>use fire to boil it
Why didn't Africans get the message? Was Prometheus a racist?
>use fire to boil it
Why didn't Africans get the message? Was Prometheus a racist?
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What's the point? Even if they are given purifiers and clean water systems, they would still not wash their hands after wiping their ass and still get sick.
>be 3000 years in the past
Jesus, can't believe colonialism not only destroyed their culture and technology at the time but also travelled back in time over a millennia so they wouldn't know how to do what the rest of the world knew for so long. Crazy how that happens. Can't believe the evils inflicted on these people by the whites.
this. same shit with DU syndrome from the gulf wars.
>was it some DU dust that caused all these birth defects and health complications in the population?
>or is it because they drink the water used to wash their goats and themselves while fucking their cousin in ankle deep stillwater?
>gib mone plox, my waif of a daughter must walk 12km before school to fetch water for me
>Live in a domicile made entirely out of things found around that water source 12km away
>not building their filthy hobbles closer to the water source
What did they mean by this for millenia?
I'm not sure if you're trolling or not right now. But this bullshit triggers the fuck out of me.
Quick bump for a quick ree
So, back in the 1960's the very in-vogue thing was to start publishing guides for the third world, on very rough but effective tools they can do to not fucking die. Tons of great resources out there that are great /k/ survival material out there as well.
Pic related: It's a slow sand filter. They can be made from some rocks, some washed sand, and a giant clay jar. The concept isn't hard.
For example, easy water filtration, easy stove creation, rough medicine. Concepts that could be easily shared and adopted.
IF anyone can find me the journal "jungle medicine" or similar that described using a deep sand bed to help with bed sores, or using an air mattress, an aquarium pump, and a tube of water as a pressure regulator as a bed sore prevention mattress I will forever be grateful.
So there they were, publishing effective but rudimentary methods. Great, great shit actually. Effective, and usable for the third world.
But then the 70's happened and everyone went a little insane. They started writing more and more about the occult, more and more about MUH SPIRITIALISM. The advice moved away from "traditional medicine used" to muh spirits and sheit.
Just read this shit: yarapa.com
From there, the field got weirder and weirder. They started moving away from the traditional shit. They started moving away from their "free" information.
They started publishing journals that you had to buy. Fuck the third world! No sharing knowledge! Less and less practical knowledge.
And then it devolved into basically fucking this: goodreads.com
It's sad, an entire fucking field of study squandered and destroyed by .... I don't even know what to call them? Last generation feminists and proto-soyboys?
So basically the last generation of truly white Germanics, freshly jew-brainwashed started trying to help niggers by using the natural Germanic ingenuity, and they were so brainwashed they started to believe the nigger was more correct than they were?
Or did the jew step in with the spiritualistic shit?
Mate, I don't even fucking know. They went from "studying what shamans were using" to "Publishing practical guides" to "maybe the shamans were right" to "muh spirits cure disease because natural medicine isn't real"
I don't fucking know. Whatever generated the muh spiritualism of the 70's - 80's
Know they circle jerk themselves over technology that they're going to "give" to the third world, like prometheus bringing the humans fire. Stuff that they can't create, and rely on the whites to supply to them.
It just rubs me the wrong fucking way. We don't need to be giving them magic technology. Teach them to use 2 liters full of water and bleach to make skylights. Teach them to build their own lathes with concrete and granite chips. Etc.
But instead we get a technological dystopia like this: indiegogo.com
you can literally purify water with charcoal because carbon is a filter.
Jesus Christ, what use is that lamp in Africa? They neither have tools nor knowledge to repair it, and it's not like they can be assed to pull the weight
Shit and technology like using clay pots and sand to make a refridgerator are ignored by the baizou and forgotten unless you buy whatever trendy eco journal now.
Whenever the communists appropriated ecologism was the down fall
>Whatever generated the muh spiritualism of the 70's - 80's
Obviously hippie got into this. Imagine, some of those junkie softbrains now in position of power.
People build the pyramids and stonehedges 3000 years ago.
This is some prehistoric stuff.
I don't know. The vast majority of Africans seem to be incapable of abstract thought. Conceiving microscoping organisms that are capable of killing you is fairly abstract in my opinion. I don't know how you're going to be able to make blacks who don't live under white colonialism understand the reasoning for
Therefore, as soon as whites move out they would likely abandon education of such issues, abandon maintenance of such systems and they're back to square one. Now that we're in a dysgenic society producing what none of us thought possible - *less* intellectually capable negroes, I think the problem is only going to get worse.
That gravity light? Jesus fucking christ patrick hunt has been sucking from the jewsack but at least he's getting high distinctions right?
You're just going to see it being sold in some bazaar in somalia to jubey coalburning teen humanitarian volunteers. Fuck writing that gave me a flashback. I once dated a girl who told me she fucked a nigger while on UN volunteering. Dumped that bitch because I was disgusted to see her naked.
