What do you do?
Question time!
Give the other child the stick and let them get one shot on my child. That's the only way they learn
You ban all sticks, duh
dunno, but what i DONT do is take all of the sticks and put them in the hands of the corrupt government and police force that likely organized, or at the very least knew about and allowed to happen, the original stick beating.
fuck off jew we're coming for you
What's funny about this is that if we extrapolate it for the banning of guns it actually argues to disarm the police as well.
give the teacher a stick so he can beat the instigator with it
I like this bad analogy actually, because it actually has a perfectly valid bad analogy to retort it: How could sticks ever be banned when they already proliferate in such numbers, and more will always be around?
Give all individual adults the power to use force to separate the kids and stop them from hurting each other. In other words, give the fucking teachers guns to intervene in shootings.
D. Hit the bitch parents with my kid's beating stick
Teaching the important lesson that violence is always wrong, unless it’s equally distributed. Father of the year.
It turns government is not a parent and adults are not children. Shocking, I know.
also i am not a child and the government is not my parents.
you give the sticks to the government so they can beat you and all the other kids and steal your shit
You surely don't destroy all the sticks on the planet.
You also don't only take the sticks away from the kids who haven't misused them and leave the sticks with the kids who are prone to hitting others.
What school do you know of that permits kids to hit each other with sticks?
at least they are admitting they think of everyone else as barbaric children
>Having a military presence in countries that aren't yours = being at war
Shilling this hard.
2nd amendment.
FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sherriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School District in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton conspirator.
FACT Politically motivated Crisis Actors ready to go, scripted questions, TV interviews
FACT Local Sherriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sherriff refuses to resign
This is smoking gun proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason.
If these people are willing to allow children to be murdered to take away your guns, what terrible fate awaits us all when they take away all of our means of defense?
This is the only conversation I'm willing to have now.
>You surely don't destroy all the sticks on the planet.
>You also don't only take the sticks away from the kids who haven't misused them and leave the sticks with the kids who are prone to hitting others.
Which one of the options were those? Or did you just decide to ignore the question and make up your own?
Why is an anarchoprimitivist on the internet? Sticks are obviously tech and so is fire. Just use your hands faggot.
Give everyone sticks.
Mutually assured destruction works.
>ask my child what ever made him so upset to think hitting someone with a stick was ok
>inform him this is inappropriate behavior with sticks because not only is it hurtful and mean but also very dangerous
>tell him to play something else with the stick or lose it
You think I'm going to take the stick and hold it in my lap and shake my finger no no no? Are you fucking retarded? The stick comparison is fucking retarded anyway.
Considering I live in a forest filled to the brim with sticks I turn up the T.V. and tell the little shits not to come back till dinner is ready.
Hit them with a stick so they can understand and respect power and who wields it
Or cut down and burn everything tree on Earth so there are never any more assault sticks..
Perfectly normal responses from a totally regular guy
D. You punish the person who was hitting people. You let the others decide if they want to pick up a stick to defend themselves with.
best dad
Smack them upside the head and find out why they did it in the first place
What happens when you try to take away the sticks and they start beating your ass with the sticks?
D give the child a gun so he can defend himself properly
Yes, of course violence on the schoolyard should be encouraged, as should seeking revenge. Great job
I invite a pack of nigger kids onto the playground and let them go crazy. Then I tell my kid "save your sticks for them", and he agrees.
Give all of them sticks. FFS allowing kids to fight is the only way to prevent bullying
Libtards will ban sticks next.
I’m pretty sure it’s the fastest way to ensure bullying definitely happens
We already take away guns from felons. Is this retarded meme suggesting that we remove all sticks from the planet.
Good luck trying to take the stick from the non-law abiding kids. Even if the stick gets taken away, there are more sticks in circulation that are easily attainable.
>Equating 18 yo adults with kindergarten kids
D. give only the white kids sticks
Hey next time the little shits have a problem they won't come bug you now will they?
>thinks someone defending themselves encourages violence.
>we should just let people beat the shit out of us
>take stick away
>another child gets a rock instead and kills his 2 year old sister for dressing like a western whore
>holding kindergarten kids to higher standard of behavior than adults
Laugh and give them all sticks, drink from my cup while sitting in a chair, demanding they fight for my amusement, the last child standing will get the chocolate.
I take away the stick and then he find another one and start again.
>kindergartners are old enough to understand sex and sexuality but not old enough to understand the psychology and politics behind mass shootings
>>we should just let people beat the shit out of us
And whatever you do, definitely don’t ban the weapon that allows this to happen in the first place. Just turn the playground into Lord of the Flies. Smart thinking.
>I take away the stick and then he find another one and start again.
In truth, it gives the other child the choice. To give into their rage like an animal, or to break the cycle and move on. On a smaller scale, anyways.
You sure are reading a lot into that guy's posts. Almost like that's a fallacy or something. If only there was a helpful infographic on this board that helped stop this from happening.
D. Say nothing, grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out. For all you knew, he was planning to blow up the vault
>Give everybody sticks
>assuming that people cannot get sticks themselves or that they do not have sticks already
what a retard
Take that stick away from my kid since he's the one who's misusing the stick, while letting the rest of the kids play with their sticks peacefully.
