Is there 85 IQ the highest amongst black people in the world? How did it get so high? It's higher than most MENA countries.
Black Americans IQ
White DNA
But MENA people are generally "whiter" than black Americans.
No IQ per Ethnicity in UK however Black African households (bare in mind they have no white dna) do well success wise on average compared to Black Caribbean (Many of whom have Indian and a small fraction of white dna). I believe they also do more well than Bengali's who are basically Indians.
>there 85 IQ
African Americans are 1/4 white on average
The white plantation owners who often fucked their slaves on the side were upper class anglos who probably had an average iq of 115+
Better environment, better nutrition, sizeable European admixture
POL University of "Race Realism"
Whites: Superior Humans
Blacks: Sub-human
Evidence of Blacks being bad: "See, I told you those niggers were niggers!"
Evidence of Whites being bad: "They're not really white."
Evidence of Whites being good: "See, I told you we're the master race!"
Evidence of Blacks being good: "They're actually 1/4 white"
This is called a circular argument.
Couple this with the one on jews.
Pol: We have superior IQ!
Real Life: What about Jews!?
Pol: Who care about IQ, we have honor, integrity, and human decency!!!
My IQs tested at 62 only jews, asians and beta whites take that test seriously when they give it to you. I took it for free candy.
>evidence of blacks being bad
Almost the entirety of Sub-Saharan Africa, Detroit, Chicago ect.
>evidence of you being a spastic
Your post.
Niggers will always remain at the bottom despite what you say.
Virtually all “black” Americans have at least some White DNA in them. This is what makes them (at least a little bit) smarter than African blacks
>there are no white people in chicago or detroit
>there are no factors in africa outside of race that could be relevant
Your IQ is sub 50
Then how come every Sup Forumstard is obsessed with "muh IQ"?
how are "women" their own category?
He means
Black user here.
Coincidentally all my black friends have reasonably average IQs, yes there are dumb black people, but it's not like 90% of whites are super geniuses, if there's actually any disparity I'm sure it's played dramatically up by kikes.
It's how they justify their self-worth
Think of it as the internet equivalent to a black kid being obsessed with gaudy jewelry.
Before evil whitey arrived in Africa, blacks had yet to master the wheel, writing, and the ability to a build a structure taller than a man.
You’re welcome
This is true but misleading.
The same could be said about the vast majority of white tribes/barbarians that populated Europe. The difference being that they had the benefit of coming into contact with Romans/Greeks/Chinese/Etc from whom they could learn.
The anglos in the british isles weren't much more than white niggers when the romans invaded
>but it's not like 90% of whites are super geniuses
No, but 90% of super geniuses are White (and virtually all of the rest are Asian) There are no black geniuses, especially not in Africa. And the very, very few that do exist are either partially White or grew up around/were educated by Whites
80% of beginning freshmen at historically Black colleges and universities didn’t earn a degree within six years.
IQ is the best predictor for wealth potential, education level and overall future outcome.
Damn, that must be why everyone in POL has the reputation of being a self-made entrepreneur playboy and not a basement dwelling social outcast, right?
Your logic is self defeating.
The OP highlights the IQ difference between black Americans and africans. The question is how did that come to be?
And how come despite having a higher IQ than most MENA countries are they only equated to the most primitive of africans?
You’re just looking at Sup Forums and not the White population at large. But black people EVERYWHERE all have the exact same reputation: dropped out of high school in 9th grade, has a bunch of children at have no daddy and are either in jail, about to go to jail, or are out on bond.
Being a social outcast doesn't sound so bad by comparison
"remember goy, objective measures of cognitive performance don't matter... all that matters is whether ((our)) credentialing organizations recognize you, and hand you pieces of paper, badges and gold stars indicating your willingness to play ball with our agenda"
you mean on average? a small % of blacks have normal and abover average IQs
I've tried this numerous times. Their is no getting through their thick skulls.
>how are "women" their own category?
They aren't human. Remember they can from our rib so therefore inferior.
>or grew up around/were educated by Whites
I'm glad you agree upon nurture over nature. Refreshing.
Ughh, don't Jews universally dominate whites in "objective measures of cognitive performance"???
This is really good
>I'm glad you agree upon nurture over nature. Refreshing.
Blacks are incapable of creating the proper nurture to create geniuses. Just look at anywhere in Africa. 54 nations, 0 first world civilizations
They mix with whites, but even a mostly white black person is considered black in the USA.
You can tell a full-on 100% negro by the skull shape, people with flatter faces have more white DNA.
And also civilizations/cultures do themselves have a eugenic and darwinian-environmental effect on the humans living inside them which selects for high IQ.
Even the most criminal thug in the hood does well to have a higher IQ than his peers when he wants to be the local drug king or quickly recall words for his next shit rap album.
In the fields of africa, such IQ-pressure selection isn't nearly as high.
So yeah, just LIVING in white societies makes you smarter.
i'm black and at the top of that chart
MENA is Semetic DNA. Since nigger DNA is only slightly worse, there is not much difference between these two. American niggers have pure european DNA mixed their inferior nigger DNA, which makes them obviously better than pure niggers but also better than arabs and the like.
>No, but 90% of super geniuses are White...
If you consider Jews white, then you'd be correct.
There are many black geniuses, what scholarly study are you getting that information from?
Wah gwan bredrin?
SeeIts pretty much shit culture like how you get white trash
You forger before gang culture and rap black's in america were doing quite well and were becoming leaders in american culture believe it or not. I.e. jazz and rock
20-30% white admixture on average, all American blacks are literally cucked from birth
can confirm this applies to abbos and png mud people
nuttin my yute
this. Also this is why when some american blacks mix with whites the offspring has blue eyes this would be impossible with an arab, asian or a full blooded negro
American IQ tests are "special" and designed not to insult the feelins of ooga bogger types.
>Island retards are actually this dumb
You really took that strawman down a knotch lmao
Renegade of funk? Is that you?
Hurr duurrr ur retard i win
Please kill yourself
muh bell curve is bad science
This is one of the reasons I question IQ tests. If they go to a third world country and ask some goat herder arithmetic and geometry questions, ofcourse he's really not going to do well on them because he doesn't give a shit about the test. Just finish cicling the answers and take the candy. Here in asia, kids are taught the value and ethics of performing well on any type of tests so they will end up doing much better than the rest.
American blacks aren't smarter than MENA people. You think an American negroe is smarter than an Iranian? Your figures are wrong.
Not all MENA people, but thier average IQ puts them above the entirety of NA and a good portion of the ME.
Then why are you idiots engaged in endless larping about the supremacy of " the white population at large" when you yourselves are a mess.
Why is it bad science, and what is good science than?
>The anglos in the british isles weren't much more than white niggers when the romans invaded
You dumb fucking monkey, Anglos didn't exist in Britain at that time period, also, Britons made their own roads and cobbled them, the had infrastructure and trade with as far away as North Africa. Romans colonized territories they could tax, the taxed territories with towns and industry you low iq retard.
pic related is a Numidian coin found in a horde in Britain, notice the date, it was 100s of years before the Romans arrived.
Honestly know. That is all really old propaganda put out by (((you know who))). They have been proven invalid, and more recent, valid studies, have shown that Jews have the IQ of other Middle Eastern people.
Oh wow. I’m at the top of this chart too. Also black and Jamaican.