

>If its and buts, were candy and nuts,
>OJ Simpson would still be in the record books

The narrative has collapsed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Comcast IP range banned millions of people in the United States from posting on Sup Forums today and anyone who talks about it here gets banned.

libtards are useless

(((Israel))) is fucked

Fuck this clown. Rolled over and talked shit about his own deputies (which he's responsible for) and took none or the blame himself. That's the hallmark of a shitty leader.



OJ like leave me out this shit

>Comcast IP range banned millions of people in the United States from posting on Sup Forums today and anyone who talks about it here gets banned.





Q predicted this.

>implying Jake "Thot Destroyer" Tapper isnt /ourguy/

Hes not

no you're not



his ass. i have comcast and have been posting about this all day.

God this is stupid. He was firing himself by talking now that republicans have gotten together people are going to see it as polical and rally around him

Typical kike talking out of both sides of his mouth during the same interview.

I'm fine

I was suddenly unable to post on pol today as well and was wondering if it was an internal server glitch or something

>people are going to see it as polical and rally around him
Not when they see what he's been up to in the last few years.

With all the fact we presented couldn't you have saved the lives of 17 children?
If it's and buts were candy and nuts.

WTF is the matter with this guy?

Pic fucking related. I'm here in the county that it happened.

>WTF is the matter with this guy?
He's a kike.

turn off your vpn.

>"If its and buts were candy and nuts, y'know uh, y'know, OJ Simpson would still be in the record books"
>"I don't know what that means. There's 17 dead people and a whole long list of things your department could have done differently"

Beautiful takedown by Tapper here. You could just hear the smugness in this joke of a sheriff's voice as he said that, like he had convinced himself he truly got the one-up on Tapper for the question. No doubt he was thinking something to the effect of "yeah, this will shut him up, I'm equating his question to a child's response and Tapper will have to go on the defensive." Then Tapper comes back with the cold hard truth: tapdance around the question all you want, but there are 17 dead people and you guys shit the bed when it came to doing anything about it, coming out with nothing but half-baked excuses that sound something akin to a student who didn't read a book before having to talk about it in class.

This "sheriff" needs to pack it up and go home. Absolute incompetence. Even your average keyboard warrior on Sup Forums could do 10x the job this dumpster fire of a law enforcement officer has done.


it was an easy takedown. This is Jake Tapper covering his ass after the townhall.

>If its and buts, were candy and nuts.
that made me laugh

exactly. Now tapper looks like an ass by association

> be Jake Tapper
> have a rough interview, working all day, tired as fuck, finally get home.
> son comes up.
> time to put on dad face and pretend I want to play legos with him even though I want nothing more than to grab a beer and lie on the couch.
> he has a serious look on his face.
> "Dad!"
> "Yes son?"
> "Know how I called you fake news every time you told me to go clean my room or take out the trash?"
> grimace a bit and laugh.
> "Yes son, I remember that."
> "Well, I saw you today and... I just wanted to say... You weren't very fake news today. You were... Kinda good news. I'm gonna go clean my room now."
> mfw

FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home (39 Reports)
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sheriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School district in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton supporter.
FACT School is scheduled for rapid demolition.
FACT Local Sheriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sheriff refuses to resign

Politically motivated Crisis Actors ready to go, scripted questions, TV interviews

This is smoking gun proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason. No conspiracy, just facts.

If these people are willing to allow children to be murdered to take away your guns, what terrible fate awaits us all when they take away all of our means of defense?

U mad shills?


>Kinda good news

That's complete bullshit. The error that says your IP range blah blah comes from Sup Forums's network and servers.

Comcast has absolutely no control over that and can't make the error magically appear.

If Comcast were to do anything you wouldn't be able to load the page at all.

t. network engineer.


I don't have one

I'm not using Comcast. I'm actually using the mobile hotspot on my T-mobile. I'm not saying I know why it happened. I'm just saying it happened.

I have Comcast and it works fine. Calm your tits anons

Is this guy own goaling so hard that it undermines (((thier))) while narrative?

Is Israel our greatest ally?


Man it's crazy. Jake brought up everything, including the cops deliberately avoiding putting kids in jail/writing it up.

>CNN defending the NRA
This must be some sort of trick.

That mobile hotspot probably ended up on a ip range ban for spamming.

I have two different phones on my business account from T-mobile. It was weird. It wouldn't work using the hotspot from either phone. Maybe the same IP range but I dunno.


Who knows ((( who ))) else;
Man, ((( they ))) really didn't enjoy the SOTU

Mix this with how Hogg has been praising the aftermath of the incident for his recent rise in popularity.
When He thanks trolls, He's really thanking the shooting.
He's so intentionally thanking Sup Forums and anyone else who doubts the credibility of the given narrative, that it comes off as smug. He's in reality thanking the dead kids for making way for His ((( career ))).

Everyone involved looks like a fucking goblin. What the hell is going on over there?


This guy has to be fired.

he won't last the week. he'll resign by Wednesday.

I hope you're right. This guy has blood on his hands, and we're losing our constitutional rights because of his cowardice and incompetence.

This happened. I had literally had to buy a Sup Forums pass

(((jake tapper)))

Stop fucking applying our European want for nice families homes to our enemies you pair of bitches.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a sheriff elected?
If so, you can't just fire him.
You would need a recall vote or referendum or indictment for a crime to remove him.
You fire a sheriff at the end of his term.

You fucking morons will believe anything..

"If and buts were candy and nuts"\

"If I was there, I would have killed the gunman"

Logic checks out - you're a cunt.

jake tapper looks like he has seen a ghost.

he is a goodman dealing with satanic jews

cry more faggot noone said MSM was any good but not appreciating when these hacks actually do their jobs for once makes you LIKE THE LEFT.