I have a solution to the assault rifle problem, remove the rifling from the Barrel...

I have a solution to the assault rifle problem, remove the rifling from the Barrel, and the weapon will no longer be a rifle, problem solved?

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smooth bore rifle dumb ass

Not a rifle without rifling it's just a smooth bore gun

The word you're looking for is musket.
Assault muskets need to be a thing.

would rifled bullets with vertically cut grooves on the barrel work??


educate yourselves assholes.

any rifle can be smooth bore if your stupid enough to want that.

I think it would be useful for people in restrictive states? Perhaps

I got you

>assault rifle """""problem"""""
>solve it with more regulations
nice try but no

>rifle can be smooth bore
You know why they're called rifles, right?

By vertical you mean longitudinal, right? I'm pretty sure straight rifling exists (and is shit) and isn't a loophole.

no. bullets deform into the rifling you can see the rifling marks on a projectile that has been fired and not destroyed (dig around in the burm at your local range you'll find plenty.

no because no one classifies a rifle by whether or not its barrel is rifled.

you know some barrels have no rifling but still stabilize the projectile by having an elliptical shape which is helical in its progression down the barrel and this imparts a spin on the projectile.

so you don't need rifling to stabilize a projectile at all.


a very common implementation of this is in paintball gun barrels, for instance. because paintballs are too soft to conform to rifeling they just squeeze past it.

post this in /k/ for more info

We need to work out how to put a straight pull flintlock on it.

>You know why they're called rifles, right?
yes but you do not you fuckin dip-ass

>assault rifle problem
How many people die to assault rifles every year in the united states? Zero?

They don't think it be like it is, but it do

zero because the term is meaningless beyond being an ambiguous political buzzword.

I'm not talking about your retarded ATF definitions. Rifles are called rifles because they have fucking rifled barrels.

Everyone needs to switch to bolt/action or semi-automatic shotguns and start buying or making fin-stabilized sabot slugs

>Rifles are called rifles because they have fucking rifled barrels.


oh look at that. i guess you really are retarded.

leave it to a fuckin limey shitty brit to know absolutely nothing about guns, LOL

>rifled bullets
There are shotgun slugs that have this because shotguns are smooth bore.

Why are M1 Garands so /comfy/??

We need to ban tactical muskets. They can fire as fast as the operator can load bullets. Somebody can easily carry a bag full of hundreds of projectiles. Nobody needs hundreds of projectiles.

Legally, it's not a rifle without rifling, in fact a company recently made an AR on this premise to get around SBR laws

If it's smoothbore, it ain't a fucking rifle son.



rifling is not even necessary.

you would classify a musket as a pistol because is has no rifling? no? your a dipshit.

no that is fucking not true at all. especially in america where a rifle is defined by its stock. you know nothing at all!

in some nation-states you are right however:

but your ar15 example is wrong everywhere.

he thinks this is not a rifle: LOL

too bad no state will agree with you, you fuckin retard.

Worse than that, it has got tactical rails, only a nazi would need that, and an holographic sight, and an evil muzzle brake intended to stab children, and it has a short barrel, a pistol grip for more controlability, a shoulder thing that goes up for more concealment, and it's painted like a snake's skin. The only reason for such of weapon of mass destruction to exist is for white nationalists to exterminate minority children in schools.

If it doesn't have rifling, it isn't a rifle.

your wrong.
you talk out of your ass, no surprise since your head is up there.

post a reference that shows your not a fucking retard. ill wait.

>rifling is not even necessary
>posts a gun with really, really fucking massive rifling which is named after this feature

Post the bore and I'll tell you if that's a rifle or a musket. Your fucking retarded states think tomatoes are a vegetable.

Nigga you dumb

more importantly so state regulated rifles in such a way so fuck off moron

you are so stupid it hurts

not half as dumb as you

Tell that to the NFA user

Except then it'd be useless and retarded

black powder rifles require like nothing to get

>solution involves handicapping standard rifle so it can't shoot as far as standard rifle
>this is a solution??
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

It could, and in an instant "rifled" ammo would be a thing. Like some of the slugs for 'self defense rounds' for shotguns. Rifled bullets would be an insane effort back in the day. But an automated factory could spit them out by the millions at little extra cost

I don’t understand how someone can’t understand that a long gun without rifling isn’t a rifle.

The French military has been naming every single one of its smoothbore muskets "fusil" (rifle). Shorter ones that were intended for cavalry use were called "mousqueton" (musketoon). Up to this day, we are still using the word "fusil" to designate any long gun, including smoothbore shotguns, example "fusil de chasse" (hunting shotgun). While at the same time, we call rifled firearms "carabine" (carbine)
And since pretty much all the English military vocabulary comes from the French, I would say you're the one who's wrong here.

Very nice... Could you add an aggressive looking 'trumpet' nozzle? And more artwork along the stock.

>The meaning of words is dictated by state legislation

silencerco made one basically as a middle finger to california but they banned it by name in like a day

in the context of this thread it is you brainlet

the stupid is palpable

According to the ATF
>The term “Rifle” means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned and made or remade to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger.

To be fair your ATF is pretty hazy on the subject.

Fusil doesn't refer to the barrel at all, it refers to the firing mechanism (a slow match or fuse), so if anything that's even more retarded.