Exactly. This is clearly the lesson you want to impart on them so when they get older they know that’s how you should behave in society. The choice of vengeful retribution should always fall on the person personally wronged, and it’s totally normal to consider it as an option.
wow, are you a cuck or what? kids beating up other kids is a sign that they are an alpha male and should be encouraged.
We are not children. We are adults. I've got a right to have a stick, because I don't intend to use it to hurt others unlawfully. Therefore there is no reason for you to take it away.
And none of the options are educate the kids to not fight?
Or even ask the kid why is he hitting the other kid?
The problem is really the fucking stick?
And the media and the idiots keep charging this on the guns.
What do sticks have to do with firearms and self defense in an active shooter scenario?
Shoot the black kid who's going around hitting people with sticks.
Beat his ass. Nobody would shoot up schools if they weren’t fucking delinquents.
I beat the shit out of that kid for hitting the other kids with a stick. Lil'fuck had it coming.
Also, we need to let parents beat the crap out of child molesters and murders.. and display it on Pay-per-view.
I would let the kids play, because I'm not a mentally ill, soft leftist, who says things like "toxic masculinity". There used to be a walnut tree behind my house, and me and the neighborhood kids would go down there and have fist-fights and wail walnuts at each other. We would have giant brawls, just 10 kids all beating the crap out of each other.
To a leftist, this is "scary", and "triggering". "What if someone gets hurt!" "Think about the children!" But in the real world, this is how it was meant to be.
I'm almost ready to believe it..
D) teach your kid the consequences of hitting other kids with sticks by hitting them with a bigger stick. Or a belt. Or a pingpong paddle. I’ve gotten beatings from all three and worse.
This invalidates your argument.
You know nothing
he doesnt seem to know that the tweet is more of an analogy to the current gun debate. he thinks the guy tweeted because he is upset about school yard stick fights.
ask why he hit the other kid with the stick and either give the other kid a stick or take his stick away depending on the answer
A. Give everyone a stick, then teach them how to use it properly so they can defend themselves, their families and their nation should they need to.
Survival is upon greatness based.
That test should be a requirement for every Fallout game.
We obviously need to remove every branch from every tree to prevent another mass sticking.
Kys op
the consequences of hitting other kids? yeah you are definitely a fag. If my son didn't beat the shit out of weaker kids there would be consequences.
what race are stick wielding kids?
Boy I sure do love false equivalencies!
You take the stick away from THAT KID, not all kids.
Even if you take c all the sticks away who's to say some little dick kid wont go into the woods and break off a new stick and attack again. Once this happens a few times you do give every kid a stick.
yeah, and Cruz had his stick taken away.
You don't take sticks away from every single kid!
This is the same warped, flawed analogy Catholic Radio is using about taking away cars from DUI recipients.
It is an extremely flawed analogy.
Unfortunately, that's all the Left has left in their warped bag of tricks.
It simply doesn't hold.
Oh shit, THAT’S what this is about?? Well then by all means give everybody guns and have them sort things out themselves. That totally would have stopped the Vegas shooting, if everybody had been armed and firing Willy nilly. Gee, and here I thought this was about something with stakes, like kids and sticks.
Uh, yeah. The consequences. What did your parents do when you were being a little prick as a kid... give you fucking ice cream and tell you to rape all the other kids girlfriends?
D. Give the kid a pair of sunglasses so he can look like a douchebag like father.
Finish the little fucker off. My kid is right.
The same school that permits student to shoot each other with guns
take away all sticks from every kid
even ones that are responsible?
and give that kid a _bike lock_?
>children playing with sticks is the same as grown adults owning and handling portable death machines
This is even worse than harry potter analogies.
Meanwhile, you think it's possible to uninvent a technological concept, and you think another "law" is the solution.
You let the adult with a stick beat the shit out of the little fucker like they used to do before there were school shootings
>2nd amendment.
Surisly peepol.
There were white men who were smarter than you who set up this great system
Give everybody sticks, while I hold a branch. Assemble all stick holders and rape and pillage non stick holders
The government is not my daddy.
my dad was a liberal cuck just like you. By fifteen I beat the shit out of him almost daily and fucked my mom as he watched. Before that I would beat the shit out of any kid I wanted and take their money. I one time fucked a kids girlfriend on top of his bleeding unconcious body.
The meek* shall inherit the earth.
Meek meaning those who have the strength to destroy, but choose not to use it.
basically. he thinks if a few people do something bad with a thing, then you ban all people from having that thing.
The analogy is pretty straightforward. Why would we hold children to a higher standard of behavior than we would adults? And ironically it’s the kids that suffered the consequences of this negligence, not the adults making the laws.
>If a kid does something wrong they can't be punished because that would also be wrong
Get the fuck out libtard
Checks out
tell my kid not to hit other kids with the stick because its not right
then explain that there are exceptions
like defending the life liberty or property of himself/herself or those of other children
Is he a confucianist? Nobody else bothers with the citizens = children analogy
so the kid is better off being beat by a kid with a stick and not having anything to defend himself with?
maybe teach kids not to hit other with sticks?