UNICEF poisoned half of Bangladesh trying to provide them clean water.
They drilled a bunch of wells all across the country which people started using, but within a few years everyone started getting sick with cancers and dying.
It turns out the well water was full of arsenic.
Just remember, the path to hell is paved with good intentions. There are always unforeseen consequences for what you do, even when you're trying to do the right thing. Sometimes it's better just to leave something alone.
Stop! Stop!
You're gentrifying them!
You can't just impose your white ideas on them!
Clearly the only logical solution is the final one. To think I used to be a libertarian.
Commies took over.
Here's a perfect example. Using a 2 liter bottle as a skylight. It's a fucking genius idea, puts out a ton of light, and can be used in india or places where your women can't leave the house for fear of rape.
Oh look, they have a wikipedia!
And it's been talked about before!
Yet, no guides!
Pisses me the fuck off, you have no idea. I guess it's because the left is so horribly racist, they can't comprehend anything besides bringing magical technology to the blacks.
Fucking hell man, fucking hell.
So we should let Africans die and not teach them to boil water, finally a decent leaf poster.
tips for africa:
>boil water
>dont live in the desert
>put a seed in the ground (wow now you have food)
>stop using shit for building purposes
That's like asking Aboriginals to use fire.
I tittered heartily
what's so hard doing this
oh yeah because overpopulation
but lets call it global warming or shit like that, so it doesn't sound like niggers are at fault
>implying genocide wasn't the plan all along
you're naive
They're not literally monkeys, they're just idiots. Dude made a company installing the "water lights" after learning the concept from the internet.
Literally just publish them some guide books and let them figure it out and most importantly, build their own economy.
Africa had a very stable population until we started giving them aid.
well, think about it this way
if we provide them the means to reproduce endlessly, what kind of horrible existence awaits the 20th generation?
White technology, like modern agriculture and medicine, have allowed the nogs to reproduce exponentially.
There were fewer blacks in South Africa at the turn of the 20th century than whites! Then 50 years later, there were 10 times as many blacks as whites.
Now the blacks are about to strip the white farmers of their land, creating a self-inflicted food crisis similar to Zimbabwe. And yet you still have bleeding heart retards going door to door begging for donations for poor Africans.
Fuck Africa. Fuck Africa to hell. Africans are an evolutionary dead end.
Still what angers me more is the reddit spacing. There is no need for it lad.
Bigger boxes get more yous
if they lived too close to the water source people would shit in it all the time and everyone dies
Fuck, it's genius how simple it is while works as intended. I wonder if it was ever used before or it's a new invention due to understanding how everything works.
>Whenever the communists appropriated ecologism was the down fall
Communism has nothing to do with this, at least not USSR communism. In fact, USSR was educating Africans like any normal human beings since 60s-70s, and for free, and you can bet your ass that nobody even though about "muh spiritualism". Any occult shit and other bullshit could steam only from liberal retards in USA and Europe, and free magazines becoming paid is obviously pure capitalism for one reason or another.
Calling reddit spacing is only necessary on reddit posting
That takes fuel, containers, and time.
Living very close to water would put them at risk for flooding and animal attacks.
you mean they popped as much kids as they killed
You don't find that post annoying to read? Fuck you cunt for defending a shitty presented post just because you agree with it.
That doesn't remove everything.
So they drilled all these wells and didn't check for heavy metals? That sounds like a giant fuck up to me.
Had a Google of it (can't believe I've not heard of this before). Pre arsenic wells, 250k children per year were dying for contaminated water. Post arsenic wells, 3k people a year die from related conditions.
Still a good move on the whole.
rubbing sticks is hard.
>Fuck, it's genius how simple it is while works as intended. I wonder if it was ever used before or it's a new invention due to understanding how everything works.This was a well known and discussed thing in the journals from the 60's I've read.
You're a russia bro. I've got a link you can make good use of to make a better life for yourself.
See what I mean? We can give the third world guides without fucking them over by handing them aid and gibs that never allow them to develop their own economy.
By blaming commies, I blame our useful idiots that were subverted by you guys. OUR stupid white guilt fuck commies is where I'm reeing. Most interestingly, they seem to have been mostly subverted by the chinese, not the USSR with academias infatuation with Maoism now.
>we keep dying after we drink this foul and stagnate water
>white people help!
Someone post the story of the aid worker that tried to teach niggers how long they need to boil water with an improvised hourglass.
>thinking niggers can into distillation
based UNICEF
But dem animalds attack each other with machetes and fire necklaces anyways
>he thinks they can read
>fire is just rubbing sticks together
>Still a good move on the whole.
Checkout Bangladesh population growth
unironically this. it will even get worse.
