White man to be elected president of Mexico?

Is he /ourguy/? Or is this white supremacy that the vast majority of Mexican presidents has been white so far?

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I think a hispanic man would be more appropriate to rule a largely hispanic race.. just IMO

Hes the kingpin of the Las Puta Moscardón cartel.

>Hispanic race

Burger plz

No. Whites destroyed Mexico, it's only a shithole due to 200 years of wh*te rule.
Gueros need to get the fuck out of Mexico desu

I personally think fireworks at the dinner table is a horrible idea but who am I to say?

His son on the left looks like the kind of dumb hick boy you can find anywhere in the American south/midwest.

>looks jew to me
the woman carries the parasite... look at the little girl and mom... dead jew eyes, jew nose... Mexico will become worse, and the will move to the US,,,

probably CIA

Nah, AMLO will win.

All them fuckers are probably R1b men. Meade could be a J, looks sort of Iranian or Jew. But Meade's looks could be because he's part lebanese. Might be through his mother.

obrador has R1b gnome race influences in his face. But his lopez is a generic last name for Mexicans and its position in his name... means it comes from his father.

They're all Meximutts.

you're really fucking stupid

When has there ever been a non-white president in Mexico. Or federal level elected official, for that matter?

Wtf they are literally whiter than me Murhmed this is NOT ok I AM the one suposed to be from europe not them wtf NO not like this

>Americans think that guy is "white"
LMAO. Sad.

They are all Ameriwhite and can pass for Jewish American.

Obrador looks like he could be Bibi Netanyahu's cousin.

And how is the guy who looks like Persian JonTron the "European?" I guess he is half-arab.

Even the Mexicans think Europeans are cucked.

He is mestizo tho.

This indio made more damage to Mexico than any "güero" so far.

That's because they all are crypto-Jews.

The Jews have been in power positions here on Mexico since the Revolutions days. There's a reason why every time in history this place is finally going to succeed we get hit on hard back to the mud.

they arenot white for me



Who you fooling Juan? Most spaniards look ninety times darker than that.

they need to be run by someone who doesn't have family, and is absolutely heartless with reforms. theres no fucking reason mexico would be as shitty as it is given its location on the us border, except that its massively corrupt and run by cartels. Mexico needs to pay to build the wall in exchange for the cost of the US government coming in and massacring every cartel member and their family, seizing all of their money and weapons with the full force of the US military. put mexican soldiers on the streets to stop violence and go full on duterte on drug dealers, drones planes bombers full on offensive.

>Bibi Netanyahu

AMLO is gonna win.


Jesus christ I am actually cringing right now

Amerimutt education...

Mexico was created as a white country.

Never forget that.

i like this. numerals agree.

His first mistake was having a family and trying to run that shithole.

The cartels will get ahold of him, and we'll see him and his sons get beheaded and have live autopsies performed on them while his daughter and wife choke on spic cock in front of him.

You couldn't GIVE me Mexico. Fuck that.

... how edgy.

Have you done your homework already?
Remember, tomorrow is a school day.

well then, then its time to destroy mexico

if european descent doesnt like it now they wont like what i will do

Anaya is not a Jewish name tho, it's spic

God help Mexico:
So far away from God and so close to the United States.

That was a saying among the Mexican elites after the War of 48.

seriously tho

if he is winning in NL he will rekt everyone

You can do whatever you want. It is your country after all.

>spray cake with burnt powder
>eat say cake with a thousand carcinogen chemicals
>wants to be president of anything

Fuck if Mexicans elect this cuck I swear it deserves to get holocaust


>Meade is the son of Dionisio Meade y Garcia de Leon[3][4] and his wife, daughter of the lawyer and sculptor José Kuri Breña.[5] The Meade Kuribreña family is a Mexican family of Irish[6] and Lebanese[7] descent

A bunch of índios, one even overthrew an European king, with amerimutt's help ofc

t. Pinche cabron
Stop sucking gringo cock

>Mexicans should pay for the wall and allow the American government government to steal their wealth and resources

Thank you Barry but no thanks, no one likes to see the American government anywhere near their shores, anywhere the gringos go, chaos and utter destruction follows, America is a meme country that can't even do conquering the right way, you've helped enough already with Mexico, perhaps the next super power (China) could help with Mexicans endeavors

Mexico's electoral system is already retarded as is, but it only gets worse with independents

La creatura

sources, please

Mexico's white past

what white past? on their first census white people represented only 9% of the total population

México was white and whiter until (((Juarez)))

Mexico was conquered by Castillans.
The natives have no idea what a country or a state is.
Only with the revolution of Benito Juarez there was more "rights" for the natives and mixes.
Mexico was something like a third white.

