Why haven't you deleted your kikebook yet?
Why haven't you deleted your kikebook yet?
Not sure, but I never check it. It's funny. They spam you text messages and emails trying to get you to come back. Sad.
Never had one
Simple as xx
Still waiting for my oneitis to message me
Facebook is kill. Only third world shitholes like the US still use facebook.
I never had one
I need it for daily nut
My family business depends on facebook ads
... And I thought I was the only one.
No, they don't. If you delete it properly you will have to wait 30 days and then your account is gone forever. No more messages after that.
you cant delete what you never had :)
I never had one should i create one and then delete it?
From /brit/?
Why would you give them your real phone and email?
Nigger I signed up like 7+ years ago.
Because Of fags like u, I want God to believe i exist,
This place is worse than social media. I HATE YOU ALL
Literally the only way to access certain class discussions/news.
Deleting it when I graduate
Can’t delete what I’ve never had.
it means two things!
I never had one
I've said it before and I'm going to say it again; this man is not human
What do people use now outside of facebook to meet people they are briefly acquainted with?
I don't have anything, but then I am a friendless virgin.
Convenient way of interacting with people I know.
facebook is literally never required for any class
I never really thought to delete it.
I just logged off several years ago and never went back.
Never had one. I've always known better.
ive deleted most of them, im down to two from about ten, and none of them are me
>when the soy kicks in
Never had one in the first place
Clean since 2016 :)
I did that senior year of HS, about 9 years ago now. Social media of all forms is cancer.
One has a better complexion and nicer face overall but the other has bigger tits. This poses a dilemma.
Cause I am in a group called Ancapistan and somebody needs to patrol these THOTS.
I have
many such cases!
I dunno i need to ditch it. I guess inhave a few legit old friends across the country and world who i have no other good contact info for. Cell numbers change, email is almost out of use and change too. Kikebook is 4ever
I use it to contact friends and family but rarely use it. I tried to like pages but it does not have what im looking for because they probably shut it down.
In my med school they post mandatory event information via facebook. No other way.
I don't delete it, I simply don't use it anymore.
I want them to classify me as dead.
Because I never had it
What’s the point? It’s got someone else’s photos on it, fake email, fake name. Sometimes I like to scroll through all the crap I posted over the years because I posted a lot of OC, but that’s about it
I've seen FaceBeast literally destroy entire families
I already did like four years ago. It's funny, up until last year people would look at me like I was crazy when I said I didn't have a facebook. Now people just nod and go "yeah". No one likes facebook anymore besides boomers.
Way ahead of you.
>implying i ever had one
i knew that shit was gay af after using myspace, my nigga
ima give that nigga zucc a cumtribute
Because I never made one
You can't even delete it, you can only "deactivate" it.
Meaning they keep all your info, you just can't use Facebook.
My niggas. Never had one, either. Not even a fake.
I like to read Dr,Jack Kruse he posts a lot of cutting edge biophysical health information apart from becoming a paying member of his patreon or forum this allows me to keep up on his stuff also I can keep tabs on my son.. Other than that I don;t use it
>to meet people they are briefly acquainted with
Why on earth would you want to do that? But if you do, there's thing called e-mail, and another thing called the telephone.
Deleted facebook in 2013. It's comfy this way.
Because nothing looks shadier than deleting an account that you've previously made. Nobody just deletes accounts. Even shitty throw-away accounts for forums you visit one time are either purged by the forum for inactivity or just left to collect dust, but you never delete them yourself. Just let it sit, never log in again
I have. Fuck that Kike.
I use the messenger to interact with this normie baltic girl that i plan on putting white babies in eventually
it is starting to get replaced by vero and was probably planned
Well, in my case there was a cute girl who liked me but we were both very shy and since we worked in nearby offices for different companies there weren't many opportunities to talk (that's my bullshit excuse anyway). Realistically she probably searched me on facebook, as others admit to having done.
If you "delete" your Facebook account, it is not truly deleted. It goes "inactive"
In order to gain some semblance on anonymity, you must:
>Manually remove every friend
>Manually delete every post/picture
>Change location
>Change name
>Change language
>Leave pic as default FB
The info is still there but good luck to whoever is going to sift through millions of spam accounts to find a recovered image.
If you ever made one, it doesn't really matter if you delete it at this point.
deleted in 2014 after being indoctrinated since 2008. around the same time i became red pilled too. never looked back
Can confirm this is a thing here too. If you don't have facebook you're out of the loop. Fucking hate university.
Deleted mine in 2010. For a couple of years there were some weird moments socially with people wondering why the hell I wasn't on Zuck's billion dollar accident. But now that I become a grown up, I don't know anyone who uses Facebook frequently or consistently anymore.
Big tits all day son
She's forgotten all about you. You have to get to her before she accidentally has a kid with someone else. Trust me that when you're oneitis has a child, all attraction fades in a tragic sort of way.
After having pondered upon this for a while, I must agree.
please let this be real
I never had an account.
unironically meme pages
I must keep publicly naming the Jew until the 30 day bans become permaban.
Kikebook because jews don’t want free speech. Jews want to be able to tell you what to think.
Dude wtf
Never had a FAKEBOOK acct and never will have one.
you do know that freedom of speech only applies to what the government can or cannot tell you what to say? facebook is not a government site. you have no free speech there.
I've done this multiple times and still get messages. It's possible Canada has stricter laws which prevent them from doing this.
I made one for my wife and I to share so that we can see what the kiddos are up to and see photos from family members. We have albums of our wedding photos, dog, and cats, and that's all we've posted.
Only reason people here dont use kikebook is lack of friends lmao
>having any sort of presence on social media
Stopped using it almost a decade ago
That is amazing
The girl with the big tits (left) got the prettiest face and complexion.
Are you fucking blind? The Dutch mutt memes must be true.
I dont use it, but for some fucked up reason my friends and family equate having me on facebook validates our actual relationship.
So yeah, when i got rid of it... ‘whinge, whinge, whinge’
You can't delete it. Whatever you upload is there forever, you can just shut it down and hide other users from seeing it.
I left on New Year's day.
Not deleted. I just don't bother to check. Too many fake news on my feed from MSM.
>girl with the big tits (left) got the prettiest face
I don't like Anglo complexion and freckles. Is it that hard to believe that there are people with different tastes?
ask a girl if she is single
ask her for her number
start texting
start dating
start fucking
its rocket science i know
I haven't had a Fakebook account in years.
Never had one in the first place.
In fact I deactivated my account (there's not even an option to delete it) almost one week ago. It's just pointless. All people only use facebook because it's mainstream and they aren't capable to think beyond that.
Is Mark Zuckerberg crazy like they portrayed him in south park though?
Because I can not delete that which never existed, Kikebook Faggots.
It's the only way left to contract my old friends. I only post cats and normie memes there though.
I had facebook for a week back in 2008
LEFT easy mate
Left is more attractive
the right doesn't even have a symmetric head you daft cunt
can't delet what I don't have
because normies have their own groups there and it's good to spy on dumb normies just to know what's going on in Normie-La-La-Land.