Least Fav: Ussop+Chopper vs Mole lady
>tfw youre hunting for booty
no matter how you take into consideration how you think about someone's taste, it will still never make up for your shitty taste
how the fuck does that tail and shirt combo work?
Shit fucking taste
It doesn't have to. It's Odas slight nod to the reader and viewer that Carrot is marketing nonsense. She doesn't actually exist. You could remove her from every single panel shes ever been in and it would not change the story. Poor Carrot. but Based Oda san for looking out for us.
his laziness and laugh made glad he's currently "dead" hopefully doffy made him suffer a bit too
arguably the best laugh in the series. he'll be back soon
Who's the hottest One Piece babe and why is it Nami?
Canonically, it would be Hancock
Childhood is idolizing Nami
Adulthood is when you realize Robin makes more sense
Seniority is when you find out the Nami pussy game rediculous
need someone to remake this but good and make more giant Nami
Robin. She's literally the perfect woman.
>a towering 6'3"
>gigantic breasts
>heartstopping smile
>morbid sense of humor
>earned a doctorate at age 8
>a lifelong scholar, is smarter than you
>has a broken Devil Fruit power
>huge bounty of 130 million (probably too low)
>best fashion sense on the Grand Line
Find a flaw.
Giant women is the best fetish in the world. If you don't have this fetish, you are a pleb.
I remember Greg once bringing up that "she" is based on some Japanese celebrity which is tranny/crossdresser/whatever. I was never able to confirm that, though.
Did Oda really help Funimation chose English VA's for the Straw Hats? I can't imagine what he was thinking when he decided on Luffy'a voice.
Canonically it would be Shirahoshi
TFW you will never be Robin's little spoon and gently rest your head on her chest
She's boring
there's your fucking flaw user
She's in the belly of the whale.
You sound like a very sad, insecure man.
Who should voice Carrot in the English Dub?
My vote is for Cristina Vee
More importantly, who should voice Pudding? Tara Platt might be good, but I think her voice might be too deep.
Not necssarily. Shirahoshi is very rarely sighted and her beauty is probably mostly hype based on mermaid princesses being incredibly beautiful in general. Sanji had the same hard-on for both, so we can't compare them.
"Her beauty is said to surpass that of even the Pirate Empress"
Not sure if exact quote but more or less the same. Hancock is hottest human, but Shirahoshi is hottest creature.
Eh, she's the only straw hat with character development affecting her usual behavior, compared to e. g. Zoro who we know changed, but still acts mostly the same. This alone makes her interesting for me. And I like her negativity gag I do the same thing in RL, so maybe that's it.
To add to that, once Shirahoshi hits 30, she'll BE the hottest in the sea and Hancock? She can become rarely sighted and be boasted of her strength which is what really matters in Amazon Lily. I'm sure Hancock will still be hot but not as hot as Shirahoshi in her years to come.
Yes, I'm aware of that quote. But who has actually even seen Shirahoshi? Before FI arc she spent 10 years of her life in a place only her family and servants could see her, and I don't know what's the chance of them meeting Hancock and having unbiased opinion (fishman stronk etc.). That's why I'm guessing it's mostly hype and no fair comparison can be made. Sanji's reaction allows as to see that they're top 2 though.
Erika Harlacher could work
One piece is on break this week. Therefore __________.
Sanji has a huge monologue when he sees Shirahoshi and turns into stone....whereas with Hancock its a very quick reaction. I'm saying by Oda's writing of both scenarios its pretty clear that Shirahoshi is canonically more beautiful.