Has anyone made a gyrojet musket yet?

If it doesn't have rifling it's a musket

> through a rifled bore
Oops, looks like you're retarded even by the context of this thread

Russians did this with AKs. You have to get progressive licenses to get a center fire semi-auto, starting with shotguns. To get around this the Russians developed a straight-cartridge from necked up 7.62x39 called the .366 TKM, they use it in a smoothbore AKM thats listed as a shotgun.

god i wish

The fuck are you to give anyone advice, kangaroo-fucker?

Is not a thing.

I need this in my life.


>Fusil doesn't refer to the barrel at all, it refers to the firing mechanism (a slow match or fuse)

The word "fusil" was originally used to designate the flint on flintlock rifles (a French invention).

The definition of fusil from the Larousse dictionnary :
Portative firearm, for hunting or war, made of a barrel of small caliber resting on a wood mount (handguard and stock) and equipped of a firing and sighting devices.

In everyday language, as well as in terms of law, in France a rifle is a smoothbore gun, while a carbine is a rifled gun.
Nonetheless, the military still call their standard gun (FAMAS or HK416F) fusil d'assault (assault rifle) and not carabine.

>in France a rifle is a smoothbore gun, while a carbine is a rifled gun
>in France a rifle is the opposite of what a rifle is

I'm requesting child pornography.

>in France a rifle is a smoothbore gun
Yes, this is the exact retardation I was explaining to you.

This. Does OP have stock in Franklin Armory or something?

>3 rounds a minute
Modern ammo for black powder can cum in pre-made plugs allowing cartridge style use.
This combined with a primer feed and you have at least a round every 3-4 seconds if you get good at it.


Only if you've got 2 guns and a fucking loader. You might get 6-8 off but you're not hitting 20.

Well, technically it isn't smoothbore as there are 12-15cm of rifling at the end of the barrel. There are more weapons available in this caliber (SKS, AK-105 and our local stuff). Interestingly, someone on Sup Forums told me about the cartridge.

The success of .366TKM gave birth to 9.6/Lancaster cartridge (picrelated) - an upnecked 7.62x54R to be used with Lancaster "rifling". It's an ancient British tech (from the 19th century I think) when the bore is completely smooth but has a slightly oval shape, that "twists" along the length of the barrel.

They do make good survival shotguns. they can load nails for example.
Very good for an improvised situation or conserving real ammo. Lead fishing weights even smooth rocks can be used.
Percussion caps are just chlorates.
In a pinch armstrongs mix can be used instead.
Also matches.

>crack open
>slide in cart plug
>snap shut
>switch primers while cocking

Speed isnt overabundance of movement, but learning to not waste any movement and combining them as one fluid motion.

Are you planning on getting a 6" barrel and sticking them in the end with your finger while it's shouldered? You've still got to ram a wad on it, it's a muzzle loader.
African hunters had loading boys for a reason and they weren't getting 20 off a fucking minute.

>You've still got to ram a wad on it, it's a muzzle loader.
You are sped.
In my state these are completely unregulated and felons can own them.

Also, there are ones that open like a break open shotgun

You've still got to ram that cunt in there unless you're OK with 6-8 potential pipe bombs per minute, and the break action is just for the caps, no?

Gyrojets are kinda crap overall. At short range they don't have the velocity to cause serious damage, and at long range they have shit accuracy.

Then we could shoot ultra high velocity sabot ammo. Might even be able to put the rifling on the projectiles instead of in the bore.

Yeah but it would be absolutely hilarious fun.

>too bad no state will agree with you, you fuckin retard.
In my state, felons are allowed to keep and hunt with black powder rifles.


>riflingless rifle

No it's just not a rifle anymore user. You have to have a rifled barrel for it to be a rifle.

Just go one size smaller its what I do. Im always shooting canister shot anyway.

That is true.

>brits finally get gun rights back
>as punishment for being cucks only gyrojets are allowed

Gyrojets were crap*

Technology has advanced, id love to see another shot at it

Didnt they outperform comparative weapons at range due to higher overall acceleration?

Well I guess you could make them somewhat practical if they had explosive tips or something.

They had higher velocities after a second or two of flight time, but the accuracy was pretty bad afaik.

My shot gun shoots rifled slugs because it has a smooth bore. They are pretty accurate. So in closing never listen to a country who gave up their freedoms.

Couldnt they be made smart nowadays?
Imagine those lucky fuckers in vietnam who got the assault rifle gyrojets.
>the government issued me a fucking rocket rifle.

Do you really want the Empire back but with bolters this time?

Frankly I'm OK with urban rat people not having guns, I don't trust those fuckers with a car. I'm mildly salty about losing my pistol to this day though.

>Do you really want the Empire back but with bolters this time?
Yes. You need to clean up your part of the world brittania.

>Couldnt they be made smart nowadays?
This was my thought as well, could be guided by an IR laser or something

Don't touch my guns. Sage.

I want a select fire musket

Deep down I want you to be thinking of something like a 410/12g upper for AR15s.
But deep down I know that when they took our guns they took your last brain cells as well. Take a large plastic sheet, a pillow, and quietly kys.

>smooth bore rifle

I want one so bad :(