Brazil too, was a country of white people up to very recently. I'm not saying those countries are majority white; But Brazil probably was.

except in 1793 whites were 16% of the population, and mexico never received a significant amount of european immigrants
>Mexico was conquered by Castillans.
and it was full of natives back then
>Only with the revolution of Benito Juarez there was more "rights" for the natives and mixes.
but they were always there and in very large numbers
>Brazil too, was a country of white people up to very recently
no it wasn't
even before brazil was a republic, people like gobineau were saying brazil was basically africa in its ethnic composition

Stop sucking PRI cock then.

What percentage of Mexicans are completely racially European? I know there's a lot of them.


this guy isnt the abrador guy correct? my mexican friend who is undocumented too btw talks about him all the time, and how he is going to make a deal with cartel and let them keep their money in exchange to give it all up, and not for the oil to be squandered away. i hope he does good for you guys, but i honestly think it's a lost cause. you will never fix mexico because there are these people called mexicans.

I am Mexican and I am white.. and I know and see white people here everyday. Sure there are a lot of brown people too but it very proportionate. Its more rare to see a black person. Why do americans make it seem like mexicans are all brown? back when I was in school my class had like two blonde/blue eyed girls and like three boys

>mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 62%, predominantly Amerindian 21%, Amerindian 7%, other 10% (mostly European)

The thing is that mestizo's often marry "up". they look more "white" with each generation so is hard to tell if European or not in the north of the country. The southern you go, the brownish it gets.

mutt education

part 2.. The really ugly goblin looking people are wayy down south, I've been there a couple of times and i personally wouldn't consider that Mexico, they are more like central americans

Obrador is a commie and the eternal candidate. Most people say he does it for political party money. It doesn't matter what political party takes power, all of them are of the same nature at the end, and the jewish influence is way too big. As Salvador Borrego once say, only a "hero" of a leader could lift this country up.

A relative of mine is running in nuevo leon for diputado. support him mexipol! Samuel Garcia!

What would Canelo's DNA test results turn up?

How the fuck does a Mexican get so white?

what political party?

My guess would be menonite/irish..? we got a couple of small towns like that.

Best president Mexico ever had.

movimiento ciudadano

Looks fucking creepy like Trumps family

Doesnt matter chances are hes a mason and a massive sellout like all of em.

One of my coworkers is a white brunette who was born in Mexico.

Mexico is full of Europeans, not just mestizos.

movimiento ciudadano

I don't give fuck if he's a jew, if he can keep his citizen there and give good jobs, he's alright by me

>Best president Mexico ever had.
Shut the fuck up la creatura.
Filthy beaner was a mason crypto-kike that made us kosher food

Alright, will have him on mind.

There's no white in Mexico just shitskins

I'm curious tho. How do you think mestios look like?

Gives off a corrupt vibe desu

>Mexican calling anyone else beaner
>posts anime reaction image
Are you one of those white Mexican crypto kikes?

That face when you know the cartels will eat your wife and children alive if you fall out of line

i meant for senator, not diputado. he's already a diputado in monterrey. not corrupt. donates his entire salary.

are you a jew?

>if talcum x was white

Between 10 and 15%, that's it, then you have very european mestizos, then common mestizos, very indigenous mestizos and then indios.

Isn't he the retard that always shitposts on fb about pri?

yeah he is always posting about the PRI

How do I become huwhite, pol

Pick your poison.

take the roastie pill

I'm running in 12 years, as an Ashkenazi Jew I will follow my grandparents and run as a communist or socialist

you felt it too

amlo is allied with christians
and anaya is allied with progressives

your pic is incomplete and missgueading

lol i dont mind dude
i am a lefty miself, not commie just lefti

and i dont have problems against jews
and i have been here three years so

good look user

Those parties are too small and irrelevant

almost this

the dude has to be from very specific towns to be european
everyone else is mixed

Listen I don't care if your a leftist unless you vote Hillary and support commies, feminists and other such retarded groups but I have to say you got balls dude for saying your a Jew in here of all the places Sup Forums

maybe true in some way
the exception is movimiento ciudadano, its like amlo but inteligent version
the party is expanding, it turned "christian" jalisco into lgbtland in sterioids

>mein sides

Yeah, what the hell is going on in Jalisco

its mostly because the gringos are corrupt and partly because indios arent into paying taxes, it was easier to just sell a retarded cousin to be sacrificed every 10 years or conscript a son, than actually paying money out of your daily earnings to the leadership.

i dont know

they are becoming like us chilangos but handsome, polite, gayer and inteligent version

so i am ok with it