Sup Forums I'm fucking sick of it.
Every girl is a lying fucking hole.
I'm 10/10 and have my fair pick of girls, and every single one is a liar and a cum-farting four legged animal.
Will I ever find a girl who isn't a fucking slut?
Do they exist?
Or should I focus on my work and ignore whores for the rest of my life?
Even the wholesome ones have been fucked in the ass.
Hopeless fuckpigs, Sup Forums.
Are all women fucking whores?
Man, you gotta filter all the shit to get the good stuff.
Keep going out with those animals, one day there will be one that will positively surprise you :)
stop ruining our women, Chad. put a rubber on and go bleach somewhere else
Yeah and what do I do when I find out they're a fuckpig, lie and say they're the girl of my dreams?
I've never dated a girl who deserves less than to be ruined and abandoned to prostitution.
Are you me?
I went the "ignore whores for now until I become successful" path.
So far its pretty fucking great.
So just get hot prostitutes, and marry a decent looking one bro
Are women hitting on you now? pls explain
Sure you are, Elliot
Just gotta roll with it my dude
Foccusing on women should not be your goal, definitely focus on yourself, your manhood, and your goals and women will be secondary, and there will be good ones that come along oneday. This desnt mean stop talking to bitches, it just means dont make them a priority in your life and dont put so much emotions into them.
You'll never get anywhere if you look for hapiness in a vagina.
Currently addicted to the mental/emotional vortex of a lying hole.
While ignoring my responsibilities - mainly because I am so astounded that all women are truly like this.
I've tried to trust like 30 women, they all fucking do this.
I'm just getting older, I want a family with a woman who isn't going to stab me in the back. I'm already rich and I have everything going for me, and every woman I find anywhere is a tattoo'd glorified prostitute.
>I’m a 10/10
I'd post a pic but I can't blow my cover.
Ignore that part then and answer the post.
Great as in I have literally transcended the want/need for female attention.
>do women hit on you now
Women have always hit on me, I look like a more Chad version of Ryan Gosling. Its just that I can see right through them now. Kinda like how attaining Zen Mastery might feel.
well, you're in the US, so the answer is probably yes for you
>I look like a more Chad version of Ryan Gosling
To answer your previous question, yes we are the same person.
I've taken a year off from pussy to focus on my work (working towards a better world, Sup Forums would approve) and this bitch weaseled her way into my heart.
Then showed me what a lying cunt she is, just like the rest.
Completely enslaved by these feelings now. How is it every single fucking girl is a lying glorified prostitute. EVERY ONE. Even the conservative "Christians"
Make her go through hoops and earn your trust, and re-educate as you go. Find one who isn't too far gone, that's all you need user
She can be YOUR slut but not anyone elses, it's not too bad user. This is crucial for you to maintain a long term healthy relationship, it creates a bond. If she's virgin or had only beta boyfriends before it'll work very well, if she's done lots of alpha fucks you need to topple that, big gamble.
Ya know Achmed, when you're right you're right.
No, not at all. Some get scholarships.
I understand where you come from.
Its an odd feeling once you clear that gap, very surreal. Youll start noticing women flirting more often, paying more attention to you, things like that because once you reach that certain level, your body literally projects fortitude and a nofucksgiven vibe.
Just try to focus on yourself and your favorite hobbies my friend, thats the best way to meet a good woman, while also having the aura I described earlier. If she can handle that and still be into you, she likes you. Go from there.
He’s not wrong. I don’t know my rating, but it seems like every single girl is down, and they are all basically ruined. Women are easily led astray, and I guess once the pill hit the scene that was it. Why people think fucking with nature is a good idea is beyond me. Things are the way the were setup for a reason. Go against that at your own great peril.
in b4 300 responses
Women like sex. What else is new...
There are good ones out there. You're probably looking in the wrong places.
I'm ugly so women don't even give me the time of the day. I just gave up altogether knowing that the majority of them fuck with niggers and sandniggers to get good girl points on facebook, not a big loss.
stop trying to change female nature. or are you shouting at the ocean because you don't like the tides?
I kind of look similar to what you guys describe, but I get almost no female attention. I don't really get it tb.h
Have a decent job making maps/databases for the government and go fishing and to the gym on my spare time. Don't have any weeb hobbies either execpt some CS:GO an evening per week.
