Stop eating food

Stop eating food.

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Stop this fucking meme, caloric intake in the soviets was higher per individual than in united states during its great depression.


During the post-war era maybe. During the 30s there was a famine in the USSR though

No they wernt.
saying somthing means nothing without evidence

Yes, like there was one in the USA during the same time period, the whole dust bowl thing.
There were also famines predating the soviet union in 1901,1906 etc.

There were definitely pre-Soviet famines.
The Great Depression and dust bowl weren't exactly a famine, though a lot of farmers went out of business and more people went hungry.

Here's a research question for you: How many famines in Russia before 1917 killed a number of people in the order of millions?
Also pic related, something for you to munch on (pun intended).

Stop farming and dig irrigation ditches.
Stop doing that and hunt down all the birds.
Stop doing that and melt down all your metal tools.
Stop doing that and bury your seeds 6 feet deep so they have literally no chance of growing.
What the fuck is wrong with you peasants now China is all fucked up, you all get the death penalty.

I fail to see how that is exactly relevant considering that the food supply situation in Russia turned from bad that it was during Tzarist times to good in post-Stalinist era.

For the ones that lived, I bet

No, but in actual numbers of population averages.

USSR NEVER produced enough food to feed itself. It always relied on imports from the West and China. Additionally, if you're going to compare Tsarist food production with Bolshevik food production, you need to take into account pre and post Agricultural revolution farming techniques and their adoption (or lack of adoption) over time.

Post-Stalinish food production was never "good".

It's not surprising that they imported a lot of grain. Agriculture there had systemic issues, but the USSR also had only a small proportion of arable land.

Stop being white.

Soviet union was exporter of food since 1926 when NEP was introduced.

Are you joking? The USSR included Ukraine, dude. The entire fucking region is basically arable and is known as a breadbasket for a reason. Don't look at proportion of arable vs non-arable land, look at the absolute area of arable land compared to the population. The USSR had more than enough arable land to feed its population and then some, but they mismanaged it all to hell.

Before the commies came about there was only ever one famine in Russia that killed over a million people, and that was in 1603. After the Revolution there were several. I can see how your own cognitive dissonance is suppressing the implications of that, but keep focusing and it'll come to you.

Guess where they imported that grain from? Hint: Nixon, Ford and Carter came up with some clever solutions to the USA's grain overproduction.

Agricultural revolution happened nearly 10,000 BC, I`m not sure you´re using the correct terminology here.

Civil wars,mass collectivization and forced industrualization tend to have negative effects on stability of food production. Particularly if you have minorities that would rather see their grain burned and cattle killed rather than sized by state.

>Civil wars,mass collectivization and forced industrualization tend to have negative effects on stability of food production.
Yep, the worker's revolution still sounds like a great idea doesn't it?

I would not blame the communist for the sorry sate of Russia or even the rise of communists in Europe but Nikolai the II and his incompetence regarding political reform particularly in 1905.

Ukraine has good soil but the Soviets had little interest in improving the conditions or motivations for farmers on collective farms. They also were reluctant to introduce new or improved machinery and techniques.
>The British Agricultural Revolution was the unprecedented increase in agricultural production in Britain due to increases in labour and land productivity between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries.

Are you seriously blaming the Kulaks for being genocided because when the Soviets came to steal all their shit they resisted? Maybe civil wars, mass collectivization, and forced industrialization are a bad fucking idea when your agricultural sector is unstable.

I would blame the communists for killing millions of people just so they could replace the government with an equally incompetent and tyrannical one.

Modernization of the agricultural sector was secondary priority, but it did happen as we can see for example in output of tractors in five year plans between 1928 and 1941.

>I would not blame the communist for the sorry sate of Russia or even the rise of communists in Europe
So what you're saying is, you're a dirty communist.


>First Agricultural Revolution (circa 10,000 BC), the prehistoric transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture (also known as the Neolithic Revolution)

Capitalism killed more people btw

What do i eat then?

Is bread okay?

>but it did happen as we can see for example in output of tractors in five year plans between 1928 and 1941.
No, you can't say that. Just because some shitty poorly designed and poorly built tractors were produced does NOT mean they were put to use in the field, let alone put to PRODUCTIVE use. This is the problem with you central planner types. You measure the wrong fucking things and don't understand conditions in the field, so you make shitty decisions about how to use resources and produce unnecessary waste.

Read The Gulag Archipelago.

No. It is due to Nikolai`s failures that Russia lost the war against Japan not to mention ww1. His inability to rule is the soul cause for soviet revolution, in addition to his anti-reformist and reactionary sentiments.

I`m not a communist for one, and secondly I don`t think that central planning is effective unless in the context of war time economy.


>I'm going to be purposefully obtuse because my goal in this discussion isn't to determine the truth but to defend literal drooling retards who seized power in 20th century Russia because I'm resentful of anyone more successful than myself

In relative terms I think that communists killed less people than the incompetent monarchists of the 20th and 19th centuries. Quin dynasty and Russia come to mind as worse cases of statemanship.

You mean the system that has been around
for much longer than the system
that started in 1917 and was basically
eradicated by 1990?

Do you honestly think that the communists were more incompetent than the tzar?

Communist China and the USSR together wound up killing 100 MILLION of their own people. What the fuck are you even talking about. You haven't looked at the numbers.

it would come handly to you, I guess..




When we look at relative populations Quin did far worse. for example between 1850-1873 60 million Chinese died due to rebellions and famines.

>mandatory quotas to arrest "sabotagers", "counter-revolutionaries", "foreign spies", etc with kangaroo trials by the NKVD for immediate execution

Mao's Great Famine has the death toll of the 1958-62 famine at at LEAST 50 million, not 15 million.

When I go to the reference for the Quin famine on wikipedia it links to a 404'd site.

Even if you toll the total around 100 million its still less than 125 million in less than 100 years.

Links are working just fine for me.

>100 million

If you remove the people that were cannibalized by other people from the statistics, sure.

Where did you even get that link? It's not on the wikipedia page you screenshotted before.
Reference 5 is a broken link.

Its in the great northern famine section.

Germans and occupants had free vacations, highest paid in world, had resorts and spas, good social cohesion and happiness, what did Stalins government liberate?
Forced labor?

Why do you support and are identified with tge soviet regime?
It was undemocratic with the people getting pettances of pay for exchange of servicesvand goods and pettances of pay of the workers produce, with all of it being exported to soviets Jewish tribes bank account.

The soviets ran the russian people as a slave plantation, they were neither socialists nor communists, just dominators and oppressors of people for social and economical gain, differentiate soviet from negro slave, he toils and produces grand quantities, gets a pettance.

You are an uncle tom nigger for your masters none of them share qnything in common with you or care about you.

There is absolutely no reason to trust someone with absolute power gor equality when there is no equality of voice and power.

Only way communists can even exist is due to Jewish backing, lenin was an investment of Jew banks.

There is no communists or capitalists only hunans, economy is a social and psychological human subjective field not an objective natural one, removing human rights as irrelevant while speaking of another subjective human social sphere such as economics as objective is just retarded, if you control psychology, culture, people, and hunan rights you control the economy.

Got it. I'm actually reading a few books about Chinese history right now (Spence's The Search for Modern China and Fairbank's The Great Chinses Revolution 1800-1985). There's no way I'm going to dig through all this material before the thread dies, but you should be very careful about defending communist leadership especially in terms of economics. They just fucking sucked. Playing whataboutism isn't going to make up for that.

Stalin sustained himself solely on khazar milkers

t. TheFinnishBolshevik

Holy fuck, your people must hate you.

>finn defending the soviet union
Go back to Stockholm, Sven.