>indians were given antibiotics
>2nd gen quinolone resistant strains here we go
Have you really never been outside and made a fire with sticks and some dry leaves and small twigs? which are in abundance in africa
>I once dated a girl who told me she fucked a nigger while on UN volunteering
Makes me wonder if those girls see it as some kind of a charity and feel better about themselves for fucking poor oppressed niggers or if its purely a matter of being horny and far away from civilized world.
you're right brazilians do have shit water
>Niggers are too retarded to avoid shitting where they drink
Some can. Those can force the others, or not.
Indians are using last resort antibiotics on fucking animals now. We're all doomed.
>Makes me wonder if those girls see it as some kind of a charity and feel better about themselves for fucking poor oppressed niggers or if its purely a matter of being horny and far away from civilized world.
They see it as charity.
Why wouldn't I want dirty water killing dirty people?
Here's an example on "why niggers can't boil their own water". The noble savage myth is too strong.
>3)Environmental-Unlike in the US, where we can ignore our environmental impact, they actually care about their environment, and to get charcoal they need to burn, they have to cut down trees, and they see their forests being cut away.
Well most of Africa has less than a 70 IQ average. 70IQ is considered retarded and around half of them have an IQ lower than 70
>kills more niggers than war
Wtf I love dirty water now
Civilized people used to have a solution for this, its called "just drink beer". Are these "people" too much of savages to even have beer?
Because there is spacing between sentences on a image thread board? How far on the spectrum are you user?
Chinks and streetshitters are going to end the human race.
>He thinks niggers are smart enough to make a bowdrill
Africa is Eden. The land provides everything you need to survive with just a stick and a bowl.
But if you remember, Adam and Eve were like children until they ate the fruit and LEFT the garden. Then they were adults.
Stop comparing them to people. Niggers are not people.
>Why didn't Africans get the message?
They thought it was chocolate milk from the UN
Why the hell would I teach Africans how not to die?
>Are these "people" too much of savages to even have beer?
They prefer pic related, and yeah this is real
Dirty water /ourbeverage
>This was a well known and discussed thing in the journals from the 60's I've read.
No, I mean concept is so simple that I wonder if any civilization ever used it before to preserve food in home with addition to root cellars and ice houses (both of those in use since many thousands of years ago).
>By blaming commies, I blame our useful idiots that were subverted by you guys.
Funny thing is, communism was invented by French and Germans. Plus communism in USSR and communism in Europa/USA were two more or less different things, especially after ~70s when western commies merged or started to merge with liberals and hippies.
holy shit that stuff is super bad for you
I am interested in this
>mfw just finished Culture of Critique and know a significant amount about each of the authors quoted on that infographic.
>mfw based Jensen
>rest in peace
Can we make Sup Forums's twitch-streamed sport cheering on based evolutionary psychologists?
Maybe the chinks should teach them the ways of the gutter oil.
Niggers don't know how to make fires
yes, bump for this plox
This. Instead of realizing that shitting in their drinking water was a bad idea and instead dig holes to shit in, they just moved farther away.
Trofim Lysenko.
Your argument is invalid.
prometheus = lucifer
thats what the gnostics say anyways
>the chinks should teach them the ways of the gutter oil
kek, what would you rather have? cancer or liver failure
Thank you, Dysentery-chan!
forgot pic
numbers for ebola chan to come back
I don't understand why humanity today thinks that we have to fight nature as much as possible. If you're attracted to the opposite sex and have preferences, you are sexist. If you prefer people who are similar to you, you are racist. If you don't think you should dump billions into saving retarded savages from dying through natural selection, you lack compassion.
How about we try to actually advance our civilization to the point where this shit is easier instead of wasting money on people who obviously die no matter how much money you shove down their throat?
You need to filter it first, boiling water doesn't remove toxic minerals.
It's a longer account of different problems with teaching Africans but the water boiling story was roughly this:
>niggers get sick from bacteria in water
>water needs to boil for x amount of time
>the aid worker makes a few holes in the neck of a bottle and explains to turn it upside down once the water boils and only take it of the fire when the bottle is empty
>goes elsewhere
>in the following days he gets news from the village
>niggers getting sick again
>upon return he inspects the improvised time measuring device
>some brilliant nog made more holes to speed up the process
Niggers: Too stupid to function, but smart enough to fuck up horribly. Pic very much related.
>Be elecrtician.
>If we even suspect a transformer has PCB oil in it a full hazmat team must be called to deal with it since the oil is super carcinogenic.
>Niggers use it to fry their chips.
WTF. Share more of this bullshit. I've never looked into it.
OK well I've got an idea. Africans need clothes right? Jews have lots of clothes. I heard the other day that there is a certain way you can remove the clothes from the jewish possession AND treat their clothes for infection before we send them to help the Africans.
Still better than just straight up scooping water out of a puddle, carrying it in a jug on your head for 9 miles and then drinking it out of a monkey skull.
boiling water kills parasites and bacteria, but doesn't get rid of poisons already in it
Welcome newfriend