You need to go for the virgins at age 19-23. It is a small range but if you are a 10/10... You can do it.
Bro I used to live in Canada actually. Middle school.
And the girls where I lived all had cocks in their mouth as soon as they hit puberty.
19-23 cocks or years old? Same thing.
Not in my city. Where did you live?
The pill isn’t natural at all though. It’s tricking them out of their natural state. Even if they don’t use it they are so inundated with degenerate culture from every angle it’s basically hopeless.
Can't say. Think of the quietest, most Catholic part of Canada, but don't say it out loud.
You gotta catch them young.
That's what scares me. Only getting older, user.
What will the parents say when I'm 30 trying to marry their 18 year old daughter?
Lying about what ?
They will be happy that she found a dependable and well established man, instead of some nigger.
Men she spends time with presently.
Men on social media.
What she did when we were "broken up" for a brief period.
Her past.
Her body count.
I hope so.
But I hope she is too.
Where do you find these women, in bars?
Friends of friends.
to find pure girl these days are lottery,1 in million
Also, I called Claudia's father when it happened on the 18th.
Any way you can get a better filter on who you even ask out?
What are your current standards for intelligence, ideology, background info, etc before you go out with a chick?
Have you tried meeting people at stuff like Free Speech rallies and libertarian-esque events?
Honestly I would prefer a girl who is too quiet for rallies like that.
Intelligence: Average or above average, understands reason enough to keep herself moderate
Ideology: Modest conservative. Extremist girls on either side are just using it to get attention instead of being interesting people themselves.
Background info: No drugs, no hookups, no sex work, no nudes, no immodesty whatsoever
Etc: Mythical fucking creature from what it seems
Gotta keep trying bro, and don't get black pilled.
Struggle is manhood.
You deserve it since you work for the gubmint
Get a real fuckig job dickhead and maybe youd get proper women
Not a fail government created non-job faggot
I'm basically there bro.
It's every single girl that's like this. Liar, materialist, "little celebrity" types.
Makes me truly feel the world deserves to become glass.
Find a nice traditional Asian girl who is a virgin. No fobs, just go over there and start looking
its absolute horrible what has today woman have become , how jews subverted culture and normalized faggotry and degeneracy , even the conservative chicks suck dicks, do ass to mouth,fuck niggers ,while later roleplaying as trad wifes and virgin marry's, its pure black pill when realization comes of how much corruption there is in scoiety .
Imagine women doing ass to mouth and 10 years later kissing children on cheek on the way to school.
It'd be more like shouting at the river because (((someone))) put a dam upstream from you.
Human nature will be to gather resources however you can, but honesty used to be a virtue so it was worse to lie about your past and get found out because everyone knew everyone else. Now being a slut is normal and pervasive and so girls just go with what they're taught.
I said I went to middle school there, I don't work for the government.
Learn to read, bong.
Should be safe, most Americans don't even know where bigger cities like Calgary and Winnipeg are
This is basically exactly what I imagine.
>Even the wholesome ones have been fucked in the ass.
Sorry about that mate.
Wish I could post where it was, but it'd totally blow my user.
Took a 19 year old Polish girls virginity that I plan to marry and have beautiful Polish babies with. Only downside is the relationship is long distance because she has to finish college. I would rather kill myself than marry an American woman. Don't let the black pill get to you. I went all "red pill" last summer and hooked up with around 15 or more girls and I realized just how fucked the current situation is. Girls are legitimately whores. I just want to marry this girl and start a family already
And you trust her over all that distance?
Yeah background stuff can be hard, and there will be places you might have to bend (like I have a friend who was a virgin until 25 but she tried a few psychedelic drugs once just to see what they were like).
I only say look at rallies because the girls I have met hate dishonesty and are more likely to be honest about themselves because they are principled, but there isn't really any way to know 100% what you're getting yourself into.
I'm really sorry user, just accepting the best you can get seems like such a cop-out and I won't tell you to do that if you don't want. Just not to give up because you never know what's around the corner, but you don't have to pour your whole focus in if it just seems so futile due to all the social engineering.
