Illegal alien, DACA-recipient, and humanoid blob Abigail Hernandez threatened to shoot up a school in New York.
Will this receive any MSM coverage?
Illegal alien, DACA-recipient, and humanoid blob Abigail Hernandez threatened to shoot up a school in New York.
Will this receive any MSM coverage?
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le 44%
La Creatura...
She shoo gats a preddy mouf
you're being way too generous
the Chicken Nugget Mexicans are the worst
Aww hell it's one bad seed out of 800,000. I'm sure the rest are good peeps.
The blob fish. They are evolving!
>Tide pods
La Creatura Mas Gorda
She was going to shooting students with a basting gun or sauce bottle and eat them?
Truly horrific
Ban Assault school lunches
La abominacion...
lost it
can we put enough public pressure to deport her now?
La goblinas americanos...
Ke Goblinatura
What a disgusting subhuman.
>E L G O B L I N A
I hate mexicans more than nigs. At least nigs speak some english and like guns and american football and them being here is kind of our fault. Mexicans offer nothing. Just cheap labor for jews.
Spics are closer to Whites genetically than niggers.
Fuck off black apologist.
wish i knew what this cute voice was saying,a prayer to god to defend her from la creaturas?!
may god have mercy on her soul
Trump on DACA "kids"; "I love them"
omg, it's real
>a spanish prayer to ward off la creatura de las tinieblas
reveal bredst
Pizza the hut = 0
America = 1
Fucking Eurocucks, that's obviously an Abominatia or at the very least an El Ogre De Diablo.
>t. Spic
Eat shit faggot.
Niggers helped the Whiteman long before you cry baby masochist pussies started invading.
Nigs are 12% of the population yet commit 53% of the homicides, 82% of all interracial violent crimes and are 40% percent of welfare recipients. Thats literally a 1000x worse than what Euros are going through with Muslims...
> already accepted the goblin status
La Creatura Mas Gorda Con Barba de tres Dias
>L A C R E A T U R A
>>I hate mexicans more than nigs.
You aren't alone. When I'm surrounded by third world Mexicans playin their circus music with their litters of children running around, it's comforting to come across good 'ol American black folk.
Even though blacks can be a shit show, they are part of our culture, at least.
Mexicans are not even supposed to be here. They are a foreign culture that's invading the United States.
ay lmao
> the ooze out of her fat nose onto the fish lips
i'm in love
El Error
LOL found the nigger
fucking this. went bowling today with the wife, next lane was a birthday party full of mexican kids, their dirtbag looking dads and their 300 lb 5'1 moms. idiot kids kept running in front of us while we were trying to bowl. almost wanted to "accidentally" brain one of the idiots. even the adults had no respect for rules of the game, i.e. waiting to bowl while the person in the lane next to you is going. nope, just keep running up all the time!
Oh I've experienced this.
It's becuase the bowling ally has a better bar with stronger drinks than the pubs around town, and mexishits drink like fish during every get together including their childrens birthdays. That's why their DUI rates are so high.
I live in MN and have recently noticed in my whiter suburb an uptick in spics. I usually go shopping at night due to work hours and find families of them dragging their 5 kids around at like 10 pm on a weekday, all speaking Spanish and letting the little runts run around screaming.
I worked fucking retail a decade ago and it was like that.
I sat and watched as a little spic goblin slapped his mother in the face for not buying him candy, I looked her dead in the eyes and told her I could turn those cameras off.
This is what daca does. This thing isn't 21 (which would still be old af). She is 30+ years old.
>You lower levels have become bacteria analyzation
My fucking sides.
>tfw no racist ,weeb,meme-autist,qt gf to shitpost with
She's out there user, clean your room.
you have a spanish accent
la atrocidad...
Jesús me protege de la abominación.
The GOP needs to attract voters like el goblino in order to successful win in 2020, or deportations.
Naw, we'll have ID laws by then and demorats won't win another election in 200 years.
La luz extinguido