Australia is giving $2.5 TRILLION to the US for infrastructure
>In face-to-face talks at the White House this week, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will propose using a chunk of Australia’s A$2.53 trillion ($1.99 trillion) pension savings pool to help unlock funding for Trump’s infrastructure push. He’s being joined on the trip by local money managers who help control the world’s fourth-largest pot of retirement savings.

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australia paid for the wall then. mexico owes them now..

Fuck the Abbos will be mad
That's there money to by piss with

It's going straight to Israel.



I wasn't aware there were international shitpost fines for nations such as Australia.


Why are aussies paying for the wall wtf?

At least where not directly sending it to Israel

so when he said mexico was gonna pay for it. he meant aussies.
God bless that man.

I'm confused.

Why is Australia giving us dosh?

I mean I know we are really close allies, but I didnt realize we were THAT close.

Wait.. why was Australia's power grid all fucked up if they have a 4 trillion dollar pool of money to throw around?

Either way, that's pretty sad that America needs help from Australia to build a wall (and other infrastructure, remember the wall was only estimated to be around what.. $20 billion? So even if they spent $60 billion on it, that's leaves a shit load of this pile of money left over for other things).


I mean, they're right next to each other

(sigh) It would be a loan, not a gift, or we will be buying US gov't bonds.

They're pension funds, not state funds, so they must be directed towards positive accumulation. Directing pension funds to state infrastructure leads to an issue of "why didn't you just pay for this from the treasury" and how returns are going to be created without influencing Australian public/governmental debt.

By purchasing bonds, or as a loan, or through private-public partnership of the pension funds and ownership of the infrastructure projects, it sidesteps those issues for Australia, sidesteps a capital stock issue for the US where the funds must be raised and the how (through taxes, what taxes, who is affected by the taxes) is ignored for now, and potentially clears remuneration issues without negatively affecting the US balance sheet.

>wall built
>Prime Minister busts open a beer on it
>bottle cap flings over the other side
>PM announces a new cleaner job just opened

Only SA has the aids power grid cause of all muh green power bs.

Every other state is yolo burn coal/gas fuck off greenies



Also our economy isn't completely fucked.
(it's certainly heading there though)
If we got rid of a few gobs programs we'd be in surplus.


>64.3 billion goes to retired boomers
>10 billion to NEETS
>3 billion to jobs programs

Not our fault Australian girls love the BBC (Big Burger Cock)

Because there's no other market that can absorb that sort of investment. Aussies are getting a great deal imo