Get a life loser. Fucking kikes wasting time on their rape fantasies
No worries, I don't have much to hide but I know some people on here could be a big target for a range of things
looks like you got an issue w/your pick of the fillies old boy.
I'm a femanon, and I'm only a virgin because I'm ugly.
I have pretty much given up on ever getting a boyfriend.
But honestly I should worry about getting a jo first
i would probably kill my mother if she had such past,fortunately , my mom grew up in soviet union where such degeneracy was blocked from society . For example heaving children out off marriage was death sentence , no porno journals or movies , faggots shamed and jailed ,ultra conservative society .
Go to church
of course not, thats why I drink daily and realize it probably won't work out. Life is suffering
Honestly, envious of her and her peers.
What a time to be alive.
If you’re looking for a dependable well established man then hit me up.
New school shooting when?
>Do they exist?
They do exist, they're just exceedingly rare. Seems like 99/100 women in my age group I come into contact with are just basic bitches on the cock carousel.
Sup Forums users will do school stabbings to protect guns.
Lmao. Checked.
I'm not a retard, I have too much going for me. Sorry, I cannot grace you with a happening.
You have to groom one from an illegal age, then fuck her when she is legal.
Also never date the eldest sibling if they have younger sisters, as the oldest sister is always a trainwreck. You only have one option, to get a female as young as possible and mould them into the women you want them to be. If you leave it to society to make a woman for you, you'll just get whores.
Don't know if OP is serious or what but im legit sick of this shit too
I literally had to break up with my gf last week cuz she wouldn't stop smoking weed
im so sick of this fucking degeneracy in society
only the most brain dead useless people enjoy this shit
the worst part is that i thought time would make me care less but the opposite is true
i now lose my shit when i see how the average girl dresses for example
why cant we just have a clean moral society for fucks sake
i dont want to be a fucking heathen and just "live for the moment" as most fucking people seem to want these days
id rather be dead then live in this society
how ugly?
rk9 is the board you are looking for
it's never happening again, sweetie
Dude.. use /r9k/ and fuck off. We know girls are fucked but you're preaching to the choir is desperate.
Women are literally children in adult female bodies. They say things out of emotion, have a very limited ability to process logic, they don't care about the long term consequences of their actions, and they make awful, awful, shitty decisions constantly. Freeing women to do whatever they want was the worst decision Western civilization has ever made (besides not sending the blacks back to Africa). Imagine, 50% of the population are like little girls who vote for the dumbest shit imaginable because they saw something on TV and it gave them bellyfeels.
So how can you trust a woman like this? You can't. The age of women who we can trust is over. Women from prior generations were more loyal and had more developed character because they had a much harder life. Now all they have to do is spread their legs and forget about everything else.
>Also never date the eldest sibling if they have younger sisters,
I have older and younger sisters, youngest one is a train wreck. Oldest saved herself for marriage.
dude just turn your brain off gotta learn that all hoes are nothin but tricks. You cant be disappointed if you already have low expectations of them.
It is all freedom's fault. People today don't understand what freedom means.
People who fought for freedom did not envision their daughter becoming free of charge prostitutes.
Looking for support from my bros, hopefully some good advice from people who aren't pozzed.
Look at the support above you, Sup Forums has a sense of loyalty.
What do you have, brit? Besides a city being turned into the caliphate.
r9k are full of beta faggots who will tell me to suck the cum out of all of my exes' cunts.
Get run over.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. There's no point to this fucking existence. Living a hedonistic lifestyle is totally unfulfilling and mindless. That's why the fire rises. Hang in there bud, eventually there will be a reckoning.
how was your parent teen years?was sexual degradation/faggotry like anal/blowjob normalized already in canada?what trends existed
Have you thought about traveling and try to make new connections with girls from a different culture?
Some times that helps.
You really find people that makes you believe in something better.
I talk for experience.
But I am as black pilled as you are in those terms.
But you know what?
In the end I am not afraid of being alone....
I'm interested in politics and preserving the west/white race/European culture,conservative and family values just as any of you are.
I actually prefer this board. /r9k/ is depressive as hell anyway.
It's been normalized everywhere I ever lived.
>want support
You're a faggot.
>besides a city
You have 50 becoming africa/india/mexico.
>get run over
Get shot.
its not easy without substance abuse and im straight edge
the only thing that helps is praying, church, reading scripture but i fuck up (lie, miss church, jerk off) and then feel disappointment in myself and then the whole thing starts over
the only thing i have left is to try and go down the self improvement route
finish college, get buff, learn some fighting style, read as much as i can absorb much great art as i can improve spiritually etc etc
and just hope that a normal chick comes by
and its not even the sex or loneliness i legit want a family and as we all know we cant have one without women i want to be a father i want to give my sons what my dad never gave me, to be there for them to raise strong and moral people and make the world a better place
>Get shot.
get home invaded and try to defend yourself
Good girls are out there OP, my mom and dad have been together for 40 years.
I love my gf. She amazes me with her commitment, dedication and purity.
Couldn't want it any other way.
I'm out of that game now, searching for a SO, I'm happy here and you can do it too OP.
>The feminine desires are very controversial and disconcerting. Many confusions reign in that matter. These exists due, principally, to the opposition of what is conscious and subconscious. That conflict makes women to say the exact opposite of what they really feel and are. 2(Freud himself confessed his impotency in face of that matter.) You can’t find out the factors that enchant them and are submitted by simple questions, interviews etc. because we will be fooled. Know that almost everything we hear about what the smatheads want in a relationship are lies and, more than that, are the exact opposite of what they really want. I will now expose what they try to hide but never admit it. 3(That occultation is not always conscious. Seems like in the most cases that the woman lies to herself.)
The human sexuality is similar to the horses, zebras and savage mules. The females spontaneously go to the stallion territory, that settles near the best food and water sources (material resources), and offer them sex at ease. The remaining males, secondary, are obligated to roam in groups formed only by males, not mating for years until there is a chance to replace an old stallion. The females don’t fight each other and accept the stallion infidelity with naturality (as happens to the fans of any famous artist, mafia man, billionaire or politic). The stallion can mate with any mare of his harem with no problem until he can no longer drive away beasts and secondary harasser males. In other words: the men considered “alfa-male” act as savage stallions and the women that chase them as your females. By the other way, the excluded men from the female selective criteria are like the rejected horses and never mate. Similar thing happens with lions, gorillas and other animals.
Assuming you're not a larping faggot:
Keep at it, femanon.
I barely care about looks at this point, you also may find someone swell who will take care of you.
Wish I could ask you something in private, but I'm not posting any personal info on here.
>Because they are the polar opposite of men, the psychic structure of women is the inverse.
We need the maximum amount of sex possible while we still have force, until the last moment. For us, sex comes first and love second. For them, the contrary happens: love comes first. But understand it well: in most of the time, they don’t want to give love, want only to receive it and giving in return the minimum necessary to keep us tied by desires, by the feelings and passion. They have a double desire. Desire the serfdom of the weak and the protection of the strong. Want to dominate the moron and needy to exploit them as husbands, raisers of her offspring at the same time they want to obtain the affection of the insensible males that own harems and are on top of the male hierarchy. The weak, when chained, receive sex, affection and love in minimum quantities, only to satiate to be kept imprisoned.
It appears I've struck a nerve.
Cheers faggot.
>Things are the way the were setup for a reason. Go against that at your own great peril.
In attempting to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, man comes into conflict with the principles to which he owes his very existence as a human being. His defiance of nature is bound to lead to his downfall.
You're dating city girls aren't you.......
Or older women.
I know, it's nasty out there.
Small town girls can sometimes not be total skank though. Sometimes...
Every girl and women live in their own micro social World, and those micro social worlds are all the same. Go to any developed part of the world, open Instagram/Snapchat/tinder, the females will all be the same from age 7 to 50, the same popularity rankings will be observable, the same behaviour will happen.
They seek the cock to secure their genes, but modern technology allows for an endless number of partners, revolving door style. A woman can be faithful. You have to be alert all the time. But a woman is driven by emotion, it has short term memory. So like a red fish, it repeats what it knows best.
i hope so bro i hope so
if you show exceptional moral, mental quality and have a good personality most men who have their shit together will be with you even if you are a 5/10
You read my mind user.
Plans to move to the country.