We'll never see them in college

>we'll never see them in college
>we'll never meet Azusa's juniors
>we'll never see Azusa graduate
>we'll never see a second graduation trip
>we'll never see them play at Budokan

why live

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I want to see Yui get a boyfriend.

fuck off with this overrated shit


I want to see Mugi get blacked

>we'll never see them in college
Jap college is all work and no fun. They probably wouldn't have time to hang much
>we'll never meet Azusa's juniors
There's potential for some fun characters here I guess but it's basically a different show at that point
>we'll never see Azusa graduate
Who cares
>we'll never see a second graduation trip
They go on like 8 trips in this show, is another one really bothering you?
>we'll never see them play at Budokan
They weren't good enough to do so

>>we'll never see them play at Budokan
>They weren't good enough to do so

>they weren't good enough

delete this

>mfw 3rd season announcement at 10yr anniversary. never ;_;

I will not delete the truth. They're a mediocre band

you're a mediocre band

Seriously thought, why haven't we had a S3? Few things could work so well as this one

>>we'll never see them in college

Because the story ended at high school.

>we'll never see them play at Budokan

It was never the show's real goal. It's just a clueless dream kids have when starting a garage band, or in this case, a high school band. It's not coincidence that the girl's best performances only happened at their school, while they failed to make an impression on anyone outside.

I wonder though what would've happened if College manga was handled properly

Well there was a college manga. Anime seemed like it wanted a definitive high school ending, which is disappointing since college would have been fun to see.

I just finished season 1 and liked it very much. Do season 2 and movie get even better?

Season 2 is longer and covers a shorter time frame, allowing for better storytelling as all of the characters come to terms with their futures. The final few episodes are actually quite depressing since they all know it's the end.

Movie is good, nothing to write home about though. Think of it more as a really long episode that goes into detail of how the ending came into being.

>we'll never meet Azusa's juniors

She has one, it's me

Why do you even want that? The source material after high school is mediocre at best. Starting and ending the anime with high school was a natural run anyway.

Because I want to see them fulfill their dreams.

The best of the show is anime-original. Let Yamada work her magic.

mugi 2 is so fucking hot holy shit

That already happened in Chu2.

She's her imouto.

wait, really? i only read the first few chapters




Meh , you've seen one generic blob you've seen em all

>the story ended at high school
The college manga was great, screw off.

>Mugi's family had slaves



Your opinion is mediocre

>inb4 no-effort BLACKED "jokes"

>So girls can do it with girls too!

Mugi is wonderful.




her name is mugi because she has a muggy vagina and butthole

its moogie not muggie you dope

shut up, muggy lover. she'll never be as hot as sumi

Is this the college manga? This looks pretty cool.


>There's potential for some fun characters here I guess but it's basically a different show at that point
the new characters were mostly shit, best part was jun in the band

>They weren't good enough to do so
Not only that but I'm pretty sure they never took that dream seriously. It's why they screwed around so much and weren't regretting never making it.

It's the high school volume, when Azusa became the club leader.

I think it's better than college, which isn't that bad in the context of the rest of the manga.


Who is that strapping young lad?


Fucking dropped.


>apartment building

Enjoy never being able to forget that Jun canonically has a bf

Oh come on, I was trying to ruse him

Being like that with your brother is weirder than having a boyfriend.

>it's her brother

Forgiveness please, I jumped the gun.

Have a long-haired Yui as compensation.

Why does she have two right feet?

Explains why she's always falling over.

And thanks god for that, they can't act like teens forever

Goddamnit, now I'll never be unable to see it.

>it's not even a cute shota

Don't worry, she can borrow one of Nao's.

holy fuck

How do you even support so many children at the same time?

Either be really rich or really poor. If you're rich, you pay out of pocket. If you're poor, you pay out of other people's pockets via the government.
I know next to nothing about the state of social services and welfare in Japan so this might not apply at all here, but that's how it is in America.

Tax deduction for children in Japan is insane due to the low birth rate. I think they'd be okay.

She's her white slave.

why was this scene so powerful?

Because deep down inside we realized that we wasted our time in high school and college not forming tight-knit relationships like this.

To expand, they didn't know whether or not this relationship would end or not. There was still an uncertainty in the air regarding college and Azusa being left behind. But what mattered is that it existed at all.

>implying anyone would give a solitary fuck about older K-Ons
It's literally a show about high schoolers who look like middle schoolers acting like preschoolers.

IRL Yui wouldn't be allowed to own a guitar for fear that she might eat the strings and choke.

>IRL Yui wouldn't be allowed to own a guitar for fear that she might eat the strings and choke.
Good post, gave me a laugh

>ywn see college keions
>ywn see the keions at work
>ywn see the keions get married
>ywn see pic related for ritsu while all the other keions turn into cakes
why live

I can see Ritsu as a single mom.

I seriously hope KyoAni does something for the 10th anniversary.
OVA/Movie/Season, I don't care, just give me something

>Yui ever making it to college

Why do you type like an idiot?

>leaving this
fat chance, bub

What if the baby has downs or something

who wore it better


correct answer

she's a good mom

gotta love that forehead

>two left earbuds

They're the circular kind that can fit in either ear.

>claiming to be wise they became fools
Retard, pay more attention.

She works a lot.


>parental figure appears in full







college Yui is cute

At least we will always have the Music History's Box. Disc 8 is my favorite overall to shitpost to, Disc 5 makes me shed tears .

But 9 has ii yume mite ne.


>nearly $200